本週進行的收購是該公司為推出期待已久的比特幣 ETF 做準備的一部分。

World’s largest asset manager BlackRock has acquired approximately $2,4 billion in Bitcoin, as part of the company’s preparation for the launch of its long-awaited Bitcoin ETF. The acquisition was made this week.
全球最大的資產管理公司貝萊德 (BlackRock) 已收購約 24 億美元的比特幣,作為該公司為推出期待已久的比特幣 ETF 做準備的一部分。此次收購於本週完成。
Moreover, another $300 million was invested in two days, indicating a strong bet on the potential of the digital asset. The investment was made through BlackRock’s iShares Trust, and it marks the first time that the company has directly acquired Bitcoin.
此外,兩天內又投資了 3 億美元,顯示人們對數位資產的潛力押注強勁。這項投資是透過貝萊德旗下的 iShares Trust 進行的,這標誌著該公司首次直接收購比特幣。
However, BlackRock’s interest in cryptocurrencies was signaled earlier this year when the company filed an application with the SEC for a physical Bitcoin ETF. The ETF, named iShares Blockchain and Tech ETF, would track the performance of companies involved in the development and utilization of blockchain technology.
然而,貝萊德今年稍早向美國證券交易委員會提交了實體比特幣 ETF 的申請,顯示了對加密貨幣的興趣。該ETF名為iShares Blockchain and Tech ETF,將追蹤參與區塊鏈技術開發和利用的公司的表現。
According to analysts, BlackRock’s large investment could significantly influence market sentiment, marking a sign of endorsement of Bitcoin as a mainstream financial asset. This move signals a possible trend of other institutional players diversifying their portfolios by including Bitcoin ETFs, in response to the growing demand for these products.
分析師表示,貝萊德的巨額投資可能會顯著影響市場情緒,標誌著比特幣作為主流金融資產的認可。此舉標誌著其他機構參與者可能透過納入比特幣 ETF 來實現投資組合多元化,以應對對這些產品不斷增長的需求。
BlackRock’s entry into the Bitcoin ETF space illustrates a moment of recognition and acceptance of digital assets by traditional financial institutions. With large corporations continuing to buy, experts anticipate that this could be just the beginning of a potential rally in the market.