Crypto Asset Manager Bitwise推出了一種新的ETP產品,該產品將比特幣(BTC)和黃金結合在一起,並根據市場條件動態調整分配。

Crypto asset manager Bitwise has launched a new ETP product that combines Bitcoin (BTC) and gold, dynamically adjusting allocations based on market conditions.
Crypto Asset Manager Bitwise推出了一種新的ETP產品,該產品將比特幣(BTC)和黃金結合在一起,並根據市場條件動態調整分配。
According to the March 6 press release, Bitwise’s new product offering, the Bitwise Diaman Bitcoin & Gold ETP (BTCG), follows the Diaman Bitcoin & Gold Index. The ETP rebalances monthly using ULCER indices, a measure of downside risk. It is backed by physical Bitcoin and Pax Gold (PAXG), a token issued by Paxos, which is tied to gold stored in LBMA vaults. The assets are held in cold storage by an institutional custodian. BTCG is issued in Germany and begins trading on Euronext Paris and Amsterdam on March 6, offering investors a total expense ratio of 1.49% per year.
根據3月6日的新聞稿,Bitwise的新產品產品Bitwise Diaman Bitcoin&Gold ETP(BTCG)遵循Diaman Bitcoin&Gold Index。 ETP每月使用潰瘍指數重新平衡,這是衡量下行風險的量度。它得到了物理比特幣和Pax Gold(PAXG)的支持,Paxos發行的代幣與存儲在LBMA保險庫中的黃金相關。資產由機構保管人持有冷藏庫。 BTCG於3月6日在德國發行,並於3月6日開始在巴黎Euronext和阿姆斯特丹進行交易,為投資者提供每年1.49%的總費用比率。
“As crypto rapidly enters the mainstream, it is essential that we offer investors the full gamut of options available in traditional markets, including sophisticated hedges such as the ones we have developed in cooperation with Diaman Partners,” said Bradley Duke, head of Bitwise Europe.
“隨著加密貨幣迅速進入主流,至關重要的是,我們至關重要的是,我們必須為投資者提供全部在傳統市場中可用的選項,包括精緻的樹籬,例如我們與Diaman Partners合作開發的產品,” Bitwise Europe負責人布拉德利·杜克(Bradley Duke)說。
The product provides a unique blend of Bitcoin’s growth potential and gold’s defensive characteristics, adjusting the allocation based on market conditions to mitigate risk and enhance returns. The ETP is suitable for investors seeking a balanced portfolio or a hedge against market volatility.
該產品提供了比特幣增長潛力和防禦特性的獨特融合,並根據市場條件調整分配,以減輕風險並提高收益。 ETP適合尋求平衡投資組合或對沖市場波動的投資者。
Earlier this year, Bitwise expanded its presence in Europe following its acquisition of ETC Group. The company has rebranded its ETP suite and launched new products such as the Bitwise Solana and Bitwise Aptos Staking ETPs. These products provide investors with access to the latest blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency trends.
今年早些時候,在收購ETC組後,Bitwise擴大了其在歐洲的業務。該公司已將其品牌重新命名為ETP套件,並推出了新產品,例如Bitwise Solana和Bitwise Aptos Stating ETP。這些產品為投資者提供了最新的區塊鏈技術和加密貨幣趨勢。