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在加密領域人工智慧 (AI) 採用的新興領域中,去中心化人工智慧市場 Bittensor 已成為創投巨頭的燈塔。 Polychain、Digital Money Group 和 dao5 已在 Bittensor 的代幣 TAO 上投入了大量資金,該代幣為網路提供的一系列人工智慧相關服務提供了動力。值得注意的是,幣安和 Crypto.com 最近上市 TAO 提高了其可訪問性,並將 Bittensor 的市值推至近 37 億美元。
Bittensor: Bridging the Nexus of AI and Crypto, Attracting Prominent Venture Capital Backing
Amidst the transformative era of artificial intelligence (AI), investors have sought projects that deftly intertwine this dynamic sector with the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrency.
在人工智慧 (AI) 的變革時代,投資者一直在尋找能夠將這個充滿活力的產業與新興的加密貨幣領域巧妙地結合在一起的項目。
One such project, Bittensor, a decentralized AI marketplace, has catapulted to prominence, attracting notable venture capital firms. Polychain, Digital Currency Group, and dao5 have collectively acquired hundreds of millions of dollars worth of TAO tokens, the fuel that powers a suite of AI-related services offered by the network, encompassing model training and data storage.
Bittensor 是一個這樣的項目,它是一個去中心化的人工智慧市場,已經聲名鵲起,吸引了著名的創投公司。 Polychain、Digital Money Group 和 dao5 已共同收購了價值數億美元的 TAO 代幣,這些代幣為網路提供的一系列人工智慧相關服務提供動力,包括模型訓練和資料儲存。
Bittensor's TAO token had been previously accessible solely through mining, mid-tier exchanges, and over-the-counter markets. However, its recent listing on both Binance and Crypto.com has ushered in a significant stride for the hitherto low-profile project, whose market capitalization currently hovers near $3.7 billion.
Bittensor 的 TAO 代幣先前只能透過挖礦、中間層交易所和場外市場獲得。然而,它最近在 Binance 和 Crypto.com 上上市,為這個迄今為止低調的項目帶來了重大進步,其市值目前徘徊在 37 億美元附近。
In an interview with Fortune, Bittensor founder Jacob Steeves hailed the advent of centralized tools from OpenAI, Google, and Meta as a testament to the viability of his project, which he commenced in 2015. Despite facing skepticism and accusations of exploiting the AI hype, Steeves remains steadfast in his vision. "It's the most amazing feeling as a builder," Steeves said. "Frankenstein—it's alive."
在接受《財星》雜誌採訪時,Bittensor 創辦人Jacob Steeves 對OpenAI、Google 和Meta 中心化工具的出現表示歡迎,這證明了他於2015 年啟動的計畫的可行性。懷疑和指責,史蒂夫斯仍然堅定他的願景。 「作為一名建築商,這是最令人驚奇的感覺,」史蒂夫斯說。 “弗蘭肯斯坦——它還活著。”
Venture Capital Support
Bittensor may not possess the mainstream recognition accorded to other crypto projects like Sam Altman-backed Worldcoin, which seeks to mitigate the pervasive influence of AI through a crypto-enabled, eyeball-scanning protocol for establishing human identity. Nevertheless, Bittensor has quietly amassed a cadre of investors.
Bittensor 可能不具備 Sam Altman 支援的 Worldcoin 等其他加密專案的主流認可度,該專案旨在透過支援加密的眼球掃描協定來建立人類身份,從而減輕人工智慧的普遍影響。儘管如此,Bittensor 已經悄悄聚集了一群投資者。
The VC firm Polychain, co-founded by former Coinbase employee Olaf Carlson-Wee, nurtured Bittensor from its inception in 2019 and holds approximately $200 million worth of Bittensor's token. Carlson-Wee stated that Bittensor "uses an incentive system conceptually similar to Bitcoin mining, but instead of building a payment network, it builds an open-source and public artificial intelligence." He further described it as "a radical new use case for blockchains that is unprecedented."
由前 Coinbase 員工 Olaf Carlson-Wee 聯合創立的風險投資公司 Polychain 從 2019 年 Bittensor 成立之初就對其進行了培育,並持有價值約 2 億美元的 Bittensor 代幣。 Carlson-Wee 表示,Bittensor“使用概念上類似於比特幣挖礦的激勵系統,但它不是建立支付網絡,而是建立開源和公共人工智慧。”他進一步將其描述為「前所未有的區塊鏈全新用例」。
**Dao5, an investment fund established by Polychain alumnus Tekin Salimi, holds a stake of around $50 million in TAO and was an early supporter of Bittensor's ecosystem.** Digital Currency Group, the influential crypto empire founded by Barry Silbert, is another backer, holding approximately $100 million of TAO.
**Dao5 是Polychain 校友Tekin Salimi 成立的投資基金,持有TAO 約5000 萬美元的股份,是Bittensor 生態系統的早期支持者。一個支持者,持有約 1 億美元的 TAO。
The influx of investor support underscores the remarkable ascent of Bittensor, which was established years before the November 2022 debut of ChatGPT ignited public awareness of generative AI. Bittensor's network was launched in 2021.
投資者支持的湧入凸顯了 Bittensor 的顯著上升,該公司成立於 ChatGPT 2022 年 11 月首次亮相之前幾年,引發了公眾對生成式 AI 的認識。 Bittensor 的網路於 2021 年推出。
Interplay of Crypto and AI
The intersection of crypto and AI has emerged as a focal point for speculation, with tokens like Worldcoin experiencing price fluctuations in response to news cycles surrounding AI. In late March, three of the most prominent crypto AI projects announced their plans to merge their tokens and form a collective.
加密貨幣和人工智慧的交叉點已成為投機的焦點,像世界幣這樣的代幣會隨著人工智慧的新聞週期而經歷價格波動。 3 月下旬,三個最著名的加密人工智慧項目宣布計劃合併其代幣並形成一個集體。
While some have dismissed Bittensor's TAO token as a mere "memecoin" riding the wave of AI hype, with its price surging by more than 1,000% in less than a year, Steeves told Fortune that Bittensor's track record attests to its potential as a viable competitor to OpenAI and Google, where he previously worked as an engineer. "People will come and they will go, and if they buy it because it's a memecoin, they won't be here later," he said. "That's fine, because we want people that actually know what we're doing."
雖然有些人認為Bittensor 的TAO 代幣僅僅是乘著人工智慧炒作浪潮的“memecoin”,其價格在不到一年的時間內飆升了1,000% 以上,但Steeves 告訴《財富》雜誌,Bittensor 的業績記錄證明了其作為可行競爭對手的潛力他曾在 OpenAI 和 Google 擔任工程師。 「人們會來,也會走,如果他們因為它是迷因幣而購買它,那麼他們以後就不會再來這裡了,」他說。 “那很好,因為我們希望人們真正知道我們在做什麼。”
Decentralized AI
Steeves credits the Bitcoin network as the inspiration for his vision of Bittensor in 2015. Conceived by the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin leverages the novel concept of mining to record and process transactions, thereby creating an alternative to centralized payment platforms. The system relies on code and a diverse array of participants, from developers to validators, who collectively determine the direction of the protocol. "How did we create a supercomputer that is bigger than any government or corporation can create with a centralized entity," Steeves said. "The answer is Bitcoin used incentive mechanisms."
Steeves 將比特幣網路視為他2015 年Bittensor 願景的靈感來源。方案。該系統依賴程式碼和各種參與者(從開發人員到驗證者),他們共同決定協議的方向。史蒂夫斯說:“我們如何創建一台比任何政府或公司通過集中實體所能創建的還要大的超級電腦。” “答案是比特幣使用了激勵機制。”
Bittensor emerged as an attempt to repurpose the foundational principles of Bitcoin for the complex array of functions required by the burgeoning field of AI, encompassing data storage and the training of machine learning models. Numerous crypto projects "pre-mine" tokens or allocate holdings to early investors through mechanisms such as Simple Agreements for Future Tokens (SAFTs). However, Steeves chose to adhere to the pure Bitcoin model, with participants earning TAO tokens solely through mining, akin to Nakamoto's original design.
Bittensor 的出現是為了將比特幣的基本原理重新用於人工智慧新興領域所需的一系列複雜功能,包括資料儲存和機器學習模型的訓練。許多加密項目透過未來代幣簡單協議(SAFT)等機制「預先開採」代幣或將持有量分配給早期投資者。然而,Steeves 選擇堅持純比特幣模式,參與者僅透過挖礦賺取 TAO 代幣,類似於中本聰的原始設計。
Despite sharing Bitcoin's DNA, Bittensor's underlying system is far more intricate, offering a diverse range of functions beyond Bitcoin's simple transaction model. Miners engage in specialized competitions based on the tasks they perform, incentivized by the prospect of earning TAO. These diverse tools are distributed across 32 "subnets," or specialized networks, providing services such as data storage, access to AI-powered chatbots, scraping, and price oracles.
儘管共享比特幣的 DNA,但 Bittensor 的底層系統要複雜得多,提供了超出比特幣簡單交易模型的多種功能。礦工們根據自己執行的任務參加專門的競賽,並受到賺取 TAO 的激勵。這些多樣化的工具分佈在 32 個「子網路」或專用網路中,提供資料儲存、存取人工智慧聊天機器人、抓取和價格預言機等服務。
While the intricate nature of Bittensor's design may seem esoteric, it stems from the project's evolutionary growth and its ongoing struggle to articulate its value to the public. Nonetheless, the project has garnered a passionate community of stakeholders, including miners, validators, and projects building on the Bittensor platform. Steeves highlighted Corcel, an AI company that has developed products such as a chatbot powered by Bittensor, as an example of early real-world applications emerging from the protocol.
雖然 Bittensor 設計的複雜性可能看起來很深奧,但它源於該項目的進化發展以及它不斷努力向公眾闡明其價值。儘管如此,該專案還是吸引了熱情的利益相關者社區,包括礦工、驗證者和在 Bittensor 平台上建立的專案。 Steeves 重點介紹了 Corcel,這是一家人工智慧公司,該公司開發了由 Bittensor 支援的聊天機器人等產品,作為該協議出現的早期現實世界應用程式的一個例子。
Beyond the support of VC firms like Polychain, prominent companies are also bolstering Bittensor by acting as validators, influencing the development of subnets through their TAO holdings. Foundry, the DCG-owned Bitcoin mining behemoth, operates a subnet that incentivizes miners to predict the S&P 500 price index during trading hours.
除了 Polychain 等創投公司的支持之外,知名公司還透過充當驗證者來支持 Bittensor,透過其持有的 TAO 影響子網路的發展。 DCG 旗下的比特幣挖礦巨頭 Foundry 經營一個子網,激勵礦工在交易時間內預測標準普爾 500 價格指數。
Bittensor's Competitive Landscape
Bittensor 的競爭格局
As Bittensor continues its rapid ascent, its most significant breakthrough to date may have been its listing on Binance last week, which propelled the TAO token to large-scale trading. Steeves noted that the annualized trading volume of TAO during its debut day on Binance surpassed the GDP of Peru, where he has resided for the past four years.
隨著Bittensor繼續快速崛起,其迄今為止最重大的突破可能是上週在幣安上市,這推動了TAO代幣的大規模交易。 Steeves 指出,TAO 在幣安上線首日的年化交易量超過了他過去四年居住的秘魯的 GDP。
Steeves emphasized that Bittensor's ambitions extend far beyond the price fluctuations of its cryptocurrency. Driven by its byzantine system of subnets and associated projects, the network will constantly evolve in response to demand, as well as the interplay between miners and validators as they strive to maintain equilibrium within the incentive mechanisms.
Steeves 強調,Bittensor 的野心遠遠超出了其加密貨幣的價格波動。在其拜占庭子網系統和相關項目的驅動下,網路將根據需求以及礦工和驗證者之間的相互作用不斷發展,因為他們努力維持激勵機制內的平衡。
"It's this constant churn—a battle between the light and the dark," Steeves told Fortune. "That's a lot of why we like Taoist symbolism."
「這是一場持續不斷的攪動——一場光明與黑暗之間的戰鬥,」史蒂夫斯告訴《財富》雜誌。 “這就是我們喜歡道教象徵主義的重要原因。”
With companies like OpenAI continuing to dominate the AI landscape, Steeves believes that Bittensor will provide a solution to what he perceives as the true existential threat posed by artificial intelligence. "The real issue is not that the AIs are going to take over the world—that's what they'd like to sell," he said. "It's not the iRobot outcome, it's the Elysium outcome, where humanity and the world is so centralized in terms of power, metastasized by artificial intelligence, that all of us are just but slaves effectively to these massive companies."
隨著 OpenAI 等公司繼續主導人工智慧領域,Steeves 相信 Bittensor 將為他認為的人工智慧帶來的真正的生存威脅提供解決方案。 「真正的問題不是人工智慧將接管世界——這才是他們想要出售的東西,」他說。 「這不是 iRobot 的結果,而是極樂世界的結果,人類和世界在權力方面如此集中,透過人工智慧轉移,我們所有人都只是這些大公司的有效奴隸。”
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