領先的加密貨幣交易所和Web3公司Bitget已宣布其最新的投資產品IP On-Chain Earn,提供有吸引力的年度百分比(APR)25%至35%。

Hong Kong, H.M. (Chainwire)
Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, is introducing a new investment product called IP On-chain Earn, offering an annual percentage rate (APR) of 25% to 35%. This product provides an efficient way for users to optimize their earnings by seamlessly participating in blockchain-based financial products.
領先的加密貨幣交易所和Web3公司Bitget正在推出一種名為IP On-Chain Eart的新投資產品,其年度百分比(APR)為25%至35%。該產品為用戶提供了一種有效的方式,可以通過無縫參與基於區塊鏈的金融產品來優化其收益。
IP On-chain Earn is now available on the Bitget platform, allowing users to easily subscribe and begin accruing interest. Interest calculations commence at 12:00 AM (UTC+8) on the day following subscription (D+1). If a subscription occurs after 12:00 AM (UTC+8), interest accrual starts on the second day (D+2). Users have the flexibility to redeem their funds at any time using the Express Redemption or Standard Redemption features.
現在可以在BITGET平台上獲得IP On-Chain Earn,從而使用戶可以輕鬆訂閱並開始產生興趣。利息計算從訂閱後的第二天(D+1)開始於12:00 AM(UTC+8)。如果在12:00 AM(UTC+8)之後發生訂閱,則興趣應計於第二天開始(D+2)。用戶可以靈活地使用明確的贖回或標準贖回功能來隨時兌換資金。
“At Bitget, we are dedicated to providing innovative and rewarding financial solutions within the digital asset ecosystem,” said Bitget. “We are excited to introduce IP On-chain Earn, expanding our suite of earning products to meet the growing demand for passive income opportunities in the cryptocurrency sector. We believe that this new investment product will empower users to effortlessly optimize their earnings and achieve their financial goals.”
Bitget說:“在Bitget中,我們致力於在數字資產生態系統中提供創新和有益的財務解決方案。” “我們很高興能引入IP On-Chain Eart,擴大了我們的賺取產品套件,以滿足加密貨幣領域對被動收入機會的不斷增長的需求。我們認為,這種新的投資產品將使用戶能夠輕鬆地優化其收益並實現其財務目標。”
Bitget encourages users to visit the official platform for complete subscription details and interest calculation methods. Additionally, a comprehensive guide on passive profit strategies is available to help users make informed decisions and maximize their earnings potential.