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比特幣和 Tether 鯨魚對 Algotech 進行重大投資

2024/04/25 19:30

以持有比特幣和 Tether 聞名的著名加密貨幣投資者已對 Algotech 進行了重大投資,這是一項開創性的舉措。這項投資凸顯了 Algotech 人工智慧驅動的演算法交易平台的變革潛力,該平台為交易者提供先進的策略,透過科技使金融市場民主化。

比特幣和 Tether 鯨魚對 Algotech 進行重大投資

Major Investment from Bitcoin and Tether Whales Propels Algotech to New Heights

比特幣和 Tether Whales 的重大投資將 Algotech 推向新高度

In a groundbreaking financial move, a high-profile cryptocurrency investor, known for their substantial holdings in Bitcoin and Tether, has placed a major bet on Algotech, a rising star in the fintech industry. This strategic investment underscores Algotech's transformative potential and its disruptive algorithmic trading platform powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology.

一位以大量持有比特幣和 Tether 聞名的知名加密貨幣投資者,在一項突破性的金融舉措中,對金融科技行業的後起之秀 Algotech 下了重註。這項策略性投資凸顯了 Algotech 的變革潛力及其由尖端人工智慧 (AI) 和區塊鏈技術支援的顛覆性演算法交易平台。

This investment is a resounding endorsement of Algotech's mission to democratize trading through advanced technology. By harnessing the power of AI, machine learning (ML), and blockchain, Algotech empowers traders of all levels, from seasoned veterans to novice investors, with access to sophisticated trading strategies that were previously reserved for a select few.

這項投資是對 Algotech 透過先進技術實現交易民主化使命的有力認可。透過利用人工智慧、機器學習(ML) 和區塊鏈的力量,Algotech 使從經驗豐富的資深交易者到新手投資者在內的各個級別的交易者都能夠使用以前為少數人保留的複雜交易策略。

Bitcoin Market Trends Post Halving


The recent halving event for Bitcoin, which effectively halved the rewards for miners from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block, has sparked cautious optimism in the market. Despite an initial muted response, Bitcoin's price has stabilized between $65,000 and $67,000, suggesting that the broader uptrend remains intact.

最近的比特幣減半事件,實際上將礦工的獎勵從每個區塊的 6.25 BTC 減半至 3.125 BTC,引發了市場的謹慎樂觀情緒。儘管最初反應平淡,但比特幣的價格已穩定在 65,000 美元至 67,000 美元之間,這表明更廣泛的上漲趨勢仍然完好無損。

Factors contributing to this resilience include the inherently limited supply induced by the halving and significant inflows into Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), particularly the BlackRock iShares Bitcoin Trust. Historically, prices have tended to consolidate after a halving before resuming an upward trajectory, as evidenced by the surge to new highs ahead of this year's halving event.

造成這種彈性的因素包括減半導致的供應本質上有限以及大量資金流入比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF),特別是貝萊德 iShares 比特幣信託基金。從歷史上看,價格往往會在減半後盤整,然後恢復上漲軌跡,今年減半事件之前飆升至新高就證明了這一點。

Moreover, the growing number of long-term holders and the declining percentage of tokens held on exchanges indicate a reduction in selling pressure for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, prevailing geopolitical uncertainties, such as the potential delay in expected interest rate cuts by a hawkish Federal Reserve, could curb market enthusiasm, maintaining pressure on Bitcoin and other risk assets.


To sustain the bullish trend, Bitcoin bulls must staunchly defend the $60,000 support level. A decisive breakout above the current consolidation pattern could signal a resurgence in upward momentum, paving the way for potential new all-time highs.

為了維持看漲趨勢,比特幣多頭必須堅定捍衛 6 萬美元的支撐位。決定性突破當前盤整格局可能預示著上行勢頭的復甦,為潛在的新歷史高點鋪平道路。

Tether Freezes Wallets Amidst Venezuelan Oil Sanctions Evasion

Tether 因逃避委內瑞拉石油製裁而凍結錢包

In a separate development, Tether, the issuer of the popular stablecoin USDT, has taken proactive action to freeze wallets linked to the circumvention of sanctions imposed by the United States on Venezuelan oil exports. This move is in response to reports that the state-owned oil company, PDVSA, has been increasingly using USDT to facilitate illicit transactions amidst the ongoing sanctions.

另一項進展是,流行的穩定幣 USDT 的發行商 Tether 已採取主動行動,凍結與規避美國對委內瑞拉石油出口制裁有關的錢包。此舉是為了回應有報導稱,在持續制裁期間,國有石油公司 PDVSA 越來越多地使用 USDT 來促進非法交易。

Tether has frozen 41 wallets belonging to individuals and entities designated by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as Specially Designated Nationals (SDN). A spokesperson for Tether reiterated the company's unwavering commitment to adhering to OFAC's SDN list and ensuring that sanctioned addresses are promptly frozen.

Tether 凍結了 41 個錢包,這些錢包屬於被美國財政部外國資產管制辦公室 (OFAC) 指定為特別指定國民 (SDN) 的個人和實體。 Tether 發言人重申,該公司堅定不移地致力於遵守 OFAC 的 SDN 名單,並確保立即凍結受制裁的地址。

PDVSA's reliance on USDT commenced last year and has escalated following the U.S. decision to reimpose sanctions ahead of Venezuela's contentious election. In 2018, Venezuela initially experimented with cryptocurrencies through the introduction of the "petro" token, with the aim of combating economic instability caused by U.S. sanctions. However, the token was discontinued earlier this year due to lack of adoption and associated risks.

PDVSA 從去年開始對 USDT 的依賴,並在美國決定在委內瑞拉有爭議的選舉前重新實施制裁後升級。 2018年,委內瑞拉透過引入「石油」代幣初步嘗試加密貨幣,目的是因應美國制裁造成的經濟不穩定。然而,由於缺乏採用和相關風險,該代幣於今年稍早停產。

Cryptocurrencies offer PDVSA and its business partners an alternative to cash transactions, which are susceptible to seizure by U.S. authorities in foreign bank accounts. It is reported that PDVSA has utilized intermediaries in its USDT transactions to obscure the details of these transfers.

加密貨幣為 PDVSA 及其業務合作夥伴提供了現金交易的替代方案,而現金交易很容易被美國當局扣押在外國銀行帳戶中。據報道,PDVSA 在其 USDT 交易中利用中介機構來掩蓋這些轉帳的細節。

OFAC has been actively monitoring the use of cryptocurrencies and has stepped up enforcement within the sector over the past year. Notable actions include a $1.2 million fine against the crypto exchange CoinList for facilitating illicit transactions by Russian users and imposing sanctions on a cryptocurrency mixer allegedly used by North Korean hackers. In October of last year, Tether froze 32 cryptocurrency addresses linked to terrorism and warfare activities in Israel and Ukraine. However, the firm previously resisted freezing wallets associated with the sanctioned coin mixing service Tornado Cash.

OFAC 一直在積極監控加密貨幣的使用,並在過去一年中加強了該行業的執法力度。值得注意的行動包括對加密貨幣交易所 CoinList 處以 120 萬美元的罰款,原因是該交易所為俄羅斯用戶的非法交易提供便利,並對據稱北韓駭客使用的加密貨幣混合器實施制裁。去年 10 月,Tether 凍結了 32 個與以色列和烏克蘭恐怖主義和戰爭活動有關的加密貨幣地址。然而,該公司先前拒絕凍結與受制裁的混幣服務 Tornado Cash 相關的錢包。

Algotech's Disruptive Trading Platform Attracts Whales

Algotech 的顛覆性交易平台吸引了鯨魚

Notably, Tether whales, high-net-worth individuals holding substantial amounts of USDT, are increasingly placing their trust in Algotech, recognizing its transformative potential in the financial markets. Their significant investments have fueled the company's growth and accelerated the development of its cutting-edge trading platform.

值得注意的是,Tether 鯨魚(持有大量 USDT 的高淨值人士)越來越信任 Algotech,並認識到其在金融市場的變革潛力。他們的重大投資推動了公司的發展,並加速了其尖端交易平台的發展。

Algotech's native token, ALGT, plays a central role in the platform's ecosystem, facilitating operations and rewarding users for their contributions. The token sale has garnered significant success, with the public presale raising over $3.9 million and selling more than 15,000 ALGT tokens. The token is currently priced at $0.08 in its third phase of the presale, with projections to increase to $0.10 in the upcoming phase.

Algotech 的原生代幣 ALGT 在平台生態系統中發揮核心作用,促進營運並獎勵用戶的貢獻。代幣銷售取得了巨大成功,公開預售籌集了超過 390 萬美元,並銷售了超過 15,000 個 ALGT 代幣。該代幣目前在預售第三階段的價格為 0.08 美元,預計在下一階段將上漲至 0.10 美元。

Algotech's long-term roadmap includes the integration of more advanced AI technologies and the introduction of a decentralized marketplace for trading algorithms. These enhancements will further bolster the platform's functionality and have generated significant interest among financial analysts.

Algotech 的長期路線圖包括整合更先進的人工智慧技術以及引入去中心化的交易演算法市場。這些增強功能將進一步增強該平台的功能,並引起了金融分析師的濃厚興趣。

Industry experts believe that ALGT has the potential to yield exceptional returns, up to 1000%, for its investors, making it a highly sought-after investment opportunity in the rapidly evolving crypto trading landscape.

行業專家認為,ALGT 有潛力為其投資者帶來高達 1000% 的非凡回報,使其成為快速發展的加密貨幣交易領域中備受追捧的投資機會。



The convergence of these events - the strategic investment in Algotech by high-profile Bitcoin and Tether whales, the recent Bitcoin halving, and Tether's decisive response to sanctions evasion - highlights the growing significance and potential of the cryptocurrency market. Algotech, as a trailblazing innovator in the field, is poised to reshape the landscape of financial trading and empower a new generation of traders with its user-friendly, AI-powered platform.

這些事件的匯集——備受矚目的比特幣和 Tether 鯨魚對 Algotech 的戰略投資、最近的比特幣減半以及 Tether 對逃避制裁的果斷反應——凸顯了加密貨幣市場日益增長的重要性和潛力。 Algotech 作為該領域的開創性創新者,準備重塑金融交易格局,並透過其用戶友好的人工智慧平台為新一代交易者提供支援。


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