Real Vision首席加密分析師Jamie Coutts在未來幾個月內對比特幣發出了明顯的警告。引用他的新比特幣衍生品風險評分(DRS)

Real Vision Chief Crypto Analyst, Jamie Coutts, has issued a stark warning for Bitcoin in the months ahead. Citing his new Bitcoin Derivatives Risk (DRS) model, Coutts contends the top cryptocurrency’s price faces one of two sharp outcomes: a severe downturn or a surge to new all-time highs (ATH).
Real Vision首席加密分析師Jamie Coutts在未來幾個月內發布了對比特幣的明顯警告。 Coutt引用了他的新比特幣衍生品風險(DRS)模型,認為頂級加密貨幣的價格面臨著兩個尖銳的結果之一:嚴重的下滑或新歷史最高點(ATH)的激增。
Bitcoin’s Q2 Outlook
比特幣的Q2 Outlook
In commentary shared via X today, Cout
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