幣安宣布將停止支援透過以太坊(ERC20)網路進行 DYDX 代幣存款和提款。

Binance has announced that it will no longer support DYDX token deposits and withdrawals via the Ethereum (ERC20) network. As per the announcement, the DYDX token will lose support starting on February 12, 2025, at 02:00 UTC. After this date, any DYDX deposits made through the ERC20 network will not be credited to user accounts.
幣安宣布將不再支援透過以太坊(ERC20)網路進行 DYDX 代幣存取款。根據公告,DYDX 代幣將從 2025 年 2 月 12 日 02:00 UTC 開始失去支援。在此日期之後,透過 ERC20 網路進行的任何 DYDX 存款將不會記入使用者帳戶。
This announcement has sparked concerns among investors about the market stability and liquidity of the DYDX token. Following the news, the token’s price dropped by 2%, and it is currently trading at $1.48 with a market cap of $1 billion. The 24-hour trading volume for DYDX stands at $37 million, while its low and high prices during the same period were $1.447 and $1.558, respectively.
這項公告引發了投資者對 DYDX 代幣的市場穩定性和流動性的擔憂。消息傳出後,該代幣價格下跌 2%,目前交易價格為 1.48 美元,市值為 10 億美元。 DYDX 24 小時交易量為 3,700 萬美元,同期最低價為 1.447 美元,最高價為 1.558 美元。
Binance has been optimizing the supported networks and streamlining its operations. While this decision may have raised speculation about its potential impact on DYDX’s market position, Binance recently added support for Phala Network (PHA) and dForce (DF) tokens, which led to price surges for these assets.
幣安一直在優化支援的網路並簡化其營運。雖然這項決定可能引發了對其對 DYDX 市場地位潛在影響的猜測,但幣安最近增加了對 Phala Network (PHA) 和 dForce (DF) 代幣的支持,導致這些資產的價格飆升。
The dYdX exchange remains active, with $231 million in futures trading volume over the past 24 hours. Open interest is recorded at $202 million, with the BTC/USD pair leading the volumes at $94 million, followed by ETH/USD at $46 million. Users are advised to follow Binance’s official updates for detailed instructions to avoid disruptions.
dYdX 交易所仍然活躍,過去 24 小時的期貨交易量為 2.31 億美元。未平倉合約記錄為 2.02 億美元,其中 BTC/USD 交易量領先,為 9,400 萬美元,其次是 ETH/USD,為 4,600 萬美元。建議用戶關注幣安官方更新以獲取詳細說明,以避免中斷。