現今的加密貨幣市場漲幅居前,例如 Ankr Network、Astar Network、Dogecoin 和 PancakeSwap。 Ankr Network 憑藉其去中心化基礎設施和多功能 Web3 工具而大放異彩,增強了區塊鏈開發和質押。 Astar Network 擅長將各種智慧合約平台整合到其多鏈框架中,從而提高互通性。

Ankr Network (CRYPTO: ANKR) shares soared 7.97% on Monday morning. Ankr Network is a decentralized infrastructure provider with nodes across 50 Proof-of-Stake networks. It supports Web3 tools such as Ankr Build for developer solutions, Ankr Earn for staking and yield opportunities, and Ankr Learn for blockchain education. The ANKR token is essential for transactions, governance, and node monetization.
Ankr Network(加密貨幣:ANKR)股價週一上午飆漲 7.97%。 Ankr Network 是一家去中心化基礎設施供應商,擁有遍佈 50 個權益證明網路的節點。它支援 Web3 工具,例如用於開發人員解決方案的 Ankr Build、用於質押和收益機會的 Ankr Earn 以及用於區塊鏈教育的 Ankr Learn。 ANKR 代幣對於交易、治理和節點貨幣化至關重要。
Astar Network (CRYPTO: ASTR) shares rose 6.81% on Monday morning. Astar Network equips developers with crucial tools for building DApps and layer-two solutions. It provides interoperable Web 3.0 infrastructure, financial incentives, incubation programs, and technical support. Also, it supports both EVM and WASM smart contracts, enabling them to coexist and communicate. Moreover, it connects the Polkadot ecosystem with layer-one blockchains like Ethereum and Cosmos, serving as a multi-chain hub for DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs.
Astar Network(加密貨幣:ASTR)股價週一上午上漲 6.81%。 Astar Network 為開發人員提供了建立 DApp 和第二層解決方案的關鍵工具。它提供可互通的 Web 3.0 基礎設施、財務激勵、孵化計劃和技術支援。此外,它還支援 EVM 和 WASM 智能合約,使它們能夠共存和通訊。此外,它將 Polkadot 生態系統與以太坊和 Cosmos 等第一層區塊鏈連接起來,作為 DeFi、NFT 和 DAO 的多鏈樞紐。
Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE) shares gained 3.07% on Monday morning. Dogecoin, inspired by the popular “doge” Internet meme featuring a Shiba Inu, was initially designed as a fun and light-hearted cryptocurrency. It aimed to attract a broader audience beyond Bitcoin’s core users. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin uses Scrypt technology rather than the proof-of-work protocol. It features a 1-minute block time and has an uncapped total supply, meaning there is no limit to the number of coins that can be mined.
狗狗幣(加密貨幣:DOGE)股價週一上午上漲 3.07%。狗狗幣的靈感來自流行的以柴犬為主題的「doge」網路迷因,最初被設計為一種有趣且輕鬆的加密貨幣。它的目的是吸引比特幣核心用戶之外的更廣泛的受眾。與比特幣不同,狗狗幣使用 Scrypt 技術而不是工作量證明協議。它的出塊時間為 1 分鐘,並且總供應量沒有上限,這意味著可以開採的代幣數量沒有限制。
PancakeSwap (CRYPTO: CAKE) shares edged up 2.84% on Monday morning. PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the BNB Chain. It enables users to trade tokens without relying on a centralized exchange. The platform offers various products, including token swaps, yield farming, syrup pools for staking CAKE, and Ethereum liquid staking (wBETH). Additionally, it features a game, a prediction market, Initial Farm Offering (IFO) token launches, a bridge to Ethereum and Aptos, a lottery, and an NFT marketplace.
PancakeSwap(加密貨幣:CAKE)股價週一上午小漲 2.84%。 PancakeSwap 是一個建立在 BNB 鏈上的去中心化交易所。它使用戶能夠在不依賴中心化交易所的情況下交易代幣。該平台提供各種產品,包括代幣互換、流動性挖礦、用於質押 CAKE 的糖漿池和以太坊流動性質押(wBETH)。此外,它還具有遊戲、預測市場、初始農場發行(IFO)代幣發行、通往以太坊和 Aptos 的橋樑、彩票和 NFT 市場。