Bhernardo Viana 是一位遊戲產業經驗豐富的作家和策略師,從六歲起就開始玩神奇寶貝。他對 Steam Deck 和 Nintendo Switch 有著濃厚的興趣,在遊戲界擁有豐富的知識和經驗。他曾為 Destructoid、Prima Games 和 ESPN 等知名出版物做出貢獻,現在出於對巴拉特羅迷人世界的熱情,他致力於《Afk Journey》。

Bhernardo Viana, an esteemed journalist and gaming strategist with over a decade of experience in the industry, has graced the pages of renowned publications such as Destructoid, Prima Games, ESPN, and beyond. His passion for Pokémon ignited at the tender age of six, and he has remained an ardent gamer ever since, immersing himself in the worlds of Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch. Currently, he finds himself captivated by Balatro and enthusiastically contributes to AFK Journey. Viana's extensive knowledge of the gaming landscape, coupled with his captivating writing style and unwavering commitment to delivering compelling content, establishes him as a trusted voice in the industry.
Bhernardo Viana 是一位受人尊敬的記者和遊戲策略師,擁有十多年的行業經驗,曾在 Destructoid、Prima Games、ESPN 等知名出版物的版面上亮相。他對神奇寶貝的熱情在六歲時就被點燃,從那時起他就一直是一名狂熱的遊戲玩家,沉浸在 Steam Deck 和 Nintendo Switch 的世界中。目前,他發現自己被 Balatro 迷住了,並熱情地為 AFK Journey 做出貢獻。 Viana 對遊戲領域的廣泛了解,加上他迷人的寫作風格和對提供引人入勝的內容的堅定承諾,使他成為業界值得信賴的代言人。
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