貝拉哈蒂德 (Bella Hadid) 正式宣布她對千禧年時尚的過度迷戀已經消亡。如今,這位模特兒似乎只關注 1970 年代的鄉村油炸風格。

Bella Hadid's latest NYC outing showcased her enduring love for '70s fashion. The 28-year-old model was spotted leaving her hotel in a cozy shearling-lined brown leather jacket, which stole the show with its oversized fit. Hadid paired the vintage-inspired outerwear with a black graphic tee and flared light wash jeans, completing the look with square-toe black boots, sunglasses, a headband, and a coin charm necklace.
Bella Hadid 最新的紐約時裝秀展示了她對 70 年代時尚的持久熱愛。有人看到這位 28 歲的模特穿著一件舒適的羊毛皮襯裡棕色皮夾克離開酒店,這件夾克以其超大的版型搶盡了風頭。 Hadid 將復古風格的外套搭配黑色圖案 T 恤和淺色水洗喇叭牛仔褲,搭配方頭黑色靴子、太陽眼鏡、頭帶和硬幣吊飾項鍊,打造完美造型。
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