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Axie Infinity, a pioneering play-to-earn game, has captivated the gaming and cryptocurrency worlds since its launch in 2018. Its unique blend of engaging gameplay, economic incentives, and community involvement has fueled its remarkable success. But as we delve deeper into the metaverse's ever-expanding landscape, a new contender has emerged on the horizon, promising to redefine the play-to-earn experience once again. Enter EarthMeta, a platform that's quickly ascended to the forefront of this digital realm.
Axie Infinity 是一款開創性的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,自2018 年推出以來一直吸引著遊戲和加密貨幣世界。了非凡的成功。但隨著我們更深入研究虛擬宇宙不斷擴展的景觀,一個新的競爭者出現在地平線上,承諾再次重新定義邊玩邊賺錢的體驗。 EarthMeta 是一個快速躋身數位領域前沿的平台。
If you've been following cryptocurrency and blockchain news closely, particularly anything related to the metaverse, you've likely encountered both Axie Infinity and EarthMeta. But what sets these two platforms apart, and why has EarthMeta managed to garner so much attention? Let's take a closer look at the rise of Axie Infinity and the promising launch of EarthMeta, and explore the factors that might influence their relative success in the years to come.
如果您一直密切關注加密貨幣和區塊鏈新聞,特別是與元宇宙相關的新聞,您可能已經遇到 Axie Infinity 和 EarthMeta。但這兩個平台有何不同,為什麼 EarthMeta 能夠獲得如此多的關注?讓我們仔細看看 Axie Infinity 的崛起和 EarthMeta 的前景廣闊,並探討可能影響它們在未來幾年相對成功的因素。
Axie Infinity: A Play-to-Earn Pioneer
Axie Infinity:邊玩邊賺錢的先驅
Axie Infinity, spearheaded by Vietnamese startup Sky Mavis, has spearheaded the play-to-earn movement in the gaming industry. Launched in 2018, the game quickly gained traction for its innovative approach to merging the fun of gaming with the financial opportunities presented by blockchain technology. Unlike traditional games where players spend money on in-game items without truly owning anything, Axie Infinity allows players to earn real-world income through gameplay.
由越南新創公司 Sky Mavis 領導的 Axie Infinity 引領了遊戲產業的邊玩邊賺運動。該遊戲於 2018 年推出,因其將遊戲樂趣與區塊鏈技術帶來的金融機會融合在一起的創新方法而迅速受到關注。與玩家花錢購買遊戲內物品而不真正擁有任何東西的傳統遊戲不同,Axie Infinity 允許玩家透過遊戲賺取現實世界的收入。
At the heart of Axie Infinity lies a captivating digital world where players engage in owning, breeding, and battling creatures known as Axies. These aren't your average virtual pets, though. Each Axie is a non-fungible token (NFT), which signifies unique ownership by the player, not the game company. Think of them as digital counterparts of Pokémon that you can buy, sell, or trade with other players—and yes, people have spent thousands of dollars on the rarest Axies.
Axie Infinity 的核心是一個迷人的數位世界,玩家可以在其中擁有、繁殖和戰鬥被稱為 Axie 的生物。不過,這些並不是普通的虛擬寵物。每個 Axie 都是一個不可替代的代幣(NFT),這意味著玩家而不是遊戲公司的獨特所有權。將它們視為神奇寶貝的數字對應物,您可以購買、出售或與其他玩家進行交易——是的,人們已經花費了數千美元購買最稀有的 Axies。
The gameplay revolves around a blend of Pokémon-style battles, breeding, and virtual pet ownership. Players begin by purchasing three Axies to form a team, which can then be used in battles against other players or computer-controlled enemies. Winning these battles earns you Smooth Love Potion (SLP), which serves as the game's native cryptocurrency. SLP plays a crucial role as it's used for breeding new Axies. More Axies typically mean more battles, and more battles usually lead to earning additional SLP. It's like a continuous cycle of gaming and earning that has captivated players worldwide.
遊戲玩法融合了神奇寶貝風格的戰鬥、繁殖和虛擬寵物所有權。玩家首先購買三個 Axies 來組建一個團隊,然後可以使用該團隊與其他玩家或電腦控制的敵人進行戰鬥。贏得這些戰鬥即可獲得平滑愛情藥水(SLP),它是遊戲的原生加密貨幣。 SLP 發揮著至關重要的作用,因為它用於培育新的 Axies。更多的軸通常意味著更多的戰鬥,而更多的戰鬥通常會帶來額外的 SLP。這就像一個連續的遊戲和賺錢循環,吸引了全世界的玩家。
Each Axie boasts its own set of genes that dictate its appearance, stats, and abilities. When you breed two Axies, the offspring inherits traits from both parents, making the breeding process quite strategic. Players aim to breed Axies that excel in either battling or selling on the marketplace to generate a profit. It's not just about winning battles; it's about assembling the best team, breeding the rarest Axies, and, of course, maximizing your earnings.
每個 Axie 都擁有自己的一套基因,這些基因決定了它的外觀、統計數據和能力。當你繁殖兩個軸時,後代會繼承父母雙方的特徵,使得繁殖過程非常具有策略性。玩家的目標是培育擅長戰鬥或在市場上銷售以產生利潤的 Axies。這不僅僅是為了贏得戰鬥;這是關於組建最好的團隊,培育最稀有的軸心,當然還有最大化你的收入。
This play-to-earn model has been a game-changer for Axie Infinity, especially in countries where job opportunities are limited or wages are low. In the Philippines, for instance, thousands of people have turned to Axie Infinity as a source of income. By playing the game, they can earn more than they would in a traditional job, with some even considering it their full-time work. It's like the ultimate side hustle, except you're playing with cute digital creatures instead of driving for a ride-share company.
這種邊玩邊賺錢的模式改變了 Axie Infinity 的遊戲規則,尤其是在就業機會有限或薪資較低的國家。例如,在菲律賓,成千上萬的人將 Axie Infinity 作為收入來源。透過玩遊戲,他們可以獲得比傳統工作更多的收入,有些人甚至認為這是他們的全職工作。這就像終極的副業,只不過你是在玩可愛的數位生物,而不是為乘車共享公司開車。
This model has not only made Axie Infinity immensely popular, but it has also sparked a broader conversation about the future of work. If people can earn a living wage by playing games, what does that mean for the traditional employment landscape? Are we moving towards a future where work and play become indistinguishable? These are big questions, but the fact that a game like Axie Infinity is making people ask them shows just how revolutionary it is.
這種模式不僅使 Axie Infinity 非常受歡迎,而且還引發了關於未來工作的更廣泛的討論。如果人們可以透過玩遊戲賺取生活工資,這對傳統就業格局意味著什麼?我們是否正在走向一個工作和娛樂變得無法區分的未來?這些都是大問題,但像 Axie Infinity 這樣的遊戲讓人們提出這些問題的事實表明了它的革命性。
EarthMeta: A New Contender in the Virtual Space
While Axie Infinity has set the bar high, it's certainly not the only game in town when it comes to blending blockchain technology with gaming. Enter EarthMeta, a platform that's looking to capture some of the magic that made Axie Infinity successful but with its own unique twist. EarthMeta has kicked off its 2024 presale, and it's already creating quite a buzz. Users have the opportunity to get a free city NFT, a significant draw given the limited supply of cities available. These cities are likely to increase in value over time, making them a potentially lucrative investment.
雖然 Axie Infinity 設定了很高的標準,但它肯定不是唯一將區塊鏈技術與遊戲結合的遊戲。 EarthMeta 是一個平台,它希望捕捉 Axie Infinity 成功的一些魔力,但又具有自己獨特的特色。 EarthMeta 已開始 2024 年預售,已經引起了不小的轟動。用戶有機會獲得免費的城市 NFT,鑑於可用城市的供應有限,這是一個重大的吸引力。隨著時間的推移,這些城市的價值可能會增加,從而成為潛在的有利可圖的投資。
These NFT cities, representing ownership of virtual cities within the EarthMeta world, tap into the growing trend of virtual real estate. As more players join the EarthMeta platform, the value of these cities could increase significantly, much like real estate in high-demand urban areas. Owning a city NFT could grant players not only bragging rights but also a potential income stream
這些 NFT 城市代表了 EarthMeta 世界中虛擬城市的所有權,利用了虛擬房地產不斷增長的趨勢。隨著越來越多的玩家加入 EarthMeta 平台,這些城市的價值可能會大幅增加,就像高需求城市地區的房地產一樣。擁有一座城市 NFT 不僅可以讓玩家擁有炫耀的權利,還可以帶來潛在的收入來源
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