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2024/04/09 02:24

《刺客教條幻影》的最新更新版本 1.0.8 引入了各種穩定性和錯誤修復,包括阿拉伯語版本中的本地化錯誤以及「完全同步」挑戰的問題。此更新還旨在改善整體遊戲體驗,並包括針對未公開問題的其他修復。該更新的檔案大小因平台而異,應該很快就會向所有玩家開放。

Assassin's Creed Mirage's latest title update, version 1.0.8 is live on all platforms, adding a host of stability and bug fixes to the game. The latest patch is aimed at fixing some of the major issues that were introduced with the last title update, including the localization errors with the costume dye names in Arabic, problems with "Full Synchronization" challenges, and more.

.vidazoo-player-container {寬度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景顏色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大寬度: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}《刺客教條幻影》的最新遊戲更新,版本1.0.8 已在所有平台上上線,為遊戲添加了大量穩定性和錯誤修復。最新補丁旨在修復上一次遊戲更新中引入的一些主要問題,包括阿拉伯語服裝染料名稱的本地化錯誤、「完全同步」挑戰的問題等等。

The Full Synchronization challenges were added with update 1.0.7 which is a permadeath mode for the game, giving skilled assassins a real challenge to conquer. Completing the Full Synchronization challenge rewarded players with a unique costume, dyes, and a talisman that also carries over to a new game.

1.0.7 版更新中加入了完全同步挑戰,這是遊戲的永久死亡模式,為熟練的刺客提供了真正的挑戰。完成完全同步挑戰後,玩家將獲得獨特的服裝、染料和護身符,這些都可以延續到新遊戲中。

While the Full Synchronization challenge was a neat addition to the game, it also came with some unexpected errors, which Ubisoft Bordeaux has finally addressed with the latest title update. Here are the official patch notes for Assassin's Creed Mirage update 1.0.8.

雖然完全同步挑戰是遊戲的一個巧妙補充,但它也帶來了一些意想不到的錯誤,育碧波爾多最終在最新的遊戲更新中解決了這個問題。以下是《刺客教條幻影》更新 1.0.8 的官方補丁說明。

Assassin's Creed Mirage title update 1.0.8 file size

The title update 1.0.8 is scheduled to go live on April 9, 2024, at 12 PM UTC / 1 PM GMT / 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT / 5:30 PM IST. The update will be deployed on all platforms at the same time. Despite mostly including only general fixes for the game, the latest update for Assassin's Creed Mirage comes with a rather chunky file size for all platforms.

.promoted-img {width: 100%;}《刺客教條幻影》標題更新1.0.8 檔案大小標題更新1.0.8 計劃於2024 年4 月9 日中午12 點(世界標準時間)/下午1 點(格林尼治標準時間)/上午7 點(美國東部時間)上線太平洋時間上午 4 點/標準時間下午 5:30。該更新將同時部署在所有平台上。儘管主要只包含遊戲的一般修復,但《刺客教條幻影》的最新更新為所有平台提供了相當大的檔案大小。

Here are the file sizes for the upcoming Assassin's Creed Mirage title update:


  • Xbox Series X|S: ~4.55 GB
  • Xbox One: ~3.15 GB
  • PlayStation 5: ~1.89 GB
  • PlayStation 4: ~5.31 GB
  • PC (Ubisoft Connect and Epic Games Store): ~3.34 GB

PC users might need to restart Ubisoft Connect or Epic Games Launcher to get the update queued for download. The update should get queued automatically for console users.

Xbox Series X|S:~4.55 GBXbox One:~3.15 GBPlayStation 5:~1.89 GBPlayStation 4:~5.31 GBPC(Ubisoft Connect 和 Epic Games Store):~3.34 GBPC 用戶可能需要重新啟動 Ubisoft Connect 和 Epic Games Store):~3.34 GBPC 用戶可能需要重新啟動 Ubisoft Connect 或 Epic Games Store):~3.34 GBPC 用戶可能需要重新啟動 Ubisoft Connect 或 Epic Games Store):~3.34 GBPC 用戶可能需要重新啟動 Ubisoft Connect 或 Epic Games Store):~3.34 GBPC 用戶可能需要重新啟動 Ubisoft Connect 或 Epic Games 取得更新已排隊等待下載。更新應該會自動為控制台使用者排隊。

Assassin's Creed Mirage title update 1.0.8 official patch notes

Here are the official patch notes for Assassin's Creed Mirage 1.0.8:

《刺客教條幻影》標題更新 1.0.8 官方補丁說明 以下是《刺客教條幻影》1.0.8 的官方補丁說明:

General fixes

  • Multiple stability improvements.
  • PS5 DualSense Edge Controller is now properly detected on PC.
  • Saves will now appear correctly in the loading menu when playing with the Full Synchronization Challenge.
  • Fixed an issue where equipping the Light Blade upgrade for the Throwing Knife would cause the aiming reticle to lock while aiming and charging a Throwing Knife.

Full Synchronization challenge fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the total number of kills and conflicts were not displayed correctly upon finishing a Full Synchronization playthrough
  • Fixed an issue where the completion celebration pop-up overlapped the resume button.
  • Improved the Full Synchronization Challenge flow to prevent players from activating the mode without knowing.
  • Inverted the placement of the ON & OFF Buttons in the menus when starting a new game.
  • Clarification of the mode description when hovering over the ON/OFF buttons.

Miscellaneous fixes (Spoilers)

  • "Bookworm": In New Game Plus, the Lost Books tracker now shows the correct amount of books collected when all 7 books were found in a previously completed playthrough.
  • "Trouble at the Souq": Fixed an issue where Al Anga would enter in a t-pose after being hit by a berserk dart.
  • *Get Scroll (World Event after "Follow Al-Mahani"): *Fixed an issue where two of the scrolls wouldn't be highlighted in orange whilst using Eagle Vision.
  • Costume dye names are now aligned correctly in the Inventory Menu when the game is played in Arabic.

As always, there might also be some under-the-hood changes with this new update that Ubisoft Bordeaux has not disclosed in the patch notes, like the update 1.0.7 adding the super hidden secret assassin in the streets of Baghdad, or the subtle changes to parkour in previous updates.

一般修復多項穩定性改進。現在可以在PC 上正確檢測到PS5 DualSense Edge 控制器。玩完全同步挑戰時,保存現在將正確顯示在加載選單中。修復了為投擲刀裝備光刃升級會導致瞄準的問題瞄準和充電飛刀時準星會鎖定。完全同步挑戰修復修復了完成完全同步遊戲後殺戮和衝突總數未正確顯示的問題修復了完成慶祝彈出窗口與恢復按鈕重疊的問題。改進完全同步挑戰流程,以防止玩家在不知情的情況下激活模式。開始新遊戲時顛倒菜單中開和關按鈕的位置。澄清將滑鼠懸停在開/關按鈕上時的模式描述。其他修復(劇透)“ Bookworm」:在New Game Plus 中,遺失的書籍追蹤器現在會顯示在先前完成的遊戲中找到所有7 本書時收集的正確書籍數量。「Souq 的麻煩」:修復了Al Anga 會進入的問題被狂暴飛鏢擊中後呈t 姿勢。*獲取捲軸(“跟隨Al-Mahani”之後的世界事件):*修復了使用Eagle Vision.Costume 時兩個捲軸不會以橙色突出顯示的問題當用阿拉伯語玩遊戲時,染料名稱現在可以在庫存菜單中正確對齊。 與往常一樣,育碧波爾多尚未在補丁說明中披露的這個新更新可能還會有一些幕後變化,例如更新1.0.7 增加了巴格達街頭的超級隱藏秘密刺客,或者說是先前更新中跑酷的微妙變化。

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