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阿根廷的一名律師要求國際刑警組織發出“逮捕$ birbra memecoin的美國公民的海頓·馬克·戴維斯(Hayden Mark Davis)”的逮捕。
A lawyer in Argentina has asked Interpol to issue a “Red Notice” for the arrest of Hayden Mark Davis, a U.S. citizen who designed $LIBRA memecoin. Argentina wants Davis really bad.
阿根廷的一名律師要求國際刑警組織發表“紅色通知”,以逮捕設計$ birbra memecoin的美國公民海頓·馬克·戴維斯(Hayden Mark Davis)。阿根廷希望戴維斯真的很糟糕。
Argentine president Javier Milei promoted the coin alongside Davis. It crashed and people lost a lot of money. Now Milei is facing possible impeachment, and Davis is facing possible extradition.
阿根廷總統哈維爾·米利(Javier Milei)與戴維斯(Davis)一起推廣了硬幣。它崩潰了,人們損失了很多錢。現在,麥莉正面臨可能的彈each,戴維斯正面臨可能的引渡。
Lawyers for the victims of the crypto scam asked a judge to intervene in the case. They said that the investigation was moving slowly and that they were running out of time to recover their losses.
"The investigation must continue in order to achieve the complete truth of the facts and to locate and seize the assets that were obtained through illicit activity," the lawyers said in a legal filing.
The request for a Red Notice was filed this week by Gregorio Dalbòn, a lawyer who is representing some of the victims of the $LIBRA scam. He argued that Davis posed a unique flight risk. According to Dalbòn, the 28-year-old crypto entrepreneur has the money and the inclination to flee justice.
律師格雷戈里奧·達爾博(GregorioDalbòn)本週提出了紅色通知請求,該律師代表$ libra騙局的一些受害者。他認為戴維斯構成了獨特的飛行風險。根據達爾博(Dalb園)的說法,這位28歲的加密企業家擁有逃離正義的金錢和傾向。
"The possibility that Davis will abandon his country of residence or hide to avoid answering for his alleged acts appears to be aggravated by the economic resources he possesses, which he can use to move or remain in hiding, hindering our investigation," Dalbòn said in court documents reviewed by Fortune.
A Red Notice is like an international arrest warrant. If granted, it would mean that authorities in the U.S. could arrest Davis and ship him to Argentina.
Davis created the $LIBRA memecoin and got Milei to promote it on Valentine’s Day. Its value skyrocketed to a market cap of $4.5 billion before crashing hard to $18 million. More than 10,000 people lost around $250 million. Davis, of course, sold just before the crash and said he pocketed $100 million.
戴維斯(Davis)創建了$ libra memecoin,並在情人節(Valentine)促進了麥莉(Milei)來推廣它。它的價值飆升至45億美元的市值,然後崩潰至1800萬美元。超過10,000人損失了約2.5億美元。戴維斯當然在墜機事故發生前賣出,並說他賺了1億美元。
$LIBRA wasn’t Davis’s first pump and dump meme coin scheme. In January, following the launch of President Donald Trump’s $TRUMP memecoin, Davis launched $MELANIA. Confusion abounded. Investors thought that First Lady Melania Trump had launched her own memecoin similar to her husband’s. But it was just Davis doing his thing. Like $LIBRA, $MELANIA soared and then crashed.
$ libra不是戴維斯的第一個泵和垃圾模因硬幣計劃。 1月,唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統的特朗普紀念品(Drips Memecoin)推出後,戴維斯(Davis)推出了$ Melania。混亂比比皆是。投資者認為,第一夫人梅拉尼亞·特朗普(Melania Trump)發起了自己的紀念品,與丈夫的成員相似。但這只是戴維斯在做他的事情。像$ libra一樣,$ melania飆升,然後墜毀。
Davis and Milei weren’t secret about their relationship. The President of Argentina posted photos of himself posing with Davis on X, and the crypto-pumper talked about their relationship in several podcasts. A report from CoinDesk claimed that Davis bragged about dog-walking Milei.
戴維斯(Davis)和麥莉(Milei)對他們的關係並不秘密。阿根廷主席發布了自己與戴維斯合影的照片,而加密pumper的照片在幾個播客中談到了他們的關係。 Coindesk的一份報告聲稱,戴維斯吹噓狗行走的麥莉。
"I control that n--ger," Davis allegedly said in a text viewed by CoinDesk. "I send $$ to his sister and he signs whatever I say and does what I want."
戴維斯在科德斯克(Coindesk)觀看的文字中說:“我控制了那個 - n - ger。” “我把$$寄給他的妹妹,他簽署了我所說的一切,並做我想做的。”
Davis’s bad behavior is legendary in the crypto community. On February 17, days after Milie promoted the coin, entrepreneur Steven Enamakel shared a story on X about Davis sticking him with a $2,000 sushi bill.
戴維斯的不良行為在加密社區中是傳奇的。 2月17日,米莉(Milie)推廣硬幣後幾天,企業家史蒂文·恩納馬克爾(Steven Enamakel)在X上分享了一個故事,講述了戴維斯(Davis)用2,000美元的壽司賬單貼他的故事。
According to Enamakel, Davis invited him to Nobu in Los Angeles to discuss the pending launch of an NFT collection. "Hayden ordered almost everything that was super expensive in the menu," Enamakel said on X. "When the food came I never saw a person eat so quickly I wondered if it was humanly possible to consume that much sushi but there it had happened right there in front of me."
根據Enamakel的說法,戴維斯(Davis)邀請他去洛杉磯的Nobu討論NFT系列的待定。 Enamakel在X上說:“海頓幾乎訂購了菜單中超級昂貴的所有東西。當食物到來時,我從來沒有看到一個人這麼快,我想知道是否有可能消耗那麼多壽司,但那裡發生在我面前。”
When the bill came, David hid in the bathroom. Enamakel waited for 20 minutes for him to return but ended up paying the bill himself because it was getting late and he needed to leave. The moment he paid, Davis returned and said the next meal was on him. "After that he then went ahead [and] screwed up my NTF launch," Enamakel said. "I should have known better."
賬單到來時,大衛藏在浴室裡。 Enamakel等了20分鐘才能返回,但最終自己支付了賬單,因為賬單已經很晚了,他需要離開。戴維斯付款的那一刻,戴維斯說下一頓飯在他身上。 Enamakel說:“此後,他繼續前進,並搞砸了我的NTF發射。” “我應該更了解。”
The Argentine investigation into $LIBRA started a few days after Milei posted about it online. The probe is investigating whether Milei and Davis conspired to commit fraud. Possible charges for Davis could include bribery and influence peddling.
麥莉在網上發布有關它的幾天后,阿根廷對$ libra的調查開始了。該調查正在調查米利和戴維斯是否合謀實施欺詐行為。戴維斯的可能收費可能包括賄賂和影響小販。
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