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2025 年 Aptos 價格預測:2025 年 Aptos 有多強?

2025/01/20 19:41

Aptos 是一種山寨幣,在當前的加密貨幣牛市中引起了廣泛關注。物價上漲,唐納德·川普入主白宮,加密貨幣將成為趨勢。

2025 年 Aptos 價格預測:2025 年 Aptos 有多強?

Aptos, a layer 1 blockchain, has garnered attention for its potential in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. While it shares similarities with other blockchain projects like Sui and Solana, Aptos is distinct in its institutional focus. This aspect is crucial for the growth and mainstream adoption of any blockchain technology.

Aptos 是第 1 層區塊鏈,因其在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域的潛力而受到關注。雖然 Aptos 與 Sui 和 Solana 等其他區塊鏈項目有相似之處,但其機構重點卻截然不同。這對於任何區塊鏈技術的發展和主流採用都至關重要。

Founded by former Meta employees, Aptos boasts a strong team with experience in both traditional finance and blockchain development. The project has secured substantial investment from renowned firms, including Coinbase Ventures, a16z, Franklin Templeton, and PayPal. Among these partnerships, the collaboration with Franklin Templeton is particularly noteworthy. In April 2023, the financial institution tokenized its FOBXX money market fund on the Avalanche blockchain. Subsequently, it went live on Aptos with its fund.

Aptos由前Meta員工創立,擁有一支在傳統金融和區塊鏈開發方面都有豐富經驗的強大團隊。該項目已獲得 Coinbase Ventures、a16z、富蘭克林鄧普頓和 PayPal 等知名公司的大量投資。在這些合作中,與富蘭克林鄧普頓的合作尤其值得關注。 2023 年 4 月,該金融機構在 Avalanche 區塊鏈上對其 FOBXX 貨幣市場基金進行了代幣化。隨後,其基金在 Aptos 上上線。

Moreover, Aptos has attracted interest from a range of institutional investors, including Three Arrows Capital, FTX Ventures, and others in the past. The project's ability to pique the attention of such investors highlights its potential for growth and sustainability in the long term.

此外,Aptos 過去也吸引了一系列機構投資者的興趣,包括三箭資本 (Three Arrows Capital)、FTX Ventures 等。該項目能夠引起此類投資者的關注,凸顯了其長期成長和永續發展的潛力。

As of March 2023, Aptos Labs had over 158,000 followers on X, while the Aptos Foundation had over 632,000 followers on the platform. This disparity in followers between the two entities underscores the distinct roles they play within the Aptos ecosystem.

截至 2023 年 3 月,Aptos Labs 在 X 上擁有超過 158,000 名追蹤者,而 Aptos 基金會在該平台上擁有超過 632,000 名追蹤者。兩個實體之間的追隨者差異凸顯了它們在 Aptos 生態系統中扮演的不同角色。

In December 2022, a leadership change occurred at Aptos Labs, with Avery Ching taking over as CEO from Mo Shaikh. While the specific reasons for this shift are unclear, the development has sparked curiosity within the crypto community.

2022 年 12 月,Aptos Labs 發生領導層變動,Avery Ching 從 Mo Shaikh 手中接任執行長。雖然這種轉變的具體原因尚不清楚,但這一發展引發了加密社群的好奇心。

As the dust settles on this change and Aptos continues to unveil its plans for the future, let's delve into the significance of Aptos Labs and its role in bolstering the Aptos ecosystem.

隨著這項變化的塵埃落定以及 Aptos 繼續宣布其未來計劃,讓我們深入探討 Aptos Labs 的重要性及其在支持 Aptos 生態系統方面的作用。

Aptos Labs was founded by Avery Ching and Mo Shaikh. Prior to joining Meta, Avery spent years at the firm, while Mo had experience working at BlackRock and BCG before Meta. Mo Sheikh served as the CEO of the Palo Alto based company until recently.

Aptos Labs 由 Avery Ching 和 Mo Shaikh 創立。在加入 Meta 之前,Avery 在該公司工作了多年,而 Mo 在 Meta 之前曾在 BlackRock 和 BCG 工作過。莫謝赫 (Mo Sheikh) 直到最近才擔任這家位於帕洛阿爾託的公司的執行長。

Now, let's put a spotlight on the role of Aptos Labs and how it contributes to the vitality of the Aptos ecosystem. This aspect is crucial for understanding the potential of the APT token.

現在,讓我們專注於 Aptos Labs 的作用以及它如何為 Aptos 生態系統的活力做出貢獻。這對於理解 APT 代幣的潛力至關重要。

Founded by former Meta employees, Aptos Labs has played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative around the Aptos blockchain and its native token, APT. The firm's strong team, coupled with its institutional focus, has set Aptos apart from other layer 1 blockchain projects.

Aptos Labs 由前 Meta 員工創立,在圍繞 Aptos 區塊鏈及其原生代幣 APT 的敘述中發揮了關鍵作用。該公司強大的團隊,加上其機構重點,使 Aptos 與其他第一層區塊鏈項目區分開來。

As of March 2023, the firm had over 158,000 followers on X, highlighting the project's strong community presence. This aspect is crucial for any blockchain technology to gain mainstream adoption and achieve long-term success.

截至 2023 年 3 月,該公司在 X 上擁有超過 158,000 名追蹤者,凸顯了該專案強大的社群影響力。這對於任何區塊鏈技術獲得主流採用並取得長期成功至關重要。

Over the years, Aptos Labs has secured investment from several renowned firms, including Coinbase Ventures, a16z, Franklin Templeton, and PayPal. The firm's partnership with Franklin Templeton is particularly noteworthy. In April 2023, the financial institution tokenized its FOBXX money market fund on the Avalanche blockchain. It then went live on Aptos with its fund.

多年來,Aptos Labs 獲得了多家知名公司的投資,包括 Coinbase Ventures、a16z、Franklin Templeton 和 PayPal。該公司與富蘭克林鄧普頓的合作關係尤其值得注意。 2023 年 4 月,該金融機構在 Avalanche 區塊鏈上對其 FOBXX 貨幣市場基金進行了代幣化。然後它及其基金在 Aptos 上上線。

Among other institutional collaborations, Aptos Ascend, powered by Microsoft Azure Open AI and implemented with support from the Boston Consulting Group, is a key initiative. One of the companies benefitting from this is Bevan Howard, a leading global alternative investment management platform that's working with Aptos Ascend to offer industry leadership and expertise. The aim is to create a seamless path for any major bank or financial institution to begin offering digital currency and asset management to their clients responsibly and at scale.

在其他機構合作中,由 Microsoft Azure 開放人工智慧提供支援並在波士頓顧問集團支援下實施的 Aptos Ascend 是一項關鍵舉措。 Bevan Howard 是受益於此的公司之一,這是一家全球領先的另類投資管理平台,與 Aptos Ascend 合作提供行業領導力和專業知識。其目的是為任何主要銀行或金融機構創建一條無縫路徑,開始負責任地大規模向客戶提供數位貨幣和資產管理。

This type of initiative will be key to the development of the Decentralized Finance ecosystem where Aptos Labs is already an important player. Aptos Ascend has several use cases listed on its’ site:

此類措施將成為去中心化金融生態系統發展的關鍵,Aptos Labs 已經是該生態系統的重要參與者。 Aptos Ascend 在其網站上列出了幾個用例:

- Unlocking Liquidity from Tokenized Assets: Expanding distribution channels through tokenization to enable access to liquidity for real-world assets.

- 釋放代幣化資產的流動性:透過代幣化擴大分銷管道,使現實世界的資產獲得流動性。

- Innovating Lending: Pioneering the lending space by enabling loans without traditional collateral, thus broadening access to finance for new market segments.

- 創新貸款:透過在沒有傳統抵押品的情況下提供貸款來開拓貸款領域,從而拓寬新細分市場的融資管道。

- Merging Legacy and Decentralized Finance: Facilitating institutional access to DeFi opportunities within regulated frameworks.

- 合併傳統金融和去中心化金融:促進機構在受監管的框架內獲得 DeFi 機會。

It’s this institutional grade product, coupled with collaboration with big tech companies and a large developer commmunity that has propelled the Aptos brand into the public sphere. It will be the reason that the APT token could grow in price and in desirability.

正是這種機構級產品,加上與大型科技公司和大型開發者社群的合作,將 Aptos 品牌推向了公共領域。這將是 APT 代幣價格和需求成長的原因。

In a recent interview, Avery Ching, the CEO of Aptos Labs, shared some of the milestones that are coming up for the layer 1 blockchain. He has also written out the roadmap for Aptos Labs on his X profile.

在最近的一次採訪中,Aptos Labs 執行長 Avery Ching 分享了第 1 層區塊鏈即將到來的一些里程碑。他還在他的 X 個人資料中寫下了 Aptos Labs 的路線圖。


When Avery met with Crypto India in late December, he shared some insights.

當 Avery 在 12 月底與 Crypto India 會面時,他分享了一些見解。

Aptos has a large following in India,

Aptos 在印度擁有大量追隨者,


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