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本月可能會突破的 6 種山寨幣

2024/10/26 12:29


本月可能會突破的 6 種山寨幣

August promises excitement in the cryptocurrency realm as emerging digital coins garner attention for their potential growth. Among these, six altcoins exhibit signs of significant momentum, captivating the interest of investors. This article delves into these promising cryptocurrencies, highlighting their potential for substantial gains. Discover which altcoins might make a smashing entry into the scene this month.


DOGEN: The Strongest Meme Token to Rule Crypto

DOGEN:統治加密貨幣最強的 Meme 代幣

Prepare yourself for the ultimate meme token to hit the market, leaving the likes of Doge, Shib, and Floki trailing in its dust. Introducing DOGEN, the baddest and most bullish meme token to ever grace the crypto scene. Only the strongest and most fearless holders will be able to tame this beast. Get ready for big muscles, balls of steel, and nothing but hardcore energy as DOGEN storms the market.

準備好迎接終極迷因代幣上市吧,讓 Doge、Shib 和 Floki 等代幣遠遠落後。隆重介紹 DOGEN,這是加密貨幣領域有史以來最糟糕、最樂觀的迷因代幣。只有最強大、最無畏的持有者才能馴服這頭野獸。當 DOGEN 席捲市場時,請準備好迎接巨大的肌肉、鋼鐵般的鋼球以及核心能量。

Forget about dips and drama; this token is all about relentless gains. Join the movement as we head straight to all-time highs. If you like it tough, then DOGEN is the perfect token for you.

忘掉低潮和戲劇性的事情吧;這個代幣代表的是不斷的收益。加入這場運動,我們將直奔歷史新高。如果你喜歡硬派,那麼 DOGEN 是您的完美代幣。

Watch out, frogs — DOGEN is here to show who's boss! This token is supercharged from day one, primed to explode with a 700% surge expected during the presale. And that's just the beginning! Being Solana-powered, it's set to pump out insane gains, with a thousand-fold surge anticipated in the coming months. Get ready for some crazy gains!

青蛙們要小心了──DOGEN 來證明誰才是老大!該代幣從第一天起就充滿活力,預計在預售期間將飆升 700%。而這只是開始!由 Solana 提供動力,它將帶來瘋狂的收益,預計在未來幾個月內將增長一千倍。準備好獲得一些瘋狂的收穫吧!

But wait, there's more! DOGEN has got a little something special for its hardcore believers — an airdrop! All you gotta do is flex those social muscles, grab some tokens during the presale, and start recruiting the DOGEN army with your referral link. For every recruit, you'll pocket a juicy 20% of the Golden Points from their token buys.

但等等,還有更多! DOGEN 為其鐵桿信徒提供了一些特別的東西——空投!您所要做的就是發揮這些社交力量,在預售期間獲取一些代幣,然後透過您的推薦連結開始招募 DOGEN 軍隊。對於每一位新兵,您都可以從他們的代幣購買中獲得 20% 的黃金積分。

And it doesn't stop there. DOGEN's referral game is fierce! You'll rake in 7% of every token your direct bros (1st level) buy with your code. And it gets sweeter — the more bros you bring, the more levels you unlock, stacking up profits like a boss.

而且它還不止於此。 DOGEN的推薦遊戲很激烈!您將獲得直系兄弟(一級)使用您的代碼購買的每個代幣的 7%。而且它會變得更甜蜜——你帶的兄弟越多,你解鎖的關卡就越多,像老闆一樣累積利潤。

Altseason is on the horizon, and DOGEN holders will be the ones leading the charge.

Altseason 即將到來,DOGEN 持有者將成為引領潮流的人。

Wanna dominate the crypto market? Then join the DOGEN army! It's a community for true winners who enjoy exclusive campaigns, killer perks, and the top deals in the game.


Afford yourself a luxury life! Posh cars, stacks of money, and beautiful women – that's all for DOGEN holders who don't settle for less.

給自己一個奢侈的生活!豪華的汽車、大量的金錢和美麗的女人——這一切都是為那些不滿足於更少的 DOGEN 持有者準備的。

Flex Hard, Earn Big – DOGEN is Your Next Power Play!

努力鍛煉,賺大錢——DOGEN 是您的下一個強力遊戲!

Chainlink (LINK): Bridging Smart Contracts with Real-World Data Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with external data, APIs, and systems. By enabling smart contracts to access real-world information, Chainlink enhances their functionality beyond the blockchain. The network uses a reputation system to ensure data accuracy and reliability. LINK is the native token, rewarding node operators, supporting staking for security, and serving as payment for data services. Chainlink's architecture combines on-chain and off-chain components for efficient data processing. In the current market cycle, the growing demand for smart contracts interacting with real-world data positions Chainlink and its LINK token as potentially attractive in the cryptocurrency space.

Chainlink (LINK):連結智慧合約與現實世界資料 Chainlink 是一個去中心化的預言機網絡,它將智慧合約與外部資料、API 和系統連接起來。透過使智能合約能夠存取現實世界的信息,Chainlink 增強了其區塊鏈之外的功能。此網路使用信譽系統來確保資料的準確性和可靠性。 LINK 是原生代幣,獎勵節點營運商,支援安全質押,並作為資料服務的支付。 Chainlink 的架構結合了鏈上和鏈下元件,以實現高效的資料處理。在當前的市場週期中,對與現實世界數據互動的智慧合約的需求不斷增長,這使得 Chainlink 及其 LINK 代幣在加密貨幣領域具有潛在的吸引力。

Polkadot (DOT): Enabling Interoperable and Scalable Blockchains Polkadot (DOT) is a decentralized protocol and cryptocurrency that enables secure communication and interoperability between different blockchains, such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, without intermediaries. By utilizing parachains, Polkadot enhances speed and scalability, allowing it to process transactions more efficiently than Bitcoin and Ethereum. The DOT token is integral to the network's governance and staking, giving holders the ability to participate in the development and validation of the protocol. Developed by Gavin Wood, co-creator of Ethereum, and maintained by the Web3 Foundation, Polkadot aims to create a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem. Given its technological advancements and focus on interoperability, Polkadot holds potential in the evolving cryptocurrency market.

Polkadot (DOT):實現可互通和可擴展的區塊鏈Polkadot (DOT) 是一種去中心化協議和加密貨幣,可實現不同區塊鏈(例如以太坊和比特幣)之間的安全通信和互通性,無需中介。透過利用平行鏈,Polkadot 提高了速度和可擴展性,使其能夠比比特幣和以太坊更有效地處理交易。 DOT 代幣是網路治理和質押不可或缺的一部分,使持有者能夠參與協議的開發和驗證。 Polkadot 由以太坊聯合創始人 Gavin Wood 開發,由 Web3 基金會維護,旨在創建一個更互聯和高效的區塊鏈生態系統。鑑於其技術進步和對互通性的關注,Polkadot 在不斷發展的加密貨幣市場中擁有潛力。

NEAR Protocol: A Scalable Platform for Decentralized Applications NEAR Protocol is a platform designed to help developers create and launch decentralized applications. It uses sharding, specifically its Nightshade technology, to improve efficiency and scalability. This allows the network to handle more transactions and grow with demand. NEAR operates on a decentralized network, similar to centralized data storage systems but without a central authority. Founded by Alex Skidanov and Illia Polosukhin, it has raised over $20 million from major venture firms. NEAR also features the Rainbow Bridge, which allows token transfers from Ethereum, and Aurora, a Layer 2 solution that leverages Ethereum's technologies for better performance and lower fees. Given its innovative approach and strong backing, NEAR appears attractive in the current market cycle.

NEAR 協定:去中心化應用程式的可擴展平台 NEAR 協定是一個旨在幫助開發人員創建和啟動去中心化應用程式的平台。它使用分片,特別是 Nightshade 技術來提高效率和可擴展性。這使得網路能夠處理更多交易並隨著需求而成長。 NEAR 在去中心化網路上運行,類似於集中式資料儲存系統,但沒有中央機構。該公司由 Alex Skidanov 和 Illia Polosukhin 創立,已從大型創投公司籌集了超過 2,000 萬美元。 NEAR 還具有 Rainbow Bridge(允許從以太坊進行代幣傳輸)和 Aurora(一種利用以太坊技術實現更好性能和更低費用的第 2 層解決方案)。鑑於其創新方法和強大的支持,NEAR 在當前的市場週期中顯得很有吸引力。

Avalanche (AVAX): Fast, Eco-Friendly Blockchain with Customizable Subnets Avalanche is a Layer-1

Avalanche (AVAX):具有可自訂子網路的快速、環保區塊鏈 Avalanche 是第 1 層



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