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The past century has seen humanity as the fundamental unit of economic activity. Productivity, consumption, transactions, and financial services all cater to human needs. Yet, the dawn of AI technology is rapidly changing this landscape, enabling machines to become "active economic entities" - AI Agents - from their passive roles as tools.
過去的一個世紀將人類視為經濟活動的基本單位。生產力,消費,交易和金融服務都滿足人類需求。然而,人工智能技術的曙光正在迅速改變這種景觀,使機器從被動角色作為工具的被動角色成為“活躍的經濟實體” - AI代理。
In addition, at the beginning of 2025 , Tether announced that it would integrate USDT into the BTC ecosystem, covering its base layer and lightning network.
Behind all these trends, a revolution is silently brewing: AI Agent-driven payment infrastructure is pushing the crypto industry into a new wave of innovation with a breakthrough momentum. From BTC's consensus layer to the execution layer of smart contracts, and then to today's AI-driven application layer, the crypto industry is likely to usher in a paradigm innovation of AI + Pay Fi + BTC Infra, and force Web2 to self-reform to Web3 - the future of large-scale adoption is becoming a reality step by step.
在所有這些趨勢之後,一場革命是默默釀造的:AI代理驅動的支付基礎設施正在將加密貨幣產業帶入新的創新浪潮,並具有突破性的勢頭。從BTC的共識層到智能合約的執行層,然後再到當今的AI驅動應用程序層,加密行業可能會引入AI + Pay fi + BTC Infra的範式創新,並強迫Web2迫使Web2自我對Web3的自我建立 - 大規模採用的未來正在成為現實的一步。
1. Stablecoins: The cornerstone of a new era of global payments - a decade of evolution from cross-border revolution to mainstream currency
1。Stablecoins:全球付款新時代的基石 - 從跨境革命到主流貨幣的十年
The programmability , cross-border practicality and increasingly clear regulatory framework of stablecoins are expected to become the standard settlement currency for global payments. With the election of Trump, who is friendly to cryptocurrencies, as the US president, the US government will gradually provide regulatory clarity on cryptocurrencies , and the application scenarios of stablecoins will gradually expand . We can even estimate a beautiful vision of stablecoin payments in the next 10 years:
Short term (1–3 years): Stablecoins will dominate cross-border remittances, providing a faster and cheaper alternative to SWIFT. Cryptocurrency-linked debit/credit cards (such as Visa/MasterCard) will simplify spending and build a bridge between on-chain wealth and real-world transactions.
短期(1 - 3年):Stablecoins將主導跨境匯款,提供更快,更便宜的Swift替代品。與加密貨幣相關的借記卡/信用卡(例如Visa/MasterCard)將簡化支出並在鏈財富和現實世界中的交易之間建立橋樑。
Medium term (3–7 years): Businesses will increasingly adopt stablecoin payments due to their low fees, instant settlement, and programmability. Companies will be able to seamlessly convert between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, providing customers with dual-track payment options.
中期(3 - 7年):由於低費用,即時解決和可編程性,企業將越來越多地採用Stablecoin付款。公司將能夠在加密貨幣和法定貨幣之間無縫轉換,從而為客戶提供雙軌付款選項。
Long term (7 years and above): Stablecoins will become mainstream legal tender, widely accepted for payments and even taxation, completely subverting traditional financial infrastructure.
In addition to the convenience of payment, stablecoins still play a very positive role in other areas: for example, they provide entrepreneurs with an easier-to-access platform to develop new payment products: no middlemen, minimum balances or proprietary SDKs. In addition, it is roughly estimated that if medium and large enterprises can use service providers with stablecoin solutions in transactions, their corporate profits can increase by 2%. Moreover, countries under US sanctions, such as Russia, have tried to use stablecoins for trade between countries to bypass the US dollar settlement system.
2. Next Level: AI Agents will be the new user experience layer of future apps
Today, we no longer rely solely on AI to perform single tasks, such as image recognition, speech synthesis, or autonomous driving. Instead, we are entering an era where "AI Agents become independent market participants." This change is not limited to AI-driven financial transactions and intelligent supply chain management, but also involves generative AI (AIGC) providing services to content creators, developers, and businesses. Going further, AI agents can even "autonomously negotiate, trade, settle, and optimize their own resource utilization."
今天,我們不再僅依靠AI執行單個任務,例如圖像識別,語音合成或自主駕駛。取而代之的是,我們進入一個“ AI代理人成為獨立市場參與者”的時代。這種變化不僅限於AI驅動的金融交易和智能供應鏈管理,還涉及生成AI(AIGC)為內容創建者,開發人員和企業提供服務。進一步,AI代理甚至可以“自主談判,貿易,定居和優化其自己的資源利用”。
At the end of last year, we saw AI Agents redefine the application scenarios of DApps . The pioneer of this trend was @truth_terminal, an AI Agent that can promote its own token $Goat; followed by AI Agents such as Luna and AIxbt, which can use tokens to trade, generate content, and even manage their own crypto wallets and assets. The evolution of this ability has spawned innovations in narratives in the crypto field, such as Virtual Protocol, a protocol similar to Pump.fun, but its "Pump" object is not a simple token, but a variety of AI Agents.
The evolving capabilities of AI Agents, coupled with an out-of-the-box distribution platform, have opened up a market opportunity of billions of dollars for the concept of AI Agent + Crypto. AI is becoming an active participant in the on-chain ecosystem, driving blockchain applications from tooling to ecosystemization.
AI代理商的不斷發展的功能,再加上一個開箱即用的分銷平台,為AI Agent + Crypto的概念開闢了數十億美元的市場機會。 AI正在成為鏈生態系統的積極參與者,將區塊鏈應用程序從工具到生態系統化。
In the future, AI will become the user experience layer of blockchain technology, connecting the application layer and the blockchain infrastructure, and play a role both upward and downward in the technology stack. To give an example that is most understandable to crypto users, AI proactively recommends and executes on-chain DeFi operations based on the user's intentions and preferences (such as security, yield, etc.), combined with real-time information from the forecast market. Users do not need to understand the difference between L1 and L2, or even know how the cross-chain bridge works. Broadening to daily life, imagine a scenario where an AI personal financial assistant can autonomously manage
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