
Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), the UAE capital’s international financial center, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Chainlink to collaborate on compliant frameworks for tokenized assets.
The agreement will give ADGM access to Chainlink’s suite of blockchain tools, including data feeds and interoperability services, as it works to foster blockchain innovation under its Registration Authority, according to a press release.
Chainlink has said that its tools have already enabled over $20 trillion in transaction value enabled globally, and are used by major financial market institutions.
Under the memorandum there will also be regulatory discussions around blockchain, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, as well as a series of events aimed at educating the UAE's financial ecosystem. Topics will include tokenization, proof of reserves and cross-chain infrastructure—core components of regulated digital asset markets.
在備忘錄下,還將進行有關區塊鏈,人工智能和其他新興技術的監管討論,以及一系列旨在教育阿聯酋金融生態系統的事件。主題將包括令牌化,儲量證明和跨鏈基礎設施 - 受監管的數字資產市場的組成部分。
“By collaborating with Chainlink, we are aiming to set a global benchmark that spearheads transparency, security, and trust across the blockchain space,” said Hamad Sayah Al Mazrouei, CEO of ADGM’s Registration Authority.
ADGM註冊局首席執行官Hamad Sayah Al Mazrouei說:“通過與ChainLink合作,我們的目標是為整個區塊鏈領域的透明度,安全性和信任帶來全球基準。”