Discover Cryptocurrencies With Potential
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Name | Price Price by day (USD). | Change%(24h) Price change by selected time range. | Volume(24h) Aggregated daily volume, measured in USD from on-chain transactions where each transaction was greater than $100,000. | Market Cap The total value of all the circulating supply of a cryptocurrency. It’s calculated by multiplying the current market price by the total number of coins that are currently in circulation. | Circulating supply The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are in public hands. It is analogous to the flowing shares in the stock market. | Ownership Distribution Shows the circulating supply distribution of a cryptocurrency. The three groups are classified such as: Whales: Addresses holding over 1% of a crypto-asset’s circulating supply. Investors:Addresses holding between 0.1% and 1% of circulating supply. Retail: Addresses with less than 0.1% of circulating supply. | Telegram Sentiment Uses a classification machine learning technique to determine if the texts used in the Telegram messages related to a given token have a positive, negative,orneutral connotation. | |
$0.0296 $0.02961 | 0.23% | $53.19K | $296.12K | 10M Percentage10.00% Circulating supply10M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0035 $0.003499 | -4.61% | $228.31339 | $294.85K | 84.26M Percentage37.45% Circulating supply84.26M Maximum Supply225M | ||||
$0.0013 $0.001300 | 0% | $2.08K | $293.95K | 226.06M | ||||
$0.0032 $0.003160 | -0.71% | $1.4K | $293.28K | 92.81M | ||||
$0.0035 $0.003496 | 4.13% | $1.02M | $293.11K | 83.82M Percentage5.59% Circulating supply83.82M Maximum Supply1.5B | ||||
$0.0036 $0.003631 | -0.18% | $3.55K | $292.82K | 80.64M Percentage8.06% Circulating supply80.64M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0...03533 $0.0003533 | -6.98% | $868.79493 | $292.11K | 826.67M | ||||
$0.0...01183 $0.00001183 | 2.59% | $1.7K | $292.07K | 24.67B Percentage100.00% Circulating supply24.67B Maximum Supply24.67B | ||||
$0.0...04597 $0.00004597 | -0.23% | $86.07485 | $291.93K | 6.35B | ||||
$27.8964 $27.8964 | 7.17% | $449.51263 | $291.69K | 10.46K Percentage92.53% Circulating supply10.46K Maximum Supply11.3K | ||||
$0.0025 $0.002469 | 5.11% | $1.2M | $291.41K | 118.01M | ||||
$0.0...04499 $0.0000004499 | 9.26% | $46.44999 | $290.64K | 646B | ||||
$41.5453 $41.5453 | 6.26% | $83.21261 | $289.53K | 6.97K Percentage100.00% Circulating supply6.97K Maximum Supply6.97K | ||||
$0.0...02778 $0.000002778 | -6.18% | $128.77K | $289.18K | 104.07B Percentage31.22% Circulating supply104.07B Maximum Supply333.33B | ||||
$0.0...03009 $0.0003009 | -8.15% | $4.42K | $289.1K | 960.54M | ||||
$0.0031 $0.003092 | 8.15% | $2.04K | $287.56K | 93M Percentage93.00% Circulating supply93M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0021 $0.002111 | 0% | -- | $287.45K | 136.14M Percentage13.61% Circulating supply136.14M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0942 $0.09420 | 1.71% | $238.51K | $287.29K | 3.05M Percentage3.05% Circulating supply3.05M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0...02868 $0.0002868 | 2.54% | $196.76K | $286.79K | 999.89M Percentage99.99% Circulating supply999.89M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0029 $0.002889 | 8.19% | $205.22K | $286.01K | 99M Percentage99.00% Circulating supply99M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0...06796 $0.0000006796 | 45.99% | $5.72K | $285.92K | 420.69B | ||||
$0.0...03591 $0.0003591 | -16.76% | $32.9K | $285.51K | 795.04M Percentage100.00% Circulating supply795.04M Maximum Supply795.04M | ||||
$3.3538 $3.3538 | 0% | -- | $285.07K | 85K Percentage85.00% Circulating supply85K Maximum Supply100K | ||||
$0.0...02111 $0.0002111 | 3.19% | $1.02K | $284.46K | 1.35B Percentage26.94% Circulating supply1.35B Maximum Supply5B | ||||
$0.3558 $0.3557 | 1.87% | -- | $283.88K | 797.95K | ||||
$0.0...01324 $0.000001324 | 4.73% | $1.35K | $281.08K | 212.27B | ||||
$0.0120 $0.01202 | 16.72% | $148.55K | $280.41K | 23.31M | ||||
$0.0042 $0.004221 | 7.80% | $1.47K | $279.94K | 66.32M Percentage33.16% Circulating supply66.32M Maximum Supply200M | ||||
$0.0...05105 $0.000000005105 | 8.42% | $24.97K | $279.77K | 54.8T Percentage78.94% Circulating supply54.8T Maximum Supply69.42T | ||||
$0.0025 $0.002515 | 0.46% | $37.33865 | $279.51K | 111.11M Percentage88.89% Circulating supply111.11M Maximum Supply125M | ||||
$0.0064 $0.006439 | 19.02% | $1.92K | $279.26K | 43.37M | ||||
$0.1158 $0.1157 | 6.14% | $245.56253 | $277.83K | 2.4M | ||||
$0.0...06202 $0.0006202 | 0.13% | $2.66K | $276.16K | 445.24M Percentage93.84% Circulating supply445.24M Maximum Supply474.47M | ||||
$0.0...02741 $0.0002741 | 5.28% | $449.01K | $275.42K | 1B | ||||
$0.0155 $0.01554 | -0.16% | $94.95K | $273.05K | 17.57M Percentage4.39% Circulating supply17.57M Maximum Supply400M | ||||
$0.0085 $0.008472 | -0.13% | $300.61K | $272.48K | 32.16M Percentage8.04% Circulating supply32.16M Maximum Supply400M | ||||
$0.0...03910 $0.0003910 | 5.99% | $11.1K | $272.44K | 696.69M | ||||
$0.0698 $0.06978 | 6.91% | $52.47844 | $271.1K | 3.88M | ||||
$0.0...05066 $0.000005066 | 12.77% | $1.91K | $270.01K | 53.3B Percentage97.09% Circulating supply53.3B Maximum Supply54.89B | ||||
$0.0...02694 $0.0002694 | 1.57% | $835.54K | $269.43K | 999.98M | ||||
$0.0...08078 $0.0008078 | 7.87% | $1.5K | $269.01K | 333M Percentage55.50% Circulating supply333M Maximum Supply600M | ||||
$0.0060 $0.005991 | 9.79% | $61.91K | $268.95K | 44.89M Percentage44.89% Circulating supply44.89M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0054 $0.005351 | 6.83% | $14.18K | $267.58K | 50M Percentage100.00% Circulating supply50M Maximum Supply50M | ||||
$0.0...04611 $0.0004611 | -7.33% | $124.81K | $265.98K | 576.75M Percentage14.42% Circulating supply576.75M Maximum Supply4B | ||||
$0.0...03102 $0.0003102 | 4.64% | $1.71M | $264.89K | 853.7M Percentage17.07% Circulating supply853.7M Maximum Supply5B | ||||
$0.0...02639 $0.0002639 | 13.82% | $244.81K | $263.95K | 1000M Percentage100.00% Circulating supply1000M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0025 $0.002535 | -10.45% | $278.74K | $262.37K | 103.47M | ||||
$0.0045 $0.004479 | 0.89% | $67.3K | $262.19K | 58.53M | ||||
$0.0...01562 $0.0000000001562 | 6.05% | $12.31311 | $260.98K | 1669.96T Percentage83.50% Circulating supply1669.96T Maximum Supply2000T | ||||
$0.0...05273 $0.0005273 | 0.04% | $2.11K | $258.92K | 490.94M Percentage47.52% Circulating supply490.94M Maximum Supply1.03B | ||||
$0.0071 $0.007083 | 0.70% | $293.92K | $258.73K | 36.53M Percentage3.65% Circulating supply36.53M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0351 $0.03509 | -3.37% | $872.50742 | $258.16K | 7.36M Percentage8.36% Circulating supply7.36M Maximum Supply88M | ||||
$0.0...01440 $0.0001440 | 0% | $4.50013 | $257.53K | 1.79B | ||||
$0.0100 $0.009970 | 2.02% | $104.98K | $255.7K | 25.65M Percentage25.65% Circulating supply25.65M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0...03655 $0.000003655 | -2.74% | $9.18532 | $254.96K | 69.75B Percentage100.00% Circulating supply69.75B Maximum Supply69.75B | ||||
$0.0...05010 $0.0005010 | 0.48% | $144.25K | $253.98K | 506.94M | ||||
$0.0030 $0.003000 | 0.00% | $5.22360 | $253.01K | 84.32M | ||||
$0.0029 $0.002888 | 7.82% | $121.67142 | $252.99K | 87.6M Percentage8.76% Circulating supply87.6M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0...01099 $0.0001099 | 4.77% | $836.33573 | $252.89K | 2.3B | ||||
$0.0...02528 $0.0002528 | 19.34% | $50.79K | $252.88K | 1B | ||||
$0.0021 $0.002097 | 7.57% | $12.97808 | $252.5K | 120.36M | ||||
$0.0...08731 $0.00008731 | -0.89% | $369.73786 | $251.93K | 2.89B Percentage14.43% Circulating supply2.89B Maximum Supply20B | ||||
$0.0...04468 $0.0000004468 | -1.12% | $1.67K | $251.2K | 562.11B Percentage92.45% Circulating supply562.11B Maximum Supply608B | ||||
$0.2414 $0.2414 | 0% | -- | $250.54K | 1.04M | ||||
$0.0731 $0.07307 | 7.04% | $1.39K | $249.21K | 3.41M | ||||
$0.0874 $0.08744 | 6.96% | $93.92796 | $247.88K | 2.83M | ||||
$0.0010 $0.001014 | 2.51% | $564.64913 | $246.92K | 243.46M Percentage24.35% Circulating supply243.46M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0...02688 $0.0002688 | 1.49% | $9.54100 | $245.77K | 914.28M Percentage91.43% Circulating supply914.28M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0045 $0.004476 | 25.77% | $55.41K | $245.52K | 54.85M Percentage54.85% Circulating supply54.85M Maximum Supply100M | ||||
$0.0...01624 $0.0001624 | 9.22% | $27.69K | $245.26K | 1.51B Percentage75.51% Circulating supply1.51B Maximum Supply2B | ||||
$0.0...02294 $0.0002294 | -0.22% | $4.8K | $242.82K | 1.06B Percentage21.17% Circulating supply1.06B Maximum Supply5B | ||||
$0.0039 $0.003940 | -13.89% | $2.59K | $242.26K | 61.48M Percentage51.23% Circulating supply61.48M Maximum Supply120M | ||||
$0.0027 $0.002733 | -0.64% | $55.55K | $242.21K | 88.62M Percentage27.69% Circulating supply88.62M Maximum Supply320M | ||||
$0.0...05243 $0.0005243 | -1.30% | $10.25K | $241.57K | 460.67M Percentage61.42% Circulating supply460.67M Maximum Supply750M | ||||
$0.0...09517 $0.000000000009517 | -0.61% | $47.33477 | $240.62K | 25282.17T Percentage25.28% Circulating supply25282.17T Maximum Supply100000T | ||||
$0.0...02736 $0.0002736 | 15.35% | $138.81K | $240.22K | 877.8M | ||||
$0.0...01138 $0.00001138 | 2.00% | $55.44K | $239.87K | 21.07B | ||||
$0.0839 $0.08390 | -16.13% | $383.09911 | $239.46K | 2.85M Percentage9.51% Circulating supply2.85M Maximum Supply30M | ||||
$0.0024 $0.002392 | 5.70% | $502.01325 | $239.29K | 100M | ||||
$0.0121 $0.01210 | -1.16% | $168.82851 | $238.11K | 19.68M Percentage98.38% Circulating supply19.68M Maximum Supply20M | ||||
$0.0079 $0.007912 | 3.75% | $1.36M | $237.84K | 30.06M Percentage3.01% Circulating supply30.06M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0...03584 $0.0003584 | -9.68% | $574.99K | $237.21K | 661.84M | ||||
$0.0...09569 $0.0009569 | 4.24% | $61.36908 | $237.12K | 247.79M Percentage24.78% Circulating supply247.79M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0072 $0.007165 | -3.70% | -- | $236.45K | 33M Percentage0.33% Circulating supply33M Maximum Supply10B | ||||
$0.0026 $0.002645 | 10.83% | $390.45931 | $236.13K | 89.25M | ||||
$0.0039 $0.003941 | 1.79% | $82.26K | $235.62K | 59.78M | ||||
$0.0...02517 $0.0000002517 | 6.68% | $156.66516 | $235.36K | 935B Percentage93.50% Circulating supply935B Maximum Supply1T | ||||
$0.0...03847 $0.0003847 | 5.67% | $1.12K | $235.25K | 611.46M Percentage95.99% Circulating supply611.46M Maximum Supply637.02M | ||||
$0.0010 $0.001049 | 4727.34% | $8.29K | $235.16K | 224.06M | ||||
$0.0616 $0.06156 | 1.64% | $57K | $235.04K | 3.82M Percentage19.09% Circulating supply3.82M Maximum Supply20M | ||||
$0.0010 $0.001024 | 10.30% | $158.68K | $234.67K | 228.99M | ||||
$0.0167 $0.01670 | 0% | -- | $234.38K | 14.03M Percentage82.53% Circulating supply14.03M Maximum Supply17M | ||||
$0.0180 $0.01799 | -21.74% | $4.36K | $233.59K | 12.98M Percentage0.00% Circulating supply12.98M Maximum Supply1T | ||||
$0.0218 $0.02176 | 0.61% | $329.80881 | $230.74K | 10.6M |
| ||
$0.0010 $0.001046 | 1.45% | $7.74452 | $229.49K | 219.28M | ||||
$0.0...03305 $0.0003305 | 6.99% | $17.65K | $229.43K | 694.15M | ||||
$0.0...03728 $0.0003728 | -5.32% | $752.34656 | $228.25K | 612.22M Percentage61.22% Circulating supply612.22M Maximum Supply1B | ||||
$0.0...03603 $0.00003603 | 5.64% | $9.41K | $226.47K | 6.28B Percentage31.42% Circulating supply6.28B Maximum Supply20B | ||||
$0.0022 $0.002247 | 13.88% | $242.33264 | $224.74K | 100M | ||||
$0.0035 $0.003461 | -1.61% | $3.72K | $223.92K | 64.7M Percentage40.44% Circulating supply64.7M Maximum Supply160M |
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