★★★서부지법에서 구속/투옥당한 독립의사 분들께 바칩니다★★★ 가사: 행배 낯선 모습만 보네요 파면 선고 내게 하네요 차마 감방 보낼수 없어서 모르는척 하네요 두번 세번 나 항소 해봐도 고개 돌린 뒤통수 뿐이고 이젠 행배 안에는 대한민국 없는듯 보여요, 찢~ 웃어도 웃어도 웃어도 민주당 설치고 참아도 참아도 참아도 화교 천국이야 지워도 지워도 지워도 CCP 조작질 행번방 아이디 해킹 됐어도 끝내 문주빈 무죄야 두번 세번 행번방 접어도 바보처럼 아청물 못잊고 이젠 도파민 뇌가 중독된듯 할카스 헤매요, 찢~ 웃어도 웃어도 웃어도 민주당 설치고 참아도 참아도 참아도 화교 천국이야 지워도 지워도 지워도 CCP 조작질 행번방 아이디 해킹 됐어도 끝내 문주빈 무죄야 (반주) 이정미 빙의해 파면해 파면해 파면해 마지막 한마디 행번방 아이디 해킹 됐어도 끝내 행배는 음란 수괴야, 찢~ 찌잊~ (시청해 주셔서 감사합니다.) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lyrics: I'm only seeing Moon Young-bae's unfamiliar side You're giving me an expel court sentence I couldn't bring myself to the cell You're pretending you don't know Even if I request for re-trial of a case in a civil or criminal suit twice or three times they just turn their heads away. Now it looks like there's no Korea in Moon Hyung-bae. It doesn't look like it's there. Tear~ Laughing, laughing, laughing, the Democratic Party came out Enduring, enduring, enduring, it's a paradise for overseas Chinese. Removing, removing, removing, CCP (Chinese Communist Party)'s manipulative nature Even though Moon Hyung-bae's username was hacked in the Nth Room. In the end, Moon Hung-bae is innocent Even if you give up accessing Moon Hyung-bae's Nth Room twice or three times. Like a idiot, I can't forget about Child Special Abuse Material It's like my brain is addicted to dopamine now. I'm looking for Halchus (Halmoni (grandmother) + Bacchus (energy drink)), rip~. Laughing, laughing, laughing, the Democratic Party came out Enduring, enduring, enduring, it's a paradise for overseas Chinese. Removing, removing, removing, CCP (Chinese Communist Party)'s manipulative nature Even though Moon Hyung-bae's username was hacked in the Nth Room. In the end, Moon Hung-bae is innocent (Accompaniment) Possessed by Lee Jung-mi (South Korean judge who ruled to impeach President Park Geun-hye), expel him, expel him, expel him The final word on expelling you Even if Moon Hyung-bae's username was hacked in Moon Hyung-bae's Nth Room In the end, Moon Hyung-bae is the ringleader of obscenity after all. Tear~ Tear~ Tear~ (Thank you for watching). #Moon #the #행배 #Even #for #in #Hyung-bae's #Nth #is #you #Tear~ #행번방 #Room #Chinese #CCP #though #In #flow #if #like #or #to #was #아이 #음란 #아이디 #해킹 #Party #enduring #expel #laughing #removing #him #it's #You're #came #Cho #of #out #Ju-bin #화교 #Tears #end #hacked #username #두번 #세번 #찢~ #Hyung-bae #문주빈 #조작질 #Hung-bae #파면 #I'm #Laughing #innocent #Communist #nature #overseas #paradise #smiles #three #times #twice #Democratic #눈물 #민주당 #주빈 #Enduring #Removing #수괴 #manipulative #Lee #give #Song #impeach #an #it #just #know #Like #Park #look #looking #me #my #no #on #only #It #request #side #by #suit #there's #they #Coin #can't #turn #case #up #who #word #cell #감방 #Special #The #선고 #don't #K-Pop #일반 #Now #한마 #doesn't #독립의사 #re-trial #Geun-hye #노래방 #도파민 #couldn't #보낼수 #Jung-mi #아청물 #없는듯 #이정미 #자작곡 #찌잊 #할카스 #Young-bae's #무죄 #Self-Composed #모르는척 #엠씨더맥스 #중독된듯 #It's #Abuse #Thank #judge #final #their #addicted #Child #unfamiliar #forget #South #President #watching #smile #giving #looks #가사 #dopamine #고개 #구속 #Possessed #brain #civil #bring #idiot #grandmother #뒤통수 #마지막 #all #Halmoni #after #pretending #반주 #accessing #myself #설치 #Halchus #away #Lyrics #Karaoke #energy #ringleader #drink #heads #now #일반인 #ruled #obscenity #court #expelling #criminal #there #천국 #about #Korean #한마디 #seeing #항소 #Korea #Bacchus #sentence #Material #rip~ #Accompaniment #대한민국 #서부지법 #모습 #접어 #바보 #투옥 #빙의 #주시 #감사 #시청 #cat #pussy #hits #징벌방 #Ju-bin #외국 #Bacchus #energy #sister-in-law's #종이빨대 #Hyung-bae #K-Pop #Keon-hee #Cho #Kim #Moon #Reality #from #ripping #spot #uniform #KARAOKE #Karaoke #COIN #Song #coin #karaoke #Coin #개표 #우파 #drink #진상조사 #진실인양 #특별전형 #형상기억 #자작곡 #younger #Abuse #Lolita #Material #Sexual #Florence #complex #Halmoni #evaluation #fixed #Child #grandfather #grandmother #pictures #remain #school #Halbae #Halbaechus #Halchus #ADX #at #Real #Las #누구 #일반 #면회 #Self-Composed #brother-in-law #transvestite #Bodies #Vegas #Guantanamo #Horseshoe #one's #Moo-hyun #굴욕 #노망 #발정 #육봉 #존버 #지시 #행동 #material #mongolian #KOREAN #사무원 #외국인 #의대 #화교 #후보 #음란수괴 #Room #chewing #wet #Nth #case #of #reality #hole #lolicon #Roh #권도형 #도파민 #목깁스 #문주빈 #아청물 #Anti-State #전겹 #전두엽 #태스크 #포스 #할카스 #행번방 #붕가붕가 #새로고침 #시알리스 #관타나모 #cement #Sinan #Election #변호 #crush #업무 #Communist #pants #Commission #communism #National #ringleader #obscenity #China #누가 #악마 #영상 #일반인 #조사 #Forces #TF #삼일절 #sledgehammer #관련 #애국투사 #민원서비스 #남부구치소 #업무적 #법무부 #위로 #관계 #이유 #인사 #변호인 #오늘 #접견 #제약 #온라인 #중이 #구속 #완료 #예약 #가족 #서부지법 #투옥 #31절 #31저 #1절 #1저 #자극적 #10분 #1회 #3월 #내용 #2.4 #2월 #1일