💹 Telegram Personal Telegram: https://t.me/Tarderfengge 💹 QQ: 158241758 💹 Telegram Free Group: https://t.me/FengegeBtc ———————————————————————————————————————— Our community is a currency circle blogger member group content transfer sharing broadcast running stably for 4 years. Welcome to join the video chapter: 0:00 Introduction 0:35 Bitcoin Ethereum market introduction 01:14 Bitcoin Feng Ge short earnings 02:21 Sanma Ge’s wonderful operations 03:31 Circle director’s operation ideas 04:32 Twitter Mi Ge shorted Bitcoin and made a profit 06:22 ROSE buys altcoins at the bottom and makes a profit 06:55 Bitcoin Chen Ge shorted profit 08:01 Bitcoin Commander's Analysis 08:34 End of the Video —————————————————————————————————————————— #Investment #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Bitcoin #Ethereum Quotation #Blockchain #trading #shib #https #Correspondence #Tia #Bitcoin Fengge #Bitcoin Exchange #Bitcoin Feiyang #Trading Strategy #Correspondence #Contract Quantitative Robot #Shuqin #Binance Sanma Ge #Binance #okx #통화 서클에서 눈을 크게 조정하는 #Cryptocurrency Circle Director #Cryptocurrency Beautiful #Luo Sheng #ouyi Mai Coin 거래 #Binance Arbitrage 거래 로봇 #Bitcoin 군사 사령관 #OUYI Exchange #Bitcoin Chen GEBINANCE Contract #ALTOIN #CAKE #CAKE #CAKE #CAKE #CAKE #COIN Doge #Shiba INU COIN #Wave 이론 #Nickydnf #Pepe #People #Solo #LTC #Currency Aggregation Group