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Investors and technologists tend to focus on the most precious or technically useful natural resources and commodities, such as gold, rare earth, or lithium. However, a much simpler resource is needed in massive amounts daily to sustain our civilization: fresh water.
While it literally falls from the sky in most of the world, its availability is still under severe pressure in modern civilization, as we consume much of it for industry, agriculture, and human needs.
Only 3% of the world’s water is usable fresh water, with 97% being saline (saline groundwater and seawater). Of this freshwater, 69% is held in glacier and polar ice caps, 30% is groundwater, and only 1% is surface water.
世界の水のうち利用可能な淡水はわずか 3% のみで、97% は塩水 (塩分を含んだ地下水と海水) です。この淡水のうち、69% が氷河と極地の氷床に保持されており、30% が地下水で、地表水はわずか 1% です。
Source: USGS
出典: USGS
As a result, in many places, the only available water source is saline. Desalination is possible but requires a tremendous amount of energy. Until now, it has often been done with fossil fuels, as most desalination techniques are energy-intensive and require constant and stable energy inputs.
This could change, thanks to a new method developed by MIT engineers and published in Nature Water under the title “Direct-drive photovoltaic electrodialysis via flow-commanded current control.”
この状況は、MIT のエンジニアによって開発され、「流れ指令による電流制御による直接駆動光起電力電気透析」というタイトルで Nature Water に掲載された新しい方法のおかげで変わる可能性があります。
Solar Desalination
At first glance, solar power seems to be the most logical energy source for powering desalination operations. Not only is it provided for free by the Sun, but it is also generally abundant in dry regions like deserts, which often need desalination the most.
With solar power becoming cheaper by the day, it will likely continue to grow as an energy source, as we covered in our article “The Solar Age—A Bright Future To Mankind.”
「太陽の時代 ― 人類にとって明るい未来」の記事で取り上げたように、太陽光発電は日に日に安くなり、エネルギー源として今後も成長し続けるでしょう。
There is still one problem – solar energy is only produced when the sun shines. This means that to operate efficiently, most solar-power-only desalination operations would need to be coupled to a battery system, increasing costs.
まだ問題が 1 つあります。太陽エネルギーは太陽が輝いているときにのみ生成されます。これは、効率的に運用するには、ほとんどの太陽光発電のみの淡水化運用をバッテリー システムに接続する必要があり、コストが増加することを意味します。
This is especially problematic for current desalination techniques, like reverse osmosis, which needs stable conditions and a stable energy supply to be efficient. This is because it requires constant pressure on the osmosis membranes.
This precludes any small-scale desalination and any low-cost methods, at least as long as energy storage is still expensive. This might change, as we discussed in “The Future Of Energy Storage—Utility-Scale Batteries Tech”; still, it could be better to also adapt to the natural fluctuation of solar power, including very short-term ones like clouds passing by.
これにより、少なくともエネルギー貯蔵が依然として高価である限り、小規模の淡水化や低コストの方法は不可能になります。 「エネルギー貯蔵の将来 - 実用規模の電池技術」で説明したように、これは変わるかもしれません。それでも、通過する雲のような非常に短期間の変動を含め、太陽光発電の自然変動にも適応したほうが良いかもしれません。
Flexible Batch Electrodialysis
The MIT researchers favored this approach. They studied electrodialysis, an alternative method to reverse osmosis for desalination. Electrodialysis uses an electric field to draw out salt ions as water is pumped through a stack of ion-exchange membranes.
MIT の研究者たちはこのアプローチを支持しました。彼らは、脱塩のための逆浸透に代わる方法である電気透析を研究しました。電気透析では、水がイオン交換膜のスタックを通ってポンプで送られるときに、電場を使用して塩イオンを引き出します。
Source: Nature Water
出典: 自然水
For their new design, they created a model-based control system connected to sensors in all parts of the system. It predicted the optimal rate at which to pump water and the voltage that should be applied to maximize the amount of salt drawn out of the water.
By doing so, the desalination operation could fluctuate according to the solar power produced in real-time.
Source: Nature Water
出典: 自然水
On average, the system directly used 77 percent of the available electrical energy produced by the solar panels, which the team estimated was 91 percent more than traditionally designed solar-powered electrodialysis systems.
平均して、このシステムはソーラーパネルによって生成される利用可能な電気エネルギーの 77% を直接使用し、研究チームはこれが従来設計の太陽光発電電気透析システムより 91% 多いと推定しました。
Further Improvement
The almost doubled rate of solar power utilization compared to previous electrodialysis systems could still be improved with more regular optimization & automation:
以前の電気透析システムと比較してほぼ 2 倍の太陽光発電利用率は、より定期的な最適化と自動化によってさらに改善できる可能性があります。
We could only calculate every three minutes, and in that time, a cloud could literally come by and block the sun.
計算できるのは 3 分ごとだけで、その間に文字通り雲がやって来て太陽を遮ってしまう可能性があります。
The system could be saying, ‘I need to run at this high power.’ But some of that power has suddenly dropped because there’s now less sunlight. So, we had to make up that power with extra batteries.”
Amos Winter – Director of the K. Lisa Yang Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Center at MIT
エイモス・ウィンター – MIT の K. リサ・ヤン グローバル工学研究 (GEAR) センター所長
This was a proof-of-concept work and will be turned into a commercial design soon, as the team will be launching a company based on their technology in the coming months.
This research project was also supported in-kind (provided material for free) by Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions (VIE.PA) and Xylem Goulds (XYL -1.17%).
この研究プロジェクトは、Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions (VIE.PA) と Xylem Goulds (XYL -1.17%) からも現物で支援されました (資料は無料で提供されました)。
Not Just Seawater
The research team focused on the desalination of brackish groundwater found underground in New Mexico. As many dry area population centers are far from the sea, this can be an important water source currently unavailable due to its salt content.
“The majority of the population actually lives far enough from the coast, that seawater desalination could never reach them. They consequently rely heavily on groundwater, especially in remote, low-income regions. And unfortunately, this groundwater is becoming more and more saline due to climate change.”
Jonathan Bessette – MIT PhD student in mechanical engineering
Jonathan Bessette – MIT 機械工学博士課程の学生
The research model was already able to provide enough fresh water
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