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One of the most positive developments for the crypto space since the start of this year has been the exciting interest in institutional involvement. Various governments and major financial entities have been vocal about their interest in participating in the blockchain space actively—with the most recent being the popular Haun Ventures.
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Headed by Katie Haun, the firm is set to raise about $1 billion across two new crypto-based funds, likely to finish the raise by June itself. While not a move that directly impacts the market right away, the announcement does portray rising interest in cryptocurrency-based investments within larger companies as well.
Katie Haunが率いるこの同社は、6月までに昇給を終了する可能性が高い2つの新しい暗号ベースのファンドで約10億ドルを調達する予定です。市場に直接影響を与える動きではありませんが、この発表は、大企業内の暗号通貨ベースの投資への関心の高まりを描写しています。
In this guide, we explore a few of the most popular and trending crypto projects that could be top picks to consider as the market responds to such developments on the macro level and starts pumping again.
Best Crypto to Buy Now
BTC Bull is a token that builds around the cultural weight of Bitcoin—but it takes that idea in a different direction. It creates an incentive-led environment where community growth and long-term participation are actively encouraged through timed airdrop events. These aren’t random giveaways but part of a roadmap that prioritizes retention and rewards based on community milestones.
BTC Bullは、ビットコインの文化的重みを築くトークンですが、その考えは別の方向に進みます。これは、時限エアドロップイベントを通じてコミュニティの成長と長期的な参加が積極的に奨励されるインセンティブ主導の環境を作成します。これらはランダムな景品ではなく、コミュニティのマイルストーンに基づいて保持と報酬を優先するロードマップの一部です。
Alongside this, a portion of the token supply is scheduled for periodic removal, which gradually reduces the number of tokens in circulation. This process can support pricing pressure if buying volume increases over time.
In terms of early interest, the project has managed to collect an impressive amount of funding during its presale phase, which is now complete. It has managed to raise over $3.9 million and get featured in YouTube videos by top content creators and analysts like ClayBro, among many others. Its association with the Bitcoin brand helps increase familiarity, but the structure is different enough to appeal to retail investors who are looking for more than a passive token.
初期の関心に関しては、このプロジェクトは、プレセール段階で印象的な量の資金を集めることができました。 390万ドル以上を調達し、トップコンテンツクリエイターやClaybroなどのアナリストによるYouTubeビデオで紹介されました。ビットコインブランドとの関連性は親しみを高めるのに役立ちますが、この構造は、パッシブトークン以上のものを探している小売投資家にアピールするのに十分なほど異なっています。
Many projects in this category rely solely on hype to fuel growth. BTC Bull takes a more measured approach. The mechanics are clear, and the audience it targets is one that watches Bitcoin’s movement closely—but wants something with a different set of entry points and a shorter path to potential returns.
このカテゴリの多くのプロジェクトは、誇大宣伝のみに依存して成長を促進しています。 BTCブルは、より測定されたアプローチを取ります。メカニックは明確であり、それがターゲットにしているオーディエンスは、ビットコインの動きを注意深く見ているものですが、エントリポイントの異なるセットと潜在的なリターンへのパスが短いものを望んでいます。
Solaxy is designed to address the growing complexity of blockchain interaction. It serves as a second-layer protocol that connects multiple chains through a framework focused on faster transactions and broader access. Rather than leaning toward a single dominant network, the system is built to move assets between them with fewer barriers.
For users and developers, that means reduced delays, lower fees, and access to a wider ecosystem from a single interface. These efficiencies are coupled with a staking system that rewards users who participate in securing and supporting the network.
As more applications go live across different chains, there’s a growing demand for tools that reduce the need for constant switching between platforms. Solaxy provides that infrastructure, packaged in a format accessible to both experienced traders and newer participants.
より多くのアプリケーションがさまざまなチェーンにまたがるにつれて、プラットフォーム間の絶え間ない切り替えの必要性を減らすツールに対する需要が高まっています。 Solaxyは、経験豊富なトレーダーと新しい参加者の両方がアクセスできる形式でパッケージ化されたインフラストラクチャを提供しています。
Among the recent presales within the meme coin space, the SOLX token could arguably be considered the biggest and most successful, given its total raise which now exceeds $27 million.
Instead of relying on high-volume trading to gain attention, Solaxy emphasizes long-term participation through utility. It’s a technical project with clear use cases, and while it’s not a household name yet, its design reflects many of the key features institutional players look for when evaluating projects that support blockchain interoperability and staking.
If user activity continues to expand across multiple chains, platforms that allow seamless movement and interaction between them may play a much bigger role in the next growth phase.
Tracking fast-moving meme tokens is often a challenge, even for full-time traders. Meme Index was introduced to reduce that challenge by bringing together multiple meme-based assets under one collection. It gives exposure to several tokens through a single allocation rather than relying on individual picks.
フルタイムのトレーダーであっても、動きの速いミームのトークンを追跡することは、しばしば挑戦です。 Meme Indexは、1つのコレクションの下に複数のミームベースの資産をまとめることにより、その課題を減らすために導入されました。それは、個々のピックに依存するのではなく、単一の割り当てを通じていくつかのトークンに露出を与えます。
This approach appeals to investors who see potential in the meme category but don’t want to rely entirely on guessing which coin might see a surge next. It balances access with diversification, allowing holders to participate in a trend rather than being tied to a single outcome.
The structure of the index is built around monitoring token activity, community engagement, and historical price behavior. It’s adjusted over time to stay aligned with what’s performing, while filtering out assets that lose relevance.
What makes the idea standout is that it applies familiar investing principles—like portfolio balance and rotation—within a sector that typically operates without structure. Rather than compete with individual meme projects, Meme Index includes them, creating an indirect way to gain from their success.
アイデアを際立たせるのは、通常、構造なしで動作するセクターで、ポートフォリオのバランスやローテーションなど、おなじみの投資原則を適用することです。 Meme Indexには、個々のミームプロジェクトと競合するのではなく、それらが含まれており、成功から得られる間接的な方法を作成します。
As market sentiment improves and speculative capital returns, meme tokens tend to gain traction quickly. For those looking to take part without fully committing to one token, an index model can offer a safer and more strategic option.
市場の感情が改善し、投機的な資本が戻ってくるにつれて、ミームのトークンは急速に牽引力を得る傾向があります。 1つのトークンに完全にコミットせずに参加したい人のために、インデックスモデルはより安全で戦略的なオプションを提供できます。
MIND of Pepe builds on the idea that sentiment often moves faster than price. The project incorporates automated systems that scan ongoing
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- ジェットボルト
- 2025-03-25 14:25:12
- LE:今投資するのに最適な暗号は何ですか?