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Convicted felon and former U.S. president Donald Trump has entered the cryptocurrency market with his own meme coin, $TRUMP. While this move is likely to bring him a massive cash haul, experts are concerned about his MAGA supporters losing money in the venture.
Trump's entry into the crypto market is not surprising, given his history of grifts and ventures designed to capitalize on his brand and notoriety. However, this latest move highlights the lack of regulation in the crypto space, which has allowed some high-profile figures to engage in "rug pulls" on their fans.
A "rug pull" occurs when creators of a digital coin, which has a limited supply, sell most or all of their personal stake after their fans substantially increase the value. This tanks the value of the coin and harms fans' investments.
One recent example is Haliey Welch, who rose to fame as the "Hawk Tuah" girl. After gaining overnight fame thanks to a bawdy viral video, Welch launched a podcast and later her own meme coin, $HAWK.
最近の例の1つは、「ホークトゥア」の少女として名声を得たハリーウェルチです。 Welchがポッドキャストを開始し、後に彼女自身のミームコイン$ hakkを発売しました。
The value of Welch's coin soared after its December launch, but it plummeted a mere two hours later, leading Welch's fans to believe they were part of a "pump and dump" or "rug pull" scheme. Welch has since been embroiled in legal battles over the matter.
Welch's team claims that what happened wasn't a "rug pull" and instead blames single parties for buying a majority of the coins and quickly selling them for a profit.
However, the exploitation of buyers who are investing in crypto based on fandom alone is a major concern that ties back to Trump's meme coin ventures.
Crypto expert and fraud investigator Stephen Findeisen, known as Coffeezilla, expressed his disdain for Trump's latest marketing gimmick on X.
暗号の専門家であり、詐欺捜査官のStephen Findeisen(Coffeezillaとして知られる)は、Xでのトランプの最新のマーケティングギミックに対する軽daを表明しました。
Findeisen noted that "most" of the people destined to lose money on the $TRUMP coin will be his MAGA supporters, while 80% of the tokens will be vested to insiders during Trump's presidency.
Findeisenは、$ Trump Coinでお金を失う運命にある人々の「ほとんど」が彼のMAGAサポーターであり、トークンの80%がトランプの大統領職の間にインサイダーに与えられることを指摘しました。
"[This] should be a crime but crime is legal now [I guess?],” he wrote.
Jessica Tillipman, an anti-corruption and government ethics professor at George Washington University, told Daily Kos that this "black box" of potential profit Trump stands to gain from crypto sits atop a list of many other grifts in Trump's back pocket.
And as Tillipman points out, there are no actual laws stopping a president from profiting off of the people he was elected to serve. Past presidents have acted in good faith without the pressure of legal ramifications—but Trump has never met a norm he wasn't happy to trample on.
"We've always relied on this system of norms," she explained. "I think people were pretty surprised to see how few restrictions there were on what a president could do, because we hadn't seen this before."
「私たちは常にこの規範のシステムに依存してきました」と彼女は説明しました。 「私たちはこれを見たことがなかったので、大統領が何ができるかについての制限がどれほど少ないかを見て、人々はかなり驚いたと思います。」
While restrictions are in place for presidential infractions such as outright bribery, crypto offers a gray area allowing foreign investors to potentially dump large funds into the coins as a workaround, Tillipman speculates.
Trump's appointed artificial intelligence and crypto czar David Sacks has been notably silent on the $TRUMP launch. Daily Kos reached out to the tech investor and former Paypal CEO for comment but did not immediately hear back.
トランプの任命された人工知能とCrypto Czar David Sacksは、$トランプの打ち上げについて特に沈黙しています。デイリーコスは、コメントを求めてハイテク投資家と元PayPalのCEOに連絡しましたが、すぐに返事をしませんでした。
No one knows how much Trump will net from his (or his wife Melania's) meme coins. Some finance experts have speculated the windfall could reach the billions, as the value of the individual coins shoots up to $40 or more for the 200 million coins in rotation. A total of 1 billion coins will be "unlocked" over the course of three years, according to Quartz.
トランプが彼(または彼の妻メラニアの)ミームコインからどれだけネットを獲得するかは誰にもわかりません。一部の財務専門家は、個々のコインの価値が回転中の2億コインで最大40ドル以上を放射するため、windfallが数十億人に達する可能性があると推測しています。 Quartzによると、合計10億コインが3年間で「ロック解除」されます。
While a Trump-affiliated company owns 80% of the coins, no one knows exactly how many of the coins are owned directly by the president. And even as Trump pushes his branding, his crypto trading platform, World Liberty Financial, is making multimillion-dollar moves as well.
トランプに所属する会社はコインの80%を所有していますが、大統領が直接所有しているコインの数は誰にもわかりません。そして、トランプが彼のブランディングを推進していても、彼の暗号取引プラットフォームであるWorld Liberty Financialも数百万ドルの動きをしています。
All in all, Trump is virtually guaranteed to profit from crypto—regardless of how his personal coin venture turns out.
Bibles, cologne, shoes, and now meme coins are fueling Trump's never-ending grift—and the newly inaugurated president stands to make untold millions off the very people who elected him in hopes that he would save them a buck or two on eggs and gas.
聖書、ケルン、靴、そして今ではミームのコインはトランプの決して終わりのないグリフトに燃料を供給しています。そして、新たに就任した大統領は、卵とガスに1つか2ドルを節約することを期待して彼を選出した人々から数百万人を数百万人から追い払うために立っています。 。
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