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2025/02/19 08:05
NFT市場は「ブルーチップNFT」に支配されており、市場は比較的安定していました。しかし、今では市場は「新しいNFT」に支配されており、市場はより不安定になっています。これは、新しいNFTプロジェクトが基本的な面なしで発行されることが多く、価格は出力タイトル:OpenSeaが最終的にコインを発行し、NFT市場格局出力説明:Openseaは最終的にコインを発行します。 3年前の場合、これは間違いなく暗号通貨サークルで非常に期待されるカーニバルになるでしょう。しかし、今では状況は異なります。今日の暗号通貨サークルはMemecoinに支配されており、NFTは長い間「時代遅れ」でした。
Blur's good performance that everyone is paying more and more attention to the NFT trading platform track. According to Footprint Analytics data, in the past 30 days, Opensea's market share has dropped sharply from 95% in December 2021 to 29%.
誰もがNFTトレーディングプラットフォームトラックにますます注意を払っているというBlurの優れたパフォーマンス。 Footprint Analyticsのデータによると、過去30日間で、Openseaの市場シェアは2021年12月の95%から29%に急激に減少しました。
In addition to the impact on OpenSea, Blur's emergence has also brought about a wave of changes in the entire NFT field.
First of all, everyone realized that the NFT trading platform can still be played like this, and the transaction-centric UI design is indeed much more convenient than the previous NFT trading platform. Secondly, everyone realized that the airdrop model of the NFT trading platform is indeed very effective in attracting traffic, and it can quickly occupy a place in the fiercely competitive NFT trading platform track. Finally, everyone realized that the first-mover advantage of the NFT trading platform is not as strong as everyone imagined. As long as there is a better product and gameplay, it is possible to quickly surpass the existing NFT trading platform.
In fact, the emergence of Blur is not an isolated phenomenon. In the past year, whether it is the launch of Seaport by Paradigm or the launch of Sudoswap, a decentralized NFT exchange, there have been many attempts to challenge OpenSea. However, due to various factors, these projects did not achieve the expected results in the end. Only Blur finally succeeded in dethroning OpenSea.
As the No. 1 NFT trading platform changed hands, everyone began to wonder what would happen to OpenSea next?
No. 1 NFTトレーディングプラットフォームが手を変えると、誰もがOpenseaが次に何が起こるのだろうと思い始めましたか?
OpenSea, which once planned to go public, finally chose to issue coins
After Blur announced that it would conduct an airdrop, many people began to speculate whether OpenSea would also issue coins. After all, if a large number of users are lost due to the airdrop of the NFT trading platform, it will be difficult for OpenSea to maintain its leading position in the future.
However, OpenSea did not respond to this matter for a long time, and everyone's expectations gradually decreased. Until February 13 this year, OpenSea finally announced the launch of the OS2 public beta version on X, and will launch the platform token SEA, and hinted that it will conduct an airdrop. Although the specific timetable and details have not yet been announced, this announcement has undoubtedly touched the hearts of many old players in the cryptocurrency circle. In just one hour, the number of comments and reposts on the tweet has exceeded 1,000, and the community discussion has soared.
OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer also tweeted to emphasize that "OS2, which is being launched, is not just a new product, and SEA is not just a token, but a brand new OpenSea built from scratch." There have also been some rumors that the new version of OpenSea will refer to Blur's transaction-centric UI.
OpenseaのCEOであるDevin Finzerは、「発売されているOS2は単なる製品ではなく、Seaは単なるトークンではなく、ゼロから構築されたまったく新しいOpensea」であると強調するためにツイートしました。また、Openseaの新しいバージョンがBlurのトランザクション中心のUIを参照するという噂もありました。
After the news was announced, the price of APE rose by more than 15% within 24 hours. Many people speculated that this was related to the upcoming OpenSea airdrop. After all, Yuga Labs is also a shareholder of OpenSea, and it is very likely that a large amount of airdrops will be allocated to Yuga Labs. At present, the specific airdrop rules have not yet been announced, and everyone is still waiting for follow-up news.
ニュースが発表された後、類人猿の価格は24時間以内に15%以上上昇しました。多くの人々は、これが今後のOpensea Airdropに関連していると推測しました。結局のところ、Yuga LabsはOpenseaの株主でもあり、大量のエアドロップがYuga Labsに割り当てられる可能性が非常に高いです。現在、特定のAirdropルールはまだ発表されておらず、誰もがまだフォローアップニュースを待っています。
But having said that, the emergence of Blur has indeed brought a lot of pressure on OpenSea. After losing a large number of users due to the airdrop of the NFT trading platform, it is difficult for OpenSea to maintain its leading position in the future. Therefore, OpenSea had to choose to issue coins in the end, but it was too late.output: As the largest NFT (non-fungible token) trading platform in the world, Opensea has finally waited for the arrival of the trend. Data shows that in March 2021, the transaction volume on Opensea exceeded the $100 million mark for the first time, exceeded $300 million in July, and in August the figure increased by more than 10 times month-on-month to $3.44 billion. It was also in March that Opensea completed a round of financing of $23 million led by a16z, and many angel investors including Mark Cuban also participated in this round of investment.
しかし、そうは言っても、Blurの出現は実際にOpenseaに多くの圧力をもたらしました。 NFTトレーディングプラットフォームの放送のために多数のユーザーを失った後、Openseaが将来その主要な地位を維持することは困難です。したがって、Openseaは最終的にコインを発行することを選択しなければなりませんでしたが、手遅れでした。アウトプット:世界最大のNFT(不可能なトークン)取引プラットフォームとして、Openseaはついにトレンドの到着を待ちました。データによると、2021年3月、オペンシアの取引量は初めて1億ドルを超え、7月に3億ドルを超え、8月には数ヶ月から10倍以上増加して34億4,000万ドルになりました。また、OpenseaがA16Zが率いる2,300万ドルの資金調達を完了したのは3月にもあり、Mark Cubanを含む多くのエンジェル投資家もこの投資ラウンドに参加しました。
Although NFT has actually started to develop rapidly since the beginning of 2021, the floor price of the CryptoPunks series of NFTs has also increased from single-digit ETH at the beginning of the year to more than 10 to 20 ETH in the middle of the year. However, the main narrative of the market in the first half of 2021 was still centered around DeFi, and everyone's attention had not yet completely shifted to NFT. The reason for this is that in addition to the rising popularity of DeFi, there are no targets and
NFTは2021年の初めから実際に急速に発展し始めましたが、NFTSのCryptopunksシリーズのフロア価格も、年の初めの1桁のETHから年の半ばに10〜20 ETHに増加しました。 。しかし、2021年上半期の市場の主な物語はまだDefiを中心としており、全員の注意はまだNFTに完全に移行していませんでした。この理由は、defiの人気の高まりに加えて、ターゲットがなく、
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