Reservoir, a leading NFT infrastructure provider, has secured $14 million in a Series A funding round. The round was spearheaded by Union Square Ventures (USV), with further participation from Variant, Archetype, and Square Peg Capital.
This funding will be utilized to bolster Reservoir's tools for NFT trading, such as solutions for indexing token images and data, and enabling connections to decentralized markets and NFT exchanges. According to Jason Maier, co-founder and COO of Reservoir, while blockchains facilitate digital ownership, the essential tools for trading these assets are not natively available on blockchain networks. Thus, their aim is to simplify and enhance the infrastructure required for platforms like Coinbase and MetaMask to operate effectively within the NFT market.
この資金は、トークンの画像やデータのインデックス付けや分散型市場やNFT交換への接続を可能にするためのソリューションなど、NFT取引のための貯水池のツールを強化するために利用されます。貯水池の共同設立者兼COOであるJason Maierによると、ブロックチェーンはデジタル所有権を促進しますが、これらの資産を取引するための重要なツールはブロックチェーンネットワークでネイティブに利用できません。したがって、彼らの目的は、CoinbaseやMetamaskなどのプラットフォームに必要なインフラストラクチャを簡素化および強化し、NFT市場内で効果的に動作することです。
The NFT market experienced a significant boom between 2020 and 2022, notably in 2021, when it achieved record sales. However, the market faced challenges in the following years, with transaction volumes and NFT sales declining substantially, reaching levels comparable to 2020 by 2024.
According to Maier, this decline can be attributed to the bursting of the “NFT bubble” following a period of speculation. Despite this slowdown, there are indications of a potential recovery, with NFT sales reaching $877 million in December 2024, suggesting that the market still has room for growth.
Furthermore, the acquisition of Tokenproof, a tokenization platform, by Yuga Labs, the creators of the renowned Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, highlights the ongoing importance of NFTs within the crypto ecosystem.
さらに、有名な退屈なAPE Yacht Clubコレクションの作成者であるYuga Labsによるトークン化プラットフォームであるTokenproofの買収は、暗号生態系内のNFTの継続的な重要性を強調しています。