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とんでもない、または奇妙ですか? YouTuber IShowSpeed のペットネームが論争を巻き起こす:「マスター」と「スレーブ」

2024/04/15 05:19

YouTube streamer Darren "IShowSpeed" went on an IRL streaming expedition to adopt more pets, and chose two cats to add to his family. Earlier this year, he got a dog and named it after the n-word, ruffling a lot of feathers online. Darren has continued the trend of giving his pets some very unconventional names, christening one of the cats as "Master" and the other one as "Slave".

.vidazoo-player-container {幅: 100%;高さ: calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景色: #000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高さ: calc(685px *) 9 / 16);}@media(max-width: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {height: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}YouTube ストリーマーの Darren "IShowSpeed" は、より多くのペットを引き取るために IRL ストリーミング遠征に参加し、家族に加える 2 匹の猫を選びました。今年の初めに彼は犬を飼い、その犬に「N」の単語にちなんだ名前を付け、ネット上でたくさんの羽を振り乱した。ダレンはペットに非常に型破りな名前を付ける傾向を続けており、一匹の猫を「マスター」、もう一匹を「スレーブ」と名付けました。

The clip of the streamer pointing to the white cat and naming it Master while choosing to give a black cat the name Slave has gone viral on social media after being shared by viewers. Like the time he named his dog, his latest naming convention has been called outrageous by some.


IShowSpeed was quite excited to welcome the cats to his family, and introduced them to his viewers as follows:

IShowSpeed は猫たちを家族に迎えることに非常に興奮しており、次のように視聴者に猫たちを紹介しました。

"Welcome to the family! Your name is going to be Slave (pointing to the black cat). And your name is going to be Master. Welcome to my family, I'm getting both cats, buying them right now let's go!"

"Let's go!": IShowSpeed gets excited after buying two cats

Darren is known for his chaotic streams, rising in popularity over the last few years to become one of YouTube's most popular content creators. Although his football content has found worldwide appeal, the 19-year-old has recently been on a shopping binge, buying two Lamborghinis last month, including a Huracan with a custom CR7 livery.

.promoted-img {width: 100%;}「ファミリーへようこそ! あなたの名前はスレーブになります(黒猫を指して)。そしてあなたの名前はマスターになります。私のファミリーへようこそ、私は両方の猫、今すぐ購入しましょう、行きましょう!」「さあ、行きましょう!」: IShowSpeed は 2 匹の猫を購入した後に興奮しています ダレンは混沌としたストリームで知られ、ここ数年で人気が高まり、YouTube で最も人気のあるコンテンツ クリエイターの 1 人になりました。彼のサッカーコンテンツは世界的に注目を集めているが、19歳の彼は最近ショッピングに夢中で、先月はCR7のカスタムカラーリングを施したウラカンを含むランボルギーニを2台購入した。

After getting a dog that he named the n-word earlier this year, it seems IShowSpeed has been looking to expand the number of pets. The teenage YouTuber was charged up after deciding on the two cats, saying:

今年初めに「n-word」と名付けた犬を飼い始めて以来、IShowSpeed はペットの数を増やそうとしているようだ。この10代のYouTuberは、2匹の猫を決定した後、次のように言って起訴された。

"I'm locked in. Come on baby! Let's go, welcome to the family. Welcome to the Speed gang family."

He also talked to the cats, telling them that his dog would probably like them both:


"You have to meet Ni**a, I think Ni**a is going to like you. I think that Ni**a is going to like you too, actually."

IShowSpeed seemed quite taken with the white cat, and described it as cute and cuddly after holding it for the first time:


"Oh, you are so cute and fluffy, I love touching you. I can't wait to touch you when I'm home. Welcome the family Master."

However, when he got the cats home, his dog did not seem to get along very well. Only time will tell if IShowSpeed can have the three pets under one roof, or if he will have to return them to the store.

「ああ、あなたはとても可愛くてふわふわしています。私はあなたに触れるのが大好きです。家に帰ったらあなたに触れるのが待ちきれません。家族のマスターを歓迎します。」しかし、猫たちを家に迎えたとき、彼の犬はあまり仲良くなっていないようでした。 IShowSpeed が 3 匹のペットを 1 つ屋根の下で飼えるか、それとも店に返さなければならないかは、時間が経てばわかります。

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