Wynn Resorts, Limited (NASDAQ:WYNN) Director Patricia Mulroy sold 2,650 shares of the company’s stock.
ウィン・リゾーツ・リミテッド (NASDAQ:WYNN) 取締役パトリシア・マルロイは、同社株式 2,650 株を売却した。
The transaction took place on Monday, September 18, according to a new SEC filing, and the shares were sold at an average price of $78.73. The total value of the insider sale is $208,635.
Following the transaction, Mulroy now directly owns 11,350 shares of Wynn Resorts.
Patricia Mulroy is among the 106 portfolio managers that Benzinga tracks. To follow Mulroy’s trades in real time, click here.
Wynn Resorts, Limited engages in the ownership, development, operation and management of integrated resorts that offer a variety of amenities, including gaming, hospitality, food and beverage, retail and entertainment experiences. Its integrated resorts are designed to provide a unique blend of luxury, service and entertainment.
The company was founded by entrepreneur Steve Wynn in 2002 and is headquartered in Paradise, Nevada, USA.
同社は 2002 年に起業家 Steve Wynn によって設立され、米国ネバダ州パラダイスに本社を置いています。
The company’s stock price closed at $78.2 on Monday. The stock has a 52-week high of $114.4 and a 52-week low of $56.01.
Don't forget to check out our list of high profile insider trades.
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