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Dogecoin’s recent price action encountered strong resistance and persistent selling pressure, which prevented it from breaking out completely. The recent drop below $0.22 and the subsequent fall to $0.18 indicated that sellers were dominant, putting the market in a bearish pattern. However, technical signs such as a breakout attempt and increasing volume suggest that buyers are trying to regain momentum.
In other news, Dogecoin cloud mining is the process by which cloud mining service providers are rewarded with new Dogecoins by reviewing transactions on the Dogecoin blockchain. It may seem simple, but it’s not easy to do!
他のニュースでは、Dogecoin Cloud Miningは、DogeCoinブロックチェーンでのトランザクションをレビューすることにより、クラウドマイニングサービスプロバイダーに新しいDogecoinsで報われるプロセスです。簡単に思えるかもしれませんが、簡単ではありません!
Cloud mining involves multiple computers processing the same batch of transactions at the same time, but only one computer gets to earn the new coin reward. The computer that gets the new coin is the node that adds the old transaction block to the new block. This is done through a complex mathematical equation.
The node that solves the math problem first wins! It can then append the newly confirmed transaction block to the rest of the blockchain.
Most cryptocurrency mining is done this way. However, Dogecoin mining differs from other currencies in some important ways. These aspects include:
• Algorithms: Each cryptocurrency has a set of rules for mining new currencies. These rules are called mining algorithms or hashing algorithms.
• Block time: This is the average length of time it takes to check a new transaction block and add it to the blockchain.
• Difficulty: This number indicates how difficult it is to mine each new currency block. Mining difficulty can rise or fall depending on how many miners there are. The currency protocol also adjusts the difficulty to ensure that the block time remains constant.
• Reward: This is the amount of new currency awarded to the miner for each new block.
Selected crypto cloud mining service providers are rewarded with new Dogecoins for confirming transactions on the cryptocurrency network.
The service providers, who prefer to remain anonymous, are part of a large-scale mining pool that contributes significantly to processing Dogecoin transactions. In recognition of their efforts, they receive a portion of the newly mined coins.
"We are constantly scanning the blockchain for new transactions and verifying their validity," said one service provider. "Once a certain number of transactions are collected, we work together to create a new block and add it to the chain."
「私たちは、新しいトランザクションのためにブロックチェーンを常にスキャンし、それらの有効性を検証しています」と1つのサービスプロバイダーは述べています。 「特定の数のトランザクションが収集されると、協力して新しいブロックを作成し、チェーンに追加します。」
The process of adding a new block involves solving a complex mathematical problem. The first service provider to solve the problem receives the reward and the right to add the block.
"It's a race against time and computing power," another service provider explained. "But ultimately, our goal is the same: to maintain the integrity of the Dogecoin network and keep the ecosystem running smoothly."
「それは時間とコンピューティングの力との競争です」と別のサービスプロバイダーは説明しました。 「しかし、最終的には、私たちの目標は同じです。GogeCoinネットワークの完全性を維持し、エコシステムをスムーズに稼働させ続けることです。」
The service providers typically receive a small amount of Dogecoin for each block they add. However, given the high volume of transactions and the service providers' significant contributions, their collective earnings over time are substantial.
"We might receive a few thousand coins per day, depending on the network activity," said one service provider. "But even a small reward, multiplied over time and across all the service providers, amounts to a considerable sum."
「ネットワークのアクティビティに応じて、1日あたり数千コインを受け取る可能性があります」と1人のサービスプロバイダーは述べています。 「しかし、すべてのサービスプロバイダーで時間とともに増加した小さな報酬でさえ、かなりの金額に相当します。」
Their earnings also depend on the Dogecoin price, which can fluctuate significantly.
"If the token price is high, our earnings will be higher," said one service provider. "But we are focused on providing a valuable service and contributing to the Dogecoin community."
「トークンの価格が高い場合、収益は高くなります」と1人のサービスプロバイダーは述べています。 「しかし、私たちは貴重なサービスを提供し、Dogecoinコミュニティに貢献することに焦点を当てています。」
The service providers' efforts are essential for securing the Dogecoin network and enabling its smooth operation. In return for their service, they receive a portion of the newly mined coins, ensuring a sustainable and mutually beneficial system.
However, it’s important to note that this is a unique case, and most Dogecoin cloud miners will not be able to earn $70,000 a day.
The service providers' substantial earnings are a result of their large-scale operations and significant contributions to the Dogecoin ecosystem. For the average user, earnings are likely to be lower but still potentially significant over time.
The service providers' earnings also highlight the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, where contributions from multiple parties are rewarded and the value of the ecosystem is distributed among its participants.
For beginners, we recommend joining the Dogecoin mining pool. This way you don’t have to wait a long time to mine the first block of a new currency. You will also feel like you are part of the community, which is what Dogecoin is about!
初心者には、Dogecoin Mining Poolに参加することをお勧めします。これにより、新しい通貨の最初のブロックをマイニングするのに長い時間待つ必要はありません。また、あなたはコミュニティの一員であるように感じるでしょう。これがDogecoinの目的です!
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