
LooksRare (LOOKS) price today is $0.01944 and has decreased -0.3% from the last 24 hours. When measured against the U.S. dollar, LooksRare price has gone down by 7.8% in the last week. One LooksRare token can now be purchased for $0.0194 or 0.00000020 BTC on popular exchanges.
Tookrare(Look)の価格は0.01944ドルで、過去24時間から-0.3%減少しています。米ドルに対して測定されると、Tookrareの価格は先週7.8%下落しました。 1つのLookrareトークンは、人気のある交換で0.0194ドルまたは0.00000020 BTCで購入できるようになりました。
LooksRare has a total market cap of $19.35 million and $3.16 million worth of LooksRare was traded on exchanges in the last day. Here is how related cryptocurrencies have performed during the last day:
LooksRare was first introduced in December 2021 and has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens. Out of the total supply, 999,941,673 tokens are currently circulating. You can follow LooksRare on Twitter (@looksrare) or visit their Facebook page.
Tookrareは2021年12月に最初に導入され、1,000,000,000トークンの総供給があります。総供給のうち、999,941,673のトークンが現在流通しています。 Twitter(@looksrare)でTookrareをフォローするか、Facebookページにアクセスできます。
Investors usually cannot buy alternative cryptocurrencies like LooksRare directly with U.S. dollars. It is recommended to first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin from an exchange that accepts U.S. dollar deposits, such as Gemini, Changelly or Coinbase. Once you have Ethereum or Bitcoin, you can then use it to buy LooksRare from any of the exchanges listed above.
投資家は通常、Tookrareのような代替の暗号通貨を米ドルで直接購入することはできません。 Gemini、Changelly、Coinbaseなどの米ドル預金を受け入れる取引所から、最初にイーサリアムまたはビットコインを購入することをお勧めします。 EthereumまたはBitcoinを使用したら、それを使用して、上記の交換のいずれかからLookrareを購入できます。
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