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Jalyx Huntは、顕現の力を信じています。スーパーボウルの前夜、ルーキーの外のラインバッカーは、クォーターバックのパトリック・マホメスに到達することを想定していました。
Jalyx Hunt is used to having his paychecks go to good causes. After all, the new Eagles linebacker does donate a portion of his earnings to charities focused on children and families in his hometown of Hagerstown, Md. But when fans began a movement to pay a $5,690 fine that Hunt received for a "violent gesture," the rookie felt there was a better use for their money.
Jalyx Huntは、彼の給料を正当な理由にすることに慣れています。結局のところ、新しいイーグルスのラインバッカーは、メリーランド州ヘイガーズタウンの故郷の子供や家族に焦点を当てた慈善団体に収益の一部を寄付します。
Hunt, 24, shared a fundraiser on Thursday afternoon on X, formerly Twitter, for Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia Charter School, a high school in the city's Mount Airy neighborhood. The fundraiser was organized by Barbers Who Care, a nonprofit organization of barbers based in the Philadelphia area who support underserved and marginalized communities. The goal of the fundraiser was to raise $20,000 to send 40 Boys’ Latin students on a trip to visit several colleges in North Carolina and Virginia, including Winston-Salem State, North Carolina A&T, Hampton, Norfolk State, and Virginia Commonwealth.
24歳のハントは、木曜日の午後、以前のTwitterのXで、市内のマウントエアリー周辺の高校であるフィラデルフィアチャータースクールのボーイズラテンの募金活動を共有しました。募金活動は、サービスを受けていない疎外されたコミュニティを支援するフィラデルフィア地域に拠点を置く理髪師の非営利団体であるBarbers Who Careによって組織されました。募金活動の目標は、20,000ドルを調達して、ウィンストンセーラム州、ノースカロライナA&T、ハンプトン、ノーフォーク州、バージニアコモンウェルスなど、ノースカロライナ州とバージニア州のいくつかの大学を訪問するために、40人の男の子のラテン語の学生を訪問することでした。
The post quickly gained attention, especially after It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia actor Rob McElhenney responded with screenshots of his $5,690 donation. In response, several fans began donating to the fundraiser, which had already raised around $7,000. By the time the fundraiser ended on Feb. 16, it had surpassed its goal and raised a total of $25,350.
"They stood on business," Hunt said of Eagles fans.
The fundraiser was created by Kenny Duncan, founder of Barbers Who Care, who also serves as a volunteer youth basketball coach in the Mount Airy area. He grew up three blocks away from Boys’ Latin and has been cutting hair in the city for 18 years.
募金活動は、マウントエアリーエリアでボランティアのユースバスケットボールコーチを務めるBarbers Who Careの創設者であるKenny Duncanによって作成されました。彼は男の子のラテン語から3ブロック離れて育ち、18年間街の髪を切っています。
After buying new gym equipment for the Boys’ Latin basketball team, Duncan was loading it into his truck in the rain when he received a call from an unknown number. He let the call go to voicemail. Later, he checked his phone and saw a text message from Hunt, who told him about the social media movement to support the fundraiser.
"I was like, 'Wow,'" Duncan said. "Contributions were coming in from all over the place. People were donating $40.22 in honor of the Super Bowl LIV final score. Some people were donating $56.90 in reference to the fine."
「私は「すごい」のようだった」とダンカンは言った。 「貢献はあちこちから来ていました。人々はスーパーボウルLIVの最終スコアに敬意を表して40.22ドルを寄付していました。一部の人々は罰金に関して56.90ドルを寄付していました。」
Hunt's involvement in the fundraiser began when his hair stylist, Crystal Russell, shared a post on Instagram about the fundraiser. The post, which was set to the song "Last Night" by the Country Charlies, showed a montage of photos and videos from the fundraiser and included a link in the bio to donate.
募金活動へのハントの関与は、彼のヘアスタイリストであるクリスタルラッセルが募金活動についてInstagramで投稿を共有したときに始まりました。この投稿は、Country Charliesによって「昨夜」の曲に設定されており、募金活動者からの写真とビデオのモンタージュを示し、寄付するバイオにリンクを含めました。
The cause resonated with Hunt, whose mother, Jaaqua, is a teacher and whose father, James, is a first-generation college graduate. In his youth, Hunt used to attend a summer program at Johns Hopkins University and later played college football at Cornell and Houston Christian. Roughly a decade ago, when he was younger, he and his cousin went on trips to visit colleges, experiences that he said he's fond of recalling.
"I could envision myself in the same seats that they're sitting in," Hunt said. "Young Black men trying to better themselves in life. From the same background, a lot of my family, a lot of my friends, they all come from the same socioeconomic background and trying to do things that they're trying to do. I just see myself. I saw my cousin. I saw my brothers and everybody. So it was just something I had to look out for."
「私は彼らが座っているのと同じ席で自分自身を想像することができました」とハントは言いました。 「人生で自分自身をより良くしようとしている若い黒人男性。同じ背景、私の家族、私の友人の多くから、彼らはすべて同じ社会経済的背景から来て、彼らがやろうとしていることをやろうとしています。私は自分自身を見ました。私は私のいとこを見ました。私は兄弟とみんなを見ました。
After learning about the fundraiser, Hunt decided to help raise awareness for it by sharing a post on X. In the post, which was published on Thursday afternoon, Hunt encouraged his followers to contribute to the cause in lieu of the fine.
"I'd prefer y'all donate to this cause instead of paying my fine," Hunt wrote in the post, which has since been liked more than 1 million times and shared over 300,000 times.
The post quickly gained attention, especially after It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia actor Rob McElhenney responded with screenshots of his $5,690 donation. In response, several fans began donating to the fundraiser, which had already raised around $7,000. By the time the fundraiser ended on Friday, it had surpassed its goal and raised a total of $25,350.
"I never thought in a million years that we would reach the goal, let alone surpass it," said Robert Parker, the high school principal of Boys' Latin.
The fundraiser was created by Kenny Duncan, founder of the nonprofit organization Barbers Who Care, who also serves as a volunteer youth basketball coach in the Mount Airy area. He grew up three blocks away from Boys' Latin and has been cutting hair in the city for 18 years.
募金活動は、マウントエアリーエリアでボランティアのユースバスケットボールコーチを務める非営利団体Barbersの創設者であるKenny Duncanによって作成されました。彼は男の子のラテン語から3ブロック離れて育ち、18年間街の髪を切っています。
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