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United Patriot Coin has upgraded its popular Gold & Silver Patriot Pack with the addition of snap-apart silver rounds, offering greater flexibility for trade, barter, or incremental investment.
The original Gold & Silver Patriot Pack has been a favorite among those looking to add small-denomination gold and silver pieces to their precious metal holdings. Each pack includes eight small-sized precious metal rounds and bars, making it an affordable entry point for new investors and a practical addition for seasoned buyers looking to add an easy-to-liquidate component to their stack.
オリジナルのゴールド & シルバー パトリオット パックは、所有する貴金属に少額の金と銀のアイテムを追加したいと考えている人の間で人気があります。各パックには 8 個の小型の貴金属ラウンドとバーが含まれており、新規投資家にとっては手頃な価格のエントリーポイントとなり、スタックに簡単に清算できるコンポーネントを追加したいと考えている熟練のバイヤーにとっては実用的な追加品となります。
The upgraded Gold & Silver Patriot Pack includes two one-ounce silver rounds that can be snapped apart into four separate sections, weighing .25 Troy ounces each. This new feature is comparable to having a $20 bill that can be divided as-needed into four $5 bills, providing flexibility for trade, barter, or incremental investment—all while maintaining the high standards of pure investment-quality silver.
アップグレードされたゴールド&シルバー パトリオット パックには、1 オンスのシルバー弾が 2 つ含まれており、4 つの別々のセクションにスナップして分解でき、それぞれの重さは 0.25 トロイオンスです。この新機能は、必要に応じて 20 ドル紙幣を 4 枚の 5 ドル紙幣に分割できることに匹敵し、純粋な投資品質の銀の高水準を維持しながら、取引、物々交換、または追加投資に柔軟性を提供します。
"As economic uncertainties, election season volatility, and the ever-present chance of some sort of Black Swan event continue to drive demand for precious metals, the Gold & Silver Patriot Pack has evolved to meet the needs of our customers," said Trey Boe, President of United Patriot Coin. "The new snap-apart silver rounds are perfect for people looking to protect and grow their purchasing power while maintaining readiness for an unforeseen event that could have them using their gold and silver as actual currency."
トレイ・ボー氏は「経済の不確実性、選挙シーズンの不安定性、そして常に存在する何らかのブラック・スワン現象の可能性が貴金属の需要を押し上げ続ける中、ゴールド&シルバー・パトリオット・パックは顧客のニーズを満たすために進化した」と述べた。 , ユナイテッド・パトリオット・コイン社長。 「新しいスナップ式シルバーラウンドは、金や銀を実際の通貨として使用する可能性がある予期せぬ出来事に備えながら、購買力を保護し拡大したいと考えている人々に最適です。」
Each Gold & Silver Patriot Pack includes 7 pieces of silver and 1 piece of gold, with a total of 2.22 Troy ounces of silver and .0321 Troy ounces (1 gram) of gold, including:
各ゴールド & シルバー パトリオット パックには、銀 7 枚と金 1 枚が含まれており、合計で銀が 2.22 トロイオンス、金が 0.0321 トロイオンス (1 グラム) 含まれます。以下が含まれます。
Key Benefits of the New Gold & Silver Patriot Pack:
新しいゴールド & シルバー パトリオット パックの主な利点:
Patriots view gold and silver as a means to preserve wealth and heritage, contributing to the long-term prosperity of the nation. The Gold & Silver Patriot Pack is the perfect way to start—or add to—a portfolio of small-denomination gold and silver coins and bars for barter and trade, investment, and long-term store of value.
愛国者は金や銀を富や遺産を保存し、国の長期的な繁栄に貢献する手段とみなしています。ゴールド & シルバー パトリオット パックは、物々交換や貿易、投資、長期的な価値の保存のための小額面の金貨や銀貨や延べ棒のポートフォリオを始める、またはポートフォリオに追加するのに最適な方法です。
The enhanced Gold & Silver Patriot Pack is available exclusively through United Patriot Coin. Interested customers can visit UnitedPatriotCoin.com or call (844) 202-7834 to place an order and learn more about the new features.
強化されたゴールドおよびシルバー パトリオット パックは、ユナイテッド パトリオット コインを通じてのみ入手可能です。ご興味のあるお客様は、UnitedPatriotCoin.com にアクセスするか、(844) 202-7834 に電話して注文し、新機能の詳細をご覧ください。
Why Small-Sized Gold and Silver Pieces Are Essential
In an increasingly uncertain world, the value of small-sized gold and silver pieces cannot be overstated. These tangible assets offer several advantages over traditional fiat currency, especially in times of economic instability or crisis. Here are a few scenarios where owning small-denomination precious metals could prove invaluable:
1. Economic Collapse:
1. 経済崩壊:
In the event of a severe economic downturn or collapse, the value of fiat currency could plummet, rendering it nearly worthless (just look at what happened in Zimbabwe or Argentina). Small-sized gold and silver pieces can provide a stable and reliable means of transaction when paper money fails. History has shown that precious metals maintain their value, even when national currencies do not.
2. Hyperinflation:
2. ハイパーインフレ:
Hyperinflation can erode the purchasing power of fiat currency at an alarming rate. In such scenarios, small-denomination gold and silver pieces offer a hedge against inflation. They can be used to purchase essential goods and services when the local currency's value becomes too volatile or diminishes significantly.
3. Barter and Trade:
3. 物々交換と貿易:
In times of crisis, traditional financial systems and banking infrastructure may become unreliable or inaccessible. Small gold and silver pieces can facilitate barter and trade, providing a universally recognized form of value. They are compact, easily divisible, and widely accepted, making them ideal for everyday transactions.
4. Political Unrest:
4. 政情不安:
Political instability can lead to sudden changes in currency value, restrictions on banking, or even confiscation of assets. Having a stash of small-sized gold and silver ensures that you have a portable and secure form of wealth that can be used or transported across borders if necessary.
5. Natural Disasters:
5. 自然災害:
In the aftermath of natural disasters, local economies can be disrupted, and access to cash may be limited. Gold and silver pieces can be used to trade for essential supplies like food, water, and medicine, providing a critical lifeline in emergency situations.
6. Preservation of Wealth:
6. 富の維持:
Beyond the immediate practical uses, small-denomination gold and silver pieces are an excellent way to preserve and protect wealth over the long term. They act as a store of value that can be passed down through generations, safeguarding economic stability for your family.
7. Diversification:
7. 多様化:
Holding small-sized gold and silver is a prudent way to diversify your investment portfolio. It reduces reliance on traditional financial instruments and offers a safeguard against market fluctuations and economic downturns.
While these scenarios may seem speculative or even controversial, the resilience and enduring value of gold and silver throughout history make them a smart choice for anyone looking to secure their financial future in uncertain times. The Gold & Silver Patriot Pack offers an accessible and strategic way to start
これらのシナリオは投機的で物議を醸すように見えるかもしれませんが、歴史を通じて金と銀の回復力と永続的な価値により、不確実な時代に経済的将来を確保したいと考えている人にとっては賢い選択となります。ゴールド & シルバー パトリオット パックは、アクセスしやすく戦略的な開始方法を提供します。
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