著名な e スポーツ組織である FaZe Clan は、新 CEO のリチャード "バンクス" が率いるブランド変更の一環として、ラインナップの大幅な変更を発表しました。バンクスは組織を「再起動」するために2023年12月以来15人の従業員を解雇しており、その結果、FaZeのメンバーがアダプト、エイペックス、バンクス、ジェブ、ケイサン、ニックマークス、リプレイズ、ロナウド、ラグ、スコープ、スワッグ、 Temperrr、YourRage、Zooma。長年のベテラン、ブレイズとスウェイの脱退はさまざまな反応を引き起こし、元メンバーの中には感謝の気持ちを表明する人もいれば、不満を表明する人もいる。
FaZe Clan has made some major changes to their lineup as part of rebranding efforts by one of the organization's founders, Richard "Banks." Richard recently became the CEO of the company and is supported by other founding members, such as Tommy "Temperrr" and Yousef "Apex". As a part of his efforts to "reboot" the organization, Banks has fired 15 individuals since December 2023.
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This was mentioned in a recent cryptic video uploaded by the clan as part of a post on X. The video also included a list of members who remain with the organization post the major structural changes. The list includes:
Adapt Apex Banks Jev Kaysan Nickmercs Replays Ronaldo Rug Scope Swagg Temperrr YourRage Zooma FaZe Clan's new roster revealed amid new layoffs Apart from the list released as part of the video, Banks took to his X handle to announce the remaining members within the organization following the massive layoffs.
AdaptApexBanksJevKaysanNickmercsReplaysRonaldoRugScopeSwaggTemperrrYourRageZooma.promoted-img {width: 100%;}X への投稿による FaZe Clan の残りのメンバー (画像は FaZeClan/X 経由)FaZe Clan の新しい名簿が新たなレイオフの中で明らかにビデオの一部として公開されたリストとは別に、バンクスは大規模な人員削減後の組織内の残りのメンバーを発表するために、彼の X ハンドルに送信します。
Another list was shared for a split second within the video, showcasing the members who have been let go since layoffs began in December 2023. This also included long-time veterans, such as Blaze and Sway, who have since responded to Banks' move.
These changes were executed by Richard after he became the organization's CEO following the acquisition of the clan by the gaming organization GameSquare. FaZe Clan now functions as an independent, wholly-owned arm of GameSquare, with Banks, who is one of the original founding members, making executive decisions for the organization.
これらの変更は、ゲーム組織 GameSquare によるクランの買収後、組織の CEO に就任したリチャードによって実行されました。 FaZe Clan は現在、GameSquare の独立した完全所有部門として機能しており、当初の創設メンバーの 1 人である Banks が組織の経営上の意思決定を行っています。
Although most former members, such as Blaze, reacted to the news relatively positively and expressed their gratitude towards Banks, others like Kalei seemed dissatisfied with the change.
Breaking down in tears while discussing the subject, Kalei stated that she got "kicked" out of the organization despite being the only creator to attain "millions of impressions" from audiences. She expressed her discontent with how the situation had been "handled".
Banks has since responded to Kalei's statements, citing the reason behind her release. He stated that she had been recruited as part of the clan during the "darkest era" of FaZe, not allowing for a "genuine relationship" to develop. He added that her removal was an effort by the clan to "wipe their slate clean."
Besides calling it a "reboot" in an X post, Banks also compared the contrasting difference between how Blaze reacted to the change and the negative reactions by some other creators, calling the latter "random little clout chasing rats."
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