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Certik Alert Monitoringによると、Ethereum Contract 0x9A79F4105A4E1A050BA0B42F25351D394FA7E1DCは異常なファンドの転送を経験しました
Organizer: Luan Peng, ChainCatcher
オーガナイザー:Luan Peng、チェーンキャッチャー
"What Important Events Happened This Week (2.24-3.2)"
1、Infini Contract Attacked, Over $49 Million Stolen; Infini Officials Claim Full Compensation
1 infini契約が攻撃され、盗まれた4,900万ドルを超えました。 Infiniの役人は完全な補償を主張しています
According to Certik Alert monitoring, the Ethereum contract 0x9A79f4105A4e1A050Ba0b42F25351D394fA7E1DC experienced abnormal fund transfers, with the receiving address 0x3ac96134fb0e42a52d33045aee50b89790f05ed0 receiving approximately $49.5 million and converting the funds into the stablecoin Dai. The details indicate that account 0xc49b5e5b9da66b9126c1a62e9761e6b2147de3e1 was hacked, granting address 0x8e9b permission to withdraw all funds. The attacker has converted all funds into 17,696 ETH (worth $49 million). Community feedback regarding the Infini contract led to a response from Infini officials stating that an investigation is pending and losses will be fully compensated.
Certik Alert Monitoringによると、Ethereum Contract 0x9A79F4105A4E1A050BA0B42F25351D394FA7E1DCは、受信アドレス0x3AC96134FB0E42A52D33045AEE50B888990F05ED0を受け取るというアドレスを受け取っています。 Stablecoin Daiへの資金。詳細は、アカウント0xc49b5e5b9da66b9126c1a62e9761e6b2147de3e1がハッキングされ、すべての資金を撤回するための住所0x8e9b許可を付与したことを示しています。攻撃者は、すべての資金を17,696 ETH(4900万ドル相当)に変換しました。 Infini契約に関するコミュニティのフィードバックは、調査が保留されており、損失が完全に補償されると述べているInfini当局者からの回答につながりました。
2、Solana Co-founder Toly Supports SIMD-0228 Proposal
2 、Solanaの共同設立者TolyはSIMD-0228の提案をサポートしています
Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko (Toly) expressed his support for the SIMD-0228 proposal. Previously, Finality Capital Partners partner David Grider argued that the points mentioned in the SIMD-0228 proposal were flawed, claiming that high staking rewards are detrimental to DeFi yields; inflation increases selling pressure and should be judged based on network fees; high staking rewards reduce demand for ETFs; staking returns are not optimized for U.S. taxes like capital gains; and higher staking yields do not lead to higher prices; and the related staking formula will optimize the staking ratio to address security issues (which he views as the most significant security risk and flawed approach).
Solanaの共同設立者であるAnatoly Yakovenko(Toly)は、SIMD-0228の提案に対する彼の支持を表明しました。以前、Finality Capital PartnerのパートナーであるDavid Griderは、SIMD-0228の提案で言及されたポイントには欠陥があると主張し、高いステーキング報酬はDefiの利回りに有害であると主張しています。インフレは販売圧力を高め、ネットワーク料金に基づいて判断されるべきです。高いステーキング報酬は、ETFの需要を減らします。リターンのステーキングは、キャピタルゲインのような米国の税に対して最適化されていません。そして、より高いステーキング利回りは価格の上昇につながることはありません。また、関連するステーキングフォーミュラは、セキュリティの問題に対処するためにステーキング比を最適化します(彼は最も重要なセキュリティリスクと欠陥のあるアプローチと見なしています)。
David Grider also stated, "The proposal does raise the right questions. How much inflation is needed? But before making changes, we have other questions to answer. Let's slow down and do more work to understand the impacts." In response, Toly said, "This is crucial; reducing the inflation rate will actually slow the process."
David Griderはまた、「提案は正しい疑問を提起します。インフレが必要ですか?しかし、変更を加える前に、私たちには答えるべき他の質問があります。これに応じて、Toly氏は「これは非常に重要です。インフレ率を下げると、実際にプロセスが遅くなります」と述べました。
SIMD-0228 introduces a market-driven release mechanism based on staking participation rates. This mechanism uses a static curve to reduce the total issuance rate through the square root coefficient of the staking participation rate.
3、Infini Founder: Personal Private Key Was Not Leaked; Oversight During Permission Transfer
3 、INFINI創設者:個人的な秘密鍵は漏れていませんでした。許可譲渡中の監視
Infini founder Christian tweeted, "A friend joked that I've had it too easily, and I said I'm always ready for the first disaster. I didn't expect that after Bybit, the next incident would be myself. The personal private key was not leaked; it was an oversight during the permission transfer. Ultimately, it's my responsibility, and this has served as a wake-up call. Currently, there are no liquidity issues, and we can fully compensate, and we are tracing the funds."
4、Anti-Musk Protests Erupt Across Multiple U.S. Cities
Anti-Musk protests have erupted across multiple U.S. cities, part of a growing backlash in North America and Europe against Musk's disruptive role in Washington.
According to a report by the U.S. media outlet Bloomberg, at least four cities in the U.S.—Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Seattle—saw demonstrations against Tesla over the past week, aiming to pressure the electric car manufacturer to increase wages and unionize. These protests were organized by labor groups and antifascist movements.
The report mentions that these protests are also related to the upcoming U.S. presidential election, targeting and criticizing Tesla's stock purchases.
After Trump sold his social media platform Truth Social to an unnamed group of investors in February, there were rumors that he planned to return to the campaign trail and possibly run for president again in 2024. However, Trump's campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, stated in March that these rumors were false and that Trump had no plans to run for president again.
Nevertheless, Trump's actions sparked discussion among antifascist groups, leading them to organize protests against Trump and Musk, hoping to oppose Musk, the leader of the world's most valuable car manufacturer, by targeting and criticizing Tesla's purchases.
Liberal groups have organized anti-Tesla protests for weeks to stir opposition to Musk and motivate Democrats who still feel frustrated after Trump's victory last November.
The protests have targeted several Tesla dealerships in Colorado, where a woman charged by federal prosecutors for a series of incidents at the dealerships, including throwing Molotov cocktails
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