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If you're anything like me, then the thought of handing over your credit card online or in person fills you with dread. After all, it feels like there's a new data breach in the news every week. And when a retailer suffers a data breach, they usually have no way of notifying customers quickly enough to cancel and replace any affected cards before thieves begin making contactless payments.
Of course, if you're shopping in a physical store, then you can use Apple Pay, Google Wallet, or Samsung Wallet on your iPhone, Android phone, or Galaxy phone to keep your payment card credentials safe. But if you're shopping on a website, then you don't have these options. At least, not unless you're shopping at a small selection of e-commerce platforms.
もちろん、物理的な店で買い物をしている場合は、iPhone、Android電話、またはGalaxy電話でApple Pay、Googleウォレット、またはSamsungウォレットを使用して、支払いカードの資格情報を安全に保つことができます。しかし、あなたがウェブサイトで買い物をするなら、あなたはこれらのオプションを持っていません。少なくとも、eコマースプラットフォームの少数の選択で買い物をしていない限り、そうではありません。
3Start Using a Digital Wallet
When shopping in person, don't pull your credit card out of your wallet unless you have to. You can use your phone instead. iPhones and Android phones alike have the ability to make digital payments. All you have to do is add your cards to Apple Pay or Google Wallet and tap your phone against the same payment terminal you would normally tap your card against. If you have a Galaxy phone, you have the option to use Samsung Wallet instead.
直接買い物をするときは、必要な場合を除き、クレジットカードをウォレットから引き抜かないでください。代わりに携帯電話を使用できます。 iPhoneとAndroid携帯電話は、デジタル支払いを行うことができます。あなたがしなければならないのは、あなたのカードをApple PayまたはGoogleウォレットに追加し、あなたが通常あなたのカードをタップするのと同じ支払い端末に対してあなたの電話をタップすることです。 Galaxy電話をお持ちの場合は、代わりにSamsungウォレットを使用するオプションがあります。
Each of these apps keeps your credit cards hidden from the retailer you are doing business with. Instead, they create a virtual token, which is effectively a temporary replacement number to funnel the payment through. The retailer can't track your shopping patterns because your number changes each time. If the retailer suffers a data breach, you don't have to cancel and replace your credit cards. The numbers you used when making purchases are already gone anyway.
I was skeptical at first, but now I get why digital wallets are safe to use.
2Create Temporary Virtual Burner Cards
These digital wallets are less helpful when shopping online. Some websites accept Google Wallet, for example, but most don't. For an option that you can use on any website, consider using a virtual card instead. Your bank might offer this feature, but if not, you can sign up for the service through a company like Privacy. Privacy's cards are accessible through a web browser and via a mobile app—and yes, virtual cards are also safe to use.
If you're using Privacy, whenever you're ready to make a payment, with a single tap, you create a new card for one-time use or make one to be used exclusively with a single retailer. The latter is helpful for any of your recurring subscriptions, such as Netflix. It's also great for places where you shop frequently but don't pay a monthly fee, like Steam.
Unlike digital wallets, these virtual burner cards are not tied to your existing physical payment cards. Instead, you connect Privacy to a funding source such as your bank account or debit card. Since Privacy lets you track how much money you spend on each virtual card, the service can also be a great help with budgeting.
1At Least Use PayPal
If you want to use your existing payment cards, then you can stick to a service like PayPal, at least when you're shopping online. PayPal has been around for decades and is accepted at many websites. It allows you to save all of your payment cards to a single PayPal account, which saves you from having to re-enter your cards every time you check out. PayPal does not provide sellers with your actual card numbers, thus keeping you safe in the event of data breaches.
既存の支払いカードを使用する場合は、少なくともオンラインで買い物をするときは、PayPalのようなサービスに固執することができます。 PayPalは何十年も存在しており、多くのウェブサイトで受け入れられています。これにより、すべての支払いカードを単一のPayPalアカウントに保存できます。これにより、チェックアウトするたびにカードを再入力する必要がなくなります。 PayPalは、実際のカード番号を売り手に提供していないため、データ侵害が発生した場合に安全を維持します。
Unlike digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet, which are accepted anywhere that accepts NFC payments, PayPal is not something you can use at any store. It's up to a seller's discretion whether to accept PayPal. Amazon is a prime example of one that does not. So, while PayPal can be part of how you secure your cards online, you can't bank on it as your only solution.
Apple Pay、Google Wallet、Samsung Walletなどのデジタルウォレットは、NFCの支払いを受け入れるどこでも受け入れられているものとは異なり、PayPalはどの店でも使用できるものではありません。 PayPalを受け入れるかどうかは、売り手の裁量によるものです。 Amazonは、そうでないものの代表的な例です。したがって、PayPalはオンラインでカードを保護する方法の一部になることができますが、唯一の解決策として銀行を銀行することはできません。
Shopping online has long come with added risks, but since retailers collect and store some of our financial data, shopping in person isn't without risk either. But with the right tools, you can reclaim some of your financial security. Or you could stick to cash.
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