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、さらには Tesla Model 3 を獲得するチャンスもあります。output: title: 次のブルランが始まる前に、今すぐ購入すべき 25 のベスト仮想通貨
2024/07/18 04:08
investors, and more. As for the platform itself, it features plenty of games, including Mega Dice, Mega Crash, Mega Mines, Mega Goal, Mega Slots, Mega Keno, Mega Hilo, Mega Wheel, Mega Texas, and Mega Baccarat.
投資家など。プラットフォーム自体に関しては、メガ ダイス、メガ クラッシュ、メガ マインズ、メガ ゴール、メガ スロット、メガ キノ、メガ ヒロ、メガ ホイール、メガ テキサス、メガ バカラなど、豊富なゲームを備えています。
The project also comes with its own governance token, called DICE, which serves as the utility token of the Mega Dice platform. It is used for paying taxes on winnings, and it is burned with each withdrawal, which reduces the supply over time and increases the value of each remaining token.
このプロジェクトには、Mega Dice プラットフォームのユーティリティ トークンとして機能する、DICE と呼ばれる独自のガバナンス トークンも付属しています。これは賞金に対する税金の支払いに使用され、出金のたびに燃やされるため、時間の経過とともに供給が減少し、残りの各トークンの価値が増加します。
The token had a great start this year, and it reached a price of $0.22, while its price on July 15 is $0.13. However, it is still far away from its ATH, and it has great potential to reach former heights once again during the next bull run. As such, now is the time to buy DICE low and see it multiply in value later on.
このトークンは今年素晴らしいスタートを切り、価格は0.22ドルに達しましたが、7月15日の価格は0.13ドルです。しかし、ATHにはまだ程遠く、次の強気相場で再び以前の高みに到達する可能性は大いにあります。したがって、今が DICE を安く購入し、後でその価値が倍増するのを確認する時期です。
output: The crypto world is currently waiting for the next big rally, and many believe that it will come before the end of the year, especially since several months have passed since the latest Bitcoin block rewards halving.
出力: 暗号通貨の世界は現在次の大きな上昇を待っており、特に最近のビットコインブロックの報酬が半減してから数か月が経過しているため、多くの人がそれが年末までに来ると信じています。
Of course, there are still those who claim that year-long rallies taking place 6-12 months after the halving are just a coincidence, but a large part of the community still believes that the rally will come before the end of the year.
With that being the case, now is the perfect time to buy prominent coins before the next bull run takes place. Furthermore, whether you believe that the crypto bull run is connected to the halving or not, the coins and tokens listed below are all excellent opportunities for investors who wish to enrich their portfolios.
All of them were carefully selected based on the experts’ opinions, their technology, support from the community, ideas and goals, potential, and many other factors. And, while some of them you may have expected to find on a list like this, there are many that you may not have even heard of, but should still consider.
The list of the best cryptos to buy now even has some coins and tokens that are still in presale, making them the best opportunities available. Once they are out in circulation, there is no telling how high their prices might go. However, while they are still holding their respective ICOs, their prices are fixed, outside of scheduled increases.
今購入するのに最適な仮想通貨のリストには、まだプレセール中のコインやトークンも含まれており、それらは利用可能な最高の機会となっています。一度流通すると、価格がどこまで上昇するかわかりません。ただし、それぞれの ICO はまだ開催されていますが、価格は予定されている値上げを除いて固定されています。
Make no mistake, the market is showing signs of an upcoming rally, and by the time the next bull run starts, all of these cryptocurrencies will likely be going to the moon. With that said, here are the 25 best cryptos to buy now, before the next bull run starts.
Here is the list of the best cryptos to buy now, in 2024
Best Cryptos To Invest In Now
Bitcoin (BTC)
ビットコイン (BTC)
Most lists like this one start off with Bitcoin, and there is a good reason for it. Bitcoin is the first and largest cryptocurrency by market cap, not to mention the most dominant one in the market. Ever since the first altcoin was created, Bitcoin’s price has been determining how the crypto industry will move as a whole, in both good times and bad.
The coin has grown a lot since the early days, and each major rally so far has pushed its price beyond past limits. In 2017, BTC reached $20k for the first time, while the one in 2021 pushed it to $69k. Earlier this year, the coin managed to exceed that limit even before the big rally truly started, hitting a new ATH at $73,750 on March 14.
このコインは初期から大きく成長しており、これまでの大きな上昇のたびに価格が過去の限界を超えて上昇しました。 2017年にBTCは初めて2万ドルに達しましたが、2021年には6万9千ドルまで上昇しました。今年初め、このコインは大規模なラリーが本格的に始まる前であってもなんとかその制限を超え、3月14日には新たなATHの73,750ドルに達した。
However, once the next bull run truly begins, there is no telling how far the coin might go. Some believe that it will aim for $100k, while others think that twice that amount is more than possible. Some more optimistic community members think that BTC might hit half a million, or even $1m as its next record. It is impossible to tell before it happens, but one thing that is certain is that Bitcoin is the way to go if you are gearing up for the next big price boost.
しかし、実際に次の強気相場が始まると、コインがどこまで上昇するかはわかりません。目標額は10万ドルだと考える人もいるが、その2倍は不可能ではないと考える人もいる。もっと楽観的なコミュニティメンバーの中には、BTC が次の記録として 50 万ドル、さらには 100 万ドルに達するかもしれないと考えている人もいます。それが起こる前に判断することは不可能ですが、1つ確かなことは、次の大幅な価格上昇に備えているならビットコインが最適であるということです。
Also, with its price currently at $62.5k, now is the perfect time to buy low, as it is likely to only go up from here.
Pepe Unchained (PEPU)
ペペ アンチェインド (PEPU)
One of the new coins that you may not have expected to find on the list is Pepe Unchained — a new meme coin that has not even completed its presale yet.
リストにあるとは予想していなかった新しいコインの 1 つは、まだプレセールすら完了していない新しいミーム コイン、Pepe Unchained です。
Inspired by the same Pepe meme as many others that came before it, Pepe Unchained still managed to stand out from the rest by becoming the first Pepe crypto to have its own blockchain. Its chain is a Layer-2 blockchain developed on Ethereum’s network. As such, it allowed it to ‘unchain’ itself from Ethereum’s limitations, but like most other ETH-based
Pepe Unchained は、それ以前に登場した他の多くの同じ Pepe ミームにインスピレーションを得て、独自のブロックチェーンを備えた最初の Pepe 暗号通貨となることで、依然として他のものよりも目立つことに成功しました。そのチェーンはイーサリアムのネットワーク上で開発されたレイヤー2ブロックチェーンです。そのため、他のほとんどの ETH ベースと同様に、イーサリアムの制限から自らを「解放」することができました。
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