
Coin collecting is a rewarding hobby that can also be quite lucrative. While not all coins are created equal, there are certain pieces that can be worth a small fortune. One such coin is a 10-cent piece that was minted in Austria in 2002.
This particular coin features St. Stephen's Cathedral, one of the most iconic landmarks in Vienna. However, what makes this coin so valuable is not just its design. Upon closer inspection, you will notice that the coin has a minting error. Specifically, there is an excess of copper, which has increased the relief in certain areas of the coin.
This minting error is one of the details that collectors value the most. While this flaw may not be immediately noticeable, experts are certainly aware of it. As a result, they have assigned this coin a high value in the market.
When it was first released, this coin was worth just 10 cents. Today, however, you can find it listed for as much as 800 euros on websites like eBay. So, if you are planning a trip down Route 66 in the United States or have any other travel aspirations, be sure to thoroughly search your pockets. You never know, you might just find the coin that will help finance your dream adventure.
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