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Some cryptocurrency investors are worried about data security in the future. Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) owners often tout the largest coin's unchanging qualities as a major selling point. But if Bitcoin's technical platform never changes, how can it meet unexpected challenges and adapt to new threats? In particular, won't Bitcoin's encryption crumble quickly against an assault from quantum computing systems?
一部の暗号通貨投資家は、将来のデータセキュリティを心配しています。ビットコイン(暗号:BTC)の所有者は、多くの場合、主要なセールスポイントとして最大のコインの不変の資質を宣伝します。しかし、ビットコインの技術プラットフォームが変わらない場合、予期しない課題にどのように対応し、新しい脅威に適応できますか?特に、Quantum Computing Systemsからの攻撃に対してビットコインの暗号化はすぐに崩れませんか?
So here's something you should know before you write off Bitcoin entirely, or invest in it hastily. Bitcoin can have the system stability cake and eat incoming threats too.
Bitcoin is indeed changing over time, and should be safe from quantum computing attacks in the long run. It's just very unlikely to make sudden turns into dangerous or economically unsound moves, such as changing its inflation-proof coin-minting process.
The imagined threat
Quantum computers are supposed to disrupt many industries in a big way. A powerful system of this type is ideal for finding patterns in seemingly random data. They will crack the genetic code of genetic diseases, provide the most accurate weather forecasts ever, and bring clarity to the chaos of financial markets.
And of course, they will be able to break the encryption algorithms at the heart of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
If and when that happens, that must be the end of Bitcoin as we know it. Scoundrels and miscreants will be able to change, delete, or insert data into Bitcoin's blockchain ledger, moving billion-dollar fortunes with the click of a quantum-powered mouse.
The "feature" that surely leaves the data security door open
This wouldn't be such a scary situation if Bitcoin's technology wasn't so unchangeable. You often hear crypto bulls touting the firm cap of 21 million Bitcoins as an immovable guard against inflation. Once the last fraction of the 21-millionth digital coin has been minted, there simply won't be any more production. With 19.83 million Bitcoin already created, that's 94.4% of all Bitcoin that ever will exist.
ビットコインのテクノロジーがそれほど不変でなければ、これはそれほど恐ろしい状況ではありません。あなたはしばしば、インフレに対する不動の警備員として2100万のビットコインの会社の上限を宣伝しているCrypto Bullsを聞くことがよくあります。 2億2,000万件のデジタルコインの最後の割合が鋳造されると、これ以上生産はありません。すでに1983万人のビットコインが作成されているため、これは存在するすべてのビットコインの94.4%です。
So Bitcoin isn't changing. When the bad actors finally get their hands on game-changing quantum computers, Bitcoin's data security must fall.
The end.
How Bitcoin's updates actually work
Hold your horses, dear investor.
The computing platform behind Bitcoin can indeed change over time. The Bitcoin Core software that manages the blockchain ledger and the Bitcoin mining procedure is up to version 28.1 these days. The latest update fixed a few bugs and added some developer-friendly features. It was released on October 2, 2024, to be followed by a more substantial "major version" in the spring of 2025.
ビットコインの背後にあるコンピューティングプラットフォームは、実際に時間とともに変化する可能性があります。ブロックチェーン台帳とビットコインマイニング手順を管理するビットコインコアソフトウェアは、最近ではバージョン28.1までです。最新の更新により、いくつかのバグが修正され、開発者に優しい機能が追加されました。 2024年10月2日にリリースされ、2025年の春により実質的な「メジャーバージョン」が続きました。
These changes could indeed include very important features and software bits, including the limit of 21 million coins and the encryptions methods in use.
And there are already encryption methods that are hard to crack with quantum computing systems. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the first federal standards for quantum-hardened encryption in 2022. Development efforts toward this goal started in 2016. IBM (NYSE:IBM) included these quantum-resistant algorithms in the z16 mainframe systems the same year, and will make these encryption solutions mandatory over time. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is quietly rolling out data security with quantum-safe algorithms, too.
また、量子コンピューティングシステムでクラックするのが難しい暗号化方法がすでにあります。 National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)は、2022年に量子硬化された暗号化の最初の連邦基準を発表しました。この目標に向けた開発努力は2016年に開始されました。IBM(NYSE:IBM)は、Z16 Mainframe Systemsにこれらの量子抵抗性アルゴリズムを同じ年に含め、これらの暗号化解決を時間をかけて魅力的にします。 Microsoft(NASDAQ:MSFT)は、Quantum-Safeアルゴリズムを使用して静かにデータセキュリティを展開しています。
There's absolutely no reason to believe that the Bitcoin developer community will let the whole system run into quantum-based hacking issues. Long before quantum computers grow powerful enough to pose a real threat, the old-school SHA-256 hash function will be replaced by a quantum-safe alternative.
The key thing to remember is that updates only happen with a proper majority approval. More than half of the systems running the Bitcoin blockchain need to install the new version in order to achieve consensus on approving each transaction on the public ledger. A so-called 51% attack is possible, but only if you control more than half of the world's Bitcoin mining power -- a tall order even for trillion-dollar tech giants or governments. And before that, every software update goes through a meticulous process of planning, development, testing, and installation.
And it would not be in the community's best interest to adopt software versions with unwanted features. The 21-million coin cap is safe, because upping that limit would immediately lower the value of the Bitcoin holdings and mining systems that made it possible to change that particular number.
そして、不要な機能を備えたソフトウェアバージョンを採用することはコミュニティの最大の関心事ではありません。 2億100万のコインキャップは安全です。その制限を上げると、その特定の数を変更することが可能になったビットコインホールディングと鉱業システムの価値がすぐに低下するためです。
Bitcoin owners shouldn't worry about quantum hackers
So Bitcoin developers have the freedom to tackle technical challenges, including the future threat of hackers with quantum computers. The system is also sophisticated enough to resist unwanted software changes. No project, system, or organization is ever 100% safe against every threat, and that's only more true in the unfamiliar cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin investors shouldn't lose sleep over this particular issue
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