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ビットコインの半減期: 投資家、マイナー、市場動向への影響

2024/04/23 09:00


Every four years, crypto asset investors witness an important event called bitcoin halving day.




In the world of crypto assets which is often filled with large price fluctuations and great opportunities for profit, halving day is a moment that is eagerly awaited and is considered a crucial factor in achieving success for crypto asset investors.




The halving event is a highly anticipated moment because it is expected to push Bitcoin prices up. This is caused by a decrease in Bitcoin supply following the halving, resulting in a perception of Bitcoin scarcity and potentially a positive driver for Bitcoin prices.




What is Halving Day?




Halving day is the time when the reward block in a crypto protocol is reduced by half or 50 percent. This indicates that the number of new coins created as rewards for miners has halved.

半減日とは、暗号プロトコルの報酬ブロックが半分または 50 パーセントに減少する日です。これは、マイナーへの報酬として作成された新しいコインの数が半減したことを示しています。



Halving in the world of crypto assets involves halving the rewards earned by miners. The purpose of halving is to maintain the scarcity of a crypto asset, such as Bitcoin.




With the halving, the number of new coins entering circulation remains limited, which in turn is expected to encourage an increase in the value of the asset. Halving Bitcoin is a halving of mining rewards, with the aim of maintaining asset scarcity.




With the halving, the number of new Bitcoins entering circulation remains controlled, thereby increasing the potential for an increase in asset value. The main goal of halving is to regulate the supply of Bitcoin.




By reducing the reward for mining new blocks, the rate of new Bitcoin production slows. This helps control inflation and maintain the stability of Bitcoin’s value.




History of Halving Day: How and When Did It Happen?


半減期の歴史: いつ、どのようにして起こったのか?


Reducing rewards from mined blocks has been part of the plan since Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, published a white paper for this crypto asset on October 31, 2008.




This white paper is a document that first introduced the concept of digital assets, which later became known as the crypto asset Bitcoin (BTC). Halving day in the world of crypto assets was first introduced by Bitcoin.

このホワイトペーパーは、後に暗号資産ビットコイン (BTC) として知られるようになったデジタル資産の概念を初めて導入した文書です。暗号資産の世界における半減日は、ビットコインによって初めて導入されました。



On the first halving day that occurred in 2012, the reward for bitcoin miners was reduced to 25 bitcoins. Then, the reward was reduced to 12.5 bitcoin on the second halving day of 2016.

2012 年に最初の半減期が行われた日、ビットコインマイナーへの報酬は 25 ビットコインに減額されました。その後、2016 年の後半の半減期には報酬が 12.5 ビットコインに減額されました。



On the third halving day which occurred on May 11 2020, the reward for miners was reduced to 6.25 BTC. If we continue with the history of halvings then the next halving is expected to occur in 2024 with the reward for miners being 3,125 BTC.

2020年5月11日に起こった3回目の半減期には、マイナーへの報酬は6.25 BTCに減額されました。半減期の歴史を続けると、次の半減期は 2024 年に起こり、マイナーへの報酬は 3,125 BTC になると予想されます。



9 Things You Need to Do After the Bitcoin Halving




ビットコインの半減期: 投資家、マイナー、市場動向への影響



After the bitcoin halving, there are several things that traders and investors need to do, including the following:




1. Convert to Bitcoin




After a halving occurs, Bitcoin prices tend to increase because the supply decreases. This is why investors and traders may be interested in buying Bitcoin before or after the halving event.




If you don’t have Bitcoin yet then buying it before the price increase occurs could be a wise move.




2. Pay Attention to Trends


2. トレンドに注目する


Before and after the halving, Bitcoin prices may experience fluctuations. Historical data shows that Bitcoin prices tend to be lower before the halving and increase afterward.




3. Study Technical Trends


3. 技術動向の調査


Technical factors, such as support and resistance, trends, and technical indicators, can influence Bitcoin price movements. You can deepen your understanding of these technical trends and use them to make better investment decisions.




4. Study Crypto Project Announcements


4. スタディクリプトプロジェクトのお知らせ


Bitcoin halving is an important event that can influence the market. However, apart from halving, there are also various other events that have the potential to influence the market, such as announcements regarding crypto projects.




5. Pay Attention to Economic Conditions


5. 経済状況に注意を払う


Economic conditions, including inflation, fluctuations in the price of goods, and low income levels, can impact the price of Bitcoin.




6. Study Economic Indicators


6. 経済指標を調べる


Economic indicators, such as GDP, GRDP, and Per Capita Income, can influence the price of Bitcoin. You can deepen your understanding of these economic indicators and use them to make better investment decisions.




7. Study Market Trends


7. 市場動向の調査


Market movements, including trends in the stock, forex, and commodity markets, can have an impact on the price of Bitcoin. You can study market trends and utilize them in your investment decision-making process.




8. Study Global Market Trends


8. 世界市場の動向を調査する


Global market movements, such as trends in European, Asian and American markets, can influence Bitcoin prices. You can deepen your understanding of global market trends to help in making investment decisions.




9. Study Halving Trends


9. 半減傾向の調査


Halving changes, including Bitcoin halving, Ethereum halving, and other crypto asset halvings, can impact the price of Bitcoin. You can deepen your understanding of this halving trend and integrate it into your investment decision-making process.




Economic Impact of the Halving on Bitcoin






Quoting the page, the economic impact of the Bitcoin halving is enormous, highlighting the deflationary design and its impact on market dynamics. Historically, halving events have often correlated with bullish trends in Bitcoin prices.




This pattern is primarily caused by a decrease in the rate of new Bitcoin creation, which causes supply to become more limited at a time when demand remains stable or increases.




Such inadequacies could increase Bitcoin’s appeal as a digital store of value, compared to precious metals such as gold.




Additionally, anticipation and speculation surrounding these events often amplifies market activity and investor interest, further influencing price movements.




The cyclical interaction between halving events and market dynamics highlights the delicate balance between supply and demand in the Bitcoin economy, strengthening its position as an attractive investment vehicle in the broader financial landscape.




Halving Day Effects on Bitcoin Miners




Quoting the page, although determining the impact of the halving on the average Bitcoin investor is challenging, it seems certain that the halving will dramatically change the Bitcoin mining industry.




Bitcoin “miners” are essentially the guardians of the network, protecting the network from attacks, creating new Bitcoins, and earning financial rewards in return for their actions.




After the halving, the reward for miners for processing new transactions will be reduced from 6.25 Bitcoins to 3,125 (approximately $200,000)—an immediate, significant reduction in revenue.

半減後は、新規トランザクションの処理に対するマイナーの報酬は 6.25 ビットコインから 3,125 ビットコイン (約 20 万ドル) に減額され、即時に大幅な収益減少となります。



As a result, mining will become unprofitable for many small operations. When they go out of business or sell themselves to large operations, such as Marathon Digital Holdings Inc. or CleanSpark Inc., the industry is likely to consolidate.

その結果、多くの小規模な事業にとってマイニングは採算が合わなくなるでしょう。彼らが廃業したり、Marathon Digital Holdings Inc. や CleanSpark Inc. などの大規模企業に身売りしたりすると、業界は統合される可能性が高い。



“People are going to operate in a slightly profitable environment for as long as possible,” said Adam Sullivan, CEO of Bitcoin mining company Core Scientific. “Those are the people who will probably be looking to buy, probably in the 6 to 12 month time frame. ”

ビットコイン採掘会社コア・サイエンティフィックの最高経営責任者(CEO)アダム・サリバン氏は、「人々はできるだけ長く、わずかに利益が出る環境で活動することになるだろう」と語った。 「これらの人々はおそらく6〜12か月以内に購入を検討しているでしょう。 」



However, Bitcoin mining companies that survive and gain market share from those that pull out could reap huge rewards, said Matthew Sigel, head of digital asset research at global investment manager VanEck.




“Miners have always been cockroaches in the energy market; they are very agile,” he said. “We think the second half of the year will be very strong for Bitcoin miners, as long as Bitcoin prices are on the rise.”

「エネルギー市場では、鉱山労働者は常にゴキブリでした。彼らは非常に機敏です」と彼は言いました。 「ビットコイン価格が上昇している限り、今年下半期はビットコインマイナーにとって非常に好調な時期になると考えています。」



The Last Bitcoin Halving Event is Estimated to Occur Around 2140




Quoting the page, the last Bitcoin halving event is expected to occur around 2140, marking the end of new Bitcoin emissions with the mining of the 21,000,000th Bitcoin.




The network will shift to relying entirely on transaction fees as an incentive for miners.




The long-term effects on Bitcoin’s price, security, and Bitcoin’s role in the global financial system remain the subject of speculation and depend on a variety of factors, including technological developments and broader economic conditions.




List of Other Crypto Assets that Implement the Halving System




Quoting the page, apart from Bitcoin, there are several other crypto assets that also implement the halving system. The following is the complete list, including: ページを引用すると、ビットコイン以外にも半減システムを実装している暗号資産がいくつかあります。以下は、以下を含む完全なリストです。



1. Litecoin Halving


1. ライトコインの半減期


Created by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer and Director of Engineering at Coinbase, in October 2011, Litecoin is often considered the “silver” to Bitcoin’s “gold.” It operates on a decentralized and open source global payment network.

元 Google エンジニアで Coinbase のエンジニアリング ディレクターである Charlie Lee によって 2011 年 10 月に作成されたライトコインは、ビットコインの「金」に対する「銀」であると考えられています。分散型のオープンソースのグローバル決済ネットワーク上で運営されています。



Lee aims to overcome some of Bitcoin’s limitations, resulting in faster transaction confirmation times for Litecoin and making it more suitable for everyday transactions.

Lee 氏は、ビットコインの制限の一部を克服し、ライトコインのトランザクション確認時間を短縮し、日常のトランザクションにより適したものにすることを目指しています。



Litecoin halving, like Bitcoin halving, is a predetermined event where the block reward decreases approximately every four years or after every 840,000 blocks. This cycle is projected to continue until 2142.

ライトコインの半減期は、ビットコインの半減期と同様、ブロック報酬が約 4 年ごと、または 840,000 ブロックごとに減少する事前に決定されたイベントです。このサイクルは 2142 年まで続くと予測されています。



Although its impact on the market is less pronounced than Bitcoin, LTC typically experiences increased trading volume and price volatility leading up to a halving event.

市場への影響はビットコインほど顕著ではありませんが、LTC は通常、半減期に向けて取引量の増加と価格変動を経験します。



2. Bitcoin Cash Halving


2. ビットコインキャッシュの半減期


Bitcoin Cash emerged in August 2017 from a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. Known for processing over 100 transactions per second due to its larger block size, BCH offers a decentralized currency system, with an emphasis on peer-to-peer electronic payments.

ビットコイン キャッシュは、ビットコイン ブロックチェーンのハード フォークから 2017 年 8 月に登場しました。 BCH は、ブロック サイズが大きいため 1 秒あたり 100 を超えるトランザクションを処理することで知られており、ピアツーピア電子決済に重点を置いた分散型通貨システムを提供します。



Bitcoin Cash’s first halving occurred in April 2020. Contrary to expectations, BCH’s halving did not coincide with Bitcoin’s because it uses a different mining algorithm, resulting in an accelerated block mining rate and an earlier halving date.

ビットコイン キャッシュの最初の半減期は 2020 年 4 月に発生しました。予想に反して、BCH の半減期はビットコインの半減期と一致しませんでした。BCH は異なるマイニング アルゴリズムを使用しているため、その結果、ブロック マイニング レートが加速され、半減期日が早まりました。



However, right after the halving event occurred, BCH experienced almost 2 hours of silence before the next block was mined. Although Bitcoin Cash is capable of handling around 116 transactions per second, this figure drops drastically to just 1.11 TPS.

しかし、半減イベントが発生した直後、BCH は次のブロックがマイニングされるまでほぼ 2 時間の沈黙を経験しました。ビットコイン キャッシュは 1 秒あたり約 116 件のトランザクションを処理できますが、この数字はわずか 1.11 TPS に大幅に低下します。



This is because BCH uses the same mining mechanism as Bitcoin so miners can easily switch to other coins.

これは、BCH がビットコインと同じマイニングメカニズムを使用しているため、マイナーは他のコインに簡単に切り替えることができます。



This resulted in a large number of miners leaving the Bitcoin Cash network to seek better returns elsewhere.




As a result, the mining difficulty level increases, making it less profitable for miners who continue to mine BCH tokens. Therefore, the upcoming BCH halving event could be very controversial.

その結果、マイニングの難易度が上がり、BCH トークンのマイニングを続けるマイナーの収益性が低下します。したがって、今後のBCH半減イベントは非常に物議を醸す可能性があります。



3. Bitcoin Vision Satoshi (Bitcoin SV) Halving


3. ビットコイン ビジョン サトシ (ビットコイン SV) 半減期


Bitcoin SV (BSV), originating from BCH, it was created in November 2018, by a group led by Craig Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

BCH を起源とするビットコイン SV (BSV) は、サトシ・ナカモトと名乗るクレイグ・ライト率いるグループによって 2018 年 11 月に作成されました。



BSV’s unlimited block size, reaching up to 4GB, enables low and stable transaction fees. This unlimited block size allows miners to choose the block size they want.

BSV のブロック サイズは無制限で、最大 4 GB に達するため、低額で安定したトランザクション手数料が可能になります。この無制限のブロック サイズにより、マイナーは必要なブロック サイズを選択できます。



However, this flexibility carries the risk of centralization and vulnerability to attack, as was proven in an incident in October 2022 in which an unknown miner controlled more than 51% of the hash power.

ただし、この柔軟性には集中化と攻撃に対する脆弱性のリスクが伴います。これは、未知のマイナーがハッシュ パワーの 51% 以上を制御した 2022 年 10 月のインシデントで証明されました。



4. Dash Halving


4. ダッシュの半分化


Dash is an open source crypto asset that emerged in 2014, forked from the Bitcoin protocol. It functions as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and is managed by “masternodes” (powerful servers backed by collateral held in Dash, and designed to provide sophisticated services and governance on the blockchain).

Dash は、2014 年に登場した、ビットコイン プロトコルから分岐したオープンソースの暗号資産です。これは分散型自律組織 (DAO) として機能し、「マスターノード」 (Dash に保持されている担保に支えられ、ブロックチェーン上で洗練されたサービスとガバナンスを提供するように設計された強力なサーバー) によって管理されます。



In contrast to the sudden halvings of other crypto assets, Dash experienced a gradual decline of approximately 7.14% approximately every 383.25 days.

他の暗号資産の突然の半減とは対照的に、Dash は約 383.25 日ごとに約 7.14% の緩やかな下落を経験しました。



5. Zcash Halving


5. Zcashの半減期


Developed by experts from MIT and Johns Hopkins, Zcash stands out for its privacy technology, which offers confidential transactions. Zcash has a unique reward allocation.

MIT とジョンズ ホプキンスの専門家によって開発された Zcash は、機密取引を提供するプライバシー テクノロジーで際立っています。 Zcash には独自の報酬配分があります。



When it launched, Zcash established a reward allocation plan called Founder’s Reward (FR) to fund Zcash development. According to the reward plan, 80% (5 ZEC) of the mining rewards will go to the miners, while 20% will be distributed among the founders and investors of Electric Coin Company.

Zcash はローンチ時に、Zcash の開発資金として Founder's Reward (FR) と呼ばれる報酬配分計画を確立しました。報酬計画によると、マイニング報酬の 80% (5 ZEC) はマイナーに与えられ、20% は Electric Coin Company の創設者と投資家に分配されます。



After the FR ends, the community votes and agrees that miners will receive 80% of the mining rewards.

FR 終了後、コミュニティは投票を行い、マイナーがマイニング報酬の 80% を受け取ることに同意します。



The remaining 20% will be split between grants to fund independent third-party developers (8%), Electric Coin Co (7%), and the Zcash Foundation (5%), which helps sustain miners mining ZEC.

残りの 20% は、独立したサードパーティ開発者 (8%)、Electric Coin Co (7%)、および ZEC のマイニングを続けるマイナーの維持を支援する Zcash Foundation (5%) に資金を提供する助成金に分配されます。







In conclusion, halving days are important events in the Bitcoin ecosystem because they have a major impact on the supply and demand of this asset.




By halving rewards for miners, halving days limit the supply of new Bitcoins entering the market.




That in turn could lead to an increase in Bitcoin’s value. Historically, halving days are often associated with an upward trend in Bitcoin prices.




Furthermore, for all crypto market players, a good understanding of halving day events is very important.




In this case, Bitcoin investors, traders and users need to understand how the halving day affects market dynamics and how they can exploit it to their advantage.




By paying attention to these events and carefully analyzing their impact, market players will hopefully be able to make better investment decisions and optimize their results in the dynamic crypto market.




Buy Bitcoin on INDODAX




So, now you understand what a Bitcoin halving day is, from history to what to do after Bitcoin halving day.




Next, if you are interested in buying bitcoin then you can buy it at INDODAX. Before buying bitcoin on INDODAX, you can check the price first and make a purchase on the INDODAX Market.

次に、ビットコインの購入に興味がある場合は、INDODAX で購入できます。 INDODAX でビットコインを購入する前に、INDODAX マーケットで価格を確認して購入することができます。



For your information, INDODAX is the best crypto buying and selling platform and is a pioneer in trading crypto assets in Indonesia.

ご参考までに、INDODAX は最高の暗号通貨売買プラットフォームであり、インドネシアにおける暗号資産取引のパイオニアです。



INDODAX is also committed to always providing easy access for investors to the crypto asset market.

INDODAX は、投資家が常に暗号資産市場に簡単にアクセスできるようにすることにも取り組んでいます。



Furthermore, as a disclaimer, it needs to be emphasized again that, like other types of investment, crypto asset investment is not free from risk.




This is because the asset value fluctuates and the level of volatility is high. Therefore, it is highly recommended to do research first before investing in crypto assets.




So, let’s start investing in your crypto assets now only on INDODAX!



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