
Data from Glassnode shows that Bitcoin’s short-term holders are currently enjoying a profit dominance. The Profit/Loss Ratio for short-term holders has reached 1.2, indicating that a greater number of short-term Bitcoin holders are experiencing profits compared to those incurring losses. This marks a positive shift for Bitcoin’s short-term investors.
Glassnodeのデータは、ビットコインの短期保有者が現在利益の優位性を享受していることを示している。短期保有者の損益比率は 1.2 に達しており、より多くの短期ビットコイン保有者が損失を被っている人よりも利益を得ていることを示しています。これはビットコインの短期投資家にとって前向きな変化を示している。
The Profit/Loss Ratio measures the proportion of investors who are experiencing profits and losses in their Bitcoin investment. A ratio above 1 signifies that a majority of investors are realizing profits. In recent times, this ratio has crossed 1 standard deviation above the 90-day moving average, indicating a shift in sentiment towards positivity. This positive sentiment may further suggest a continuation in the rise of Bitcoin price, as the majority of holders stand to gain from any future upside.
損益率は、ビットコイン投資で利益と損失を経験している投資家の割合を測定します。比率が 1 を超える場合は、大多数の投資家が利益を実現していることを意味します。最近では、この比率は 90 日移動平均を 1 標準偏差上回っており、感情がポジティブに変化していることを示しています。保有者の大多数が将来の上昇から利益を得られる立場にあるため、この前向きなセンチメントはビットコイン価格の上昇が継続することをさらに示唆している可能性があります。
At present, Bitcoin is trading at $65,350, up by 4.60% over the last 24 hours. This recent surge in price has been particularly beneficial to investors who were concerned about Bitcoin’s price fluctuations. As more short-term holders move into profitability, the situation seems to be reflecting an improving confidence within the market.
The rising trend in Bitcoin price is also supported by a positive sentiment analysis of the cryptocurrency market. Many analysts have suggested that Bitcoin could continue to rise as institutional investors and demand for digital currencies increase. It has been noted that a higher percentage of investors in Bitcoin are focused on short-term gains compared to those who are invested for the long term.
However, it is crucial to remember that the crypto market is highly volatile. Price movements are not constant, and investors should continue to monitor other indicators, such as the Profit/Loss Ratio, to identify any future changes in trends.