- Mango markets exploiter Avraham Eisenberg has been charged with the possession of child pornography
- FBI agents first discovered the material during a search of his devices in January 2023
Avraham Eisenberg, who was recently found guilty of fraud and market manipulation in relation to his $110 million heist from Mango Markets, has been charged with possession of child pornography.
PolicyMango 市場エクスプロイター、児童ポルノ所持で起訴 FBI コンピュータ分析対応チームの捜査官が、2023 年 1 月にアイゼンバーグのデバイスを捜索中に初めてこの資料を発見 BySam Reynolds 2024 年 4 月 29 日、午前 6 時 11 分 UTCUpdatedFacebook でシェア LinkedIn でシェア XAvraham アイゼンバーグ (LinkedIn) でシェア 10未来への分散化の年月 2024 年 5 月 29 ~ 31 日 - テキサス州オースティンあらゆる暗号通貨、ブロックチェーン、Web3 の最大かつ最も確立されたグローバルハブ2023年1月に自身のデバイスを捜索中に初めてこの素材を発見した。最近、マンゴー・マーケットからの1億1000万ドル強奪に関連して詐欺と市場操作の罪で有罪判決を受けたアブラハム・アイゼンバーグは、児童ポルノ所持の罪で起訴された。
The court documents that are dated April 3, but were released on April 26, allege that some of the images in his possession were of prepubescent minors who were under the age of 12.
The allegations have not been proven in court.
A prior court document filed in August revealed that the material was first discovered on Eisenberg’s cell phones and laptops during an initial search of them related to the charges of market manipulation and fraud.
Upon discovery of the material, the Government applied for and obtained a second warrant, expanding the scope of the original warrant to search for evidence of offense related to the possession and receipt of child pornography in February 2023, court documents read.
The child pornography charges were first reported by investigative journalist Christopher Brunet, who also claims to have screenshots of Eisenberg “talking about children in really disgusting ways.”