
Arichain, a blockchain network recognized for its rapid transaction speeds, has announced a strategic partnership with Ankr, a leading Web3 infrastructure provider. The collaboration will focus on enhancing blockchain scalability and improving developer accessibility by integrating Ankr’s advanced suite of Web3 tools with Arichain’s Delegated Random Proof-of-Stake (DRPoS) consensus mechanism. Details of the partnership were revealed through Arichain’s official communication channels.
A significant aspect of this partnership will see Ankr take on the role of a validator within the Arichain network, participating in both the testnet and mainnet phases. Ankr’s contribution of high-performance blockchain connectivity is expected to strengthen network stability and amplify transaction processing capabilities within the Arichain ecosystem.
このパートナーシップの重要な側面により、ANKRはArichainネットワーク内のバリデーターの役割を引き受け、テストネットフェーズとメインネットフェーズの両方に参加します。 ANKRの高性能ブロックチェーン接続の貢献は、ネットワークの安定性を強化し、Arichainエコシステム内のトランザクション処理機能を増幅することが期待されています。
Ankr, recognized as a prominent Web3 development hub, provides key infrastructure tools that facilitate seamless interaction with more than 70 blockchains. Its extensive expertise in decentralized node services, RPC endpoints, and staking solutions contributes to making it a valuable asset within the Arichain ecosystem.
Arichain’s blockchain framework is engineered for high efficiency, achieving transaction speeds of over 1.5 million transactions per day and block times of only three seconds. The integration with Ankr is expected to further optimize these capabilities, rendering the network more inclusive and developer-friendly.
Arichainのブロックチェーンフレームワークは、高効率のために設計されており、1日あたり150万を超えるトランザクションのトランザクション速度とわずか3秒のブロック時間を達成しています。 ANKRとの統合は、これらの機能をさらに最適化し、ネットワークをより包括的で開発者に優しいものにすることが期待されています。
With this partnership, developers working on Arichain will gain access to Ankr’s advanced Web3 tools, simplifying the process of decentralized application (dApp) development and ensuring faster and more reliable blockchain interactions. As the collaboration unfolds, industry participants and developers will be keenly observing its impact on the broader blockchain ecosystem.