
Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit and a noted figure in the cryptocurrency and social token space, has joined Project Liberty's bid to acquire TikTok in the U.S., and he's planning to bring the platform "on-chain."
Redditの共同設立者であり、暗号通貨とソーシャルトークンスペースの有名な人物であるAlexis Ohanianは、米国でTiktokを買収するプロジェクトリバティの入札に加わり、プラットフォームを「オンチェーン」にすることを計画しています。
Ohanian is a well-known investor in crypto startups, and his investment vehicle, Seven Seven Six, has been active in major fundraising rounds for companies like Bored Ape Yacht Club creator Yuga Labs, Doodles, Rainbow, and Sorare.
OhanianはCrypto Startupsの有名な投資家であり、彼の投資手段Seven Seven Sixは、退屈なAPE Yacht Clubの作成者Yuga Labs、Doodles、Rainbow、Sorareなどの企業の主要な資金調達ラウンドで活動しています。
Earlier this year, Ohanian's Seven Seven Six participated in a $50 million Series C funding for Vivid Impact, a startup focused on creating a positive environmental and social impact through video games.
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