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Nachrichtenartikel zu Kryptowährungen
Titel: Bitcoin BTC/USD ist in den letzten sieben Tagen um 14% gesunken
Mar 01, 2025 at 01:37 am
Bitcoin BTC/USD ist in den letzten sieben Tagen um 14% gesunken und veranlasst Experten, über die Rolle der Liquidität in dieser Korrektur zu debattieren.
Bitcoin BTC/USD has declined by 14% over the past seven days, prompting experts to discuss the role of receding liquidity in this correction.
Bitcoin BTC/USD ist in den letzten sieben Tagen um 14% zurückgegangen und forderte Experten auf, die Rolle der Abnahme der Liquidität in dieser Korrektur zu erörtern.
According to a detailed thread on X by UnlimitedFnds Chief Investment Officer Bob Elliott, the post-election crypto rally is winding down, with many assets completing full round trips from their highs.
Laut einem detaillierten Thread zu X von UnlimitedFnds Chief Investment Officer Bob Elliott läuft die Krypto-Rallye nach der Wahl nach unten, wobei viele Vermögenswerte die vollen Rundfahrten von ihren Höhen abgeschlossen haben.
Bitcoin has dropped 20% from its post-election peak, indicating weakness across crypto markets.
Bitcoin ist von seinem Peak nach der Wahl um 20% gesunken, was auf Schwäche auf Kryptomärkten hinweist.
Cryptocurrency Prices Today
Kryptowährungspreise heute
Campione: "We’re tracking a 20% pullback in BTC from the post-election high, which also coincides with a 20% pullback in ETH from its post-election high (and new all-time high). In aggregate, over the past seven days, we’re seeing weakness across the board in crypto markets."
CAMPIONE: "Wir verfolgen einen 20% igen Rückzug in BTC aus dem Hochwahlen-Hoch, der auch mit einem 20% igen ETH-Rückzug aus dem Hochwahlen-Hoch (und dem neuen Allzeithoch) zusammenfasst. In den letzten sieben Tagen sehen wir in Krypto-Märkten insgesamt Schwäche."
Elliott highlighted that several assets have fully reversed their recent gains.
Elliott betonte, dass mehrere Vermögenswerte ihre jüngsten Gewinne vollständig umgekehrt haben.
* Ethereum ETH/USD and Solana SOL/USD have erased their post-election gains, signaling broader market-wide risk aversion.
* Ethereum ETH/USD und Solana Sol/USD haben ihre Nachwahlen-Gewinne gelöscht und eine breitere marktweite Risikoaversion signalisiert.
* Crypto-related equities, including Strategy MSTR, have fully reversed their recent gains.
* Crypto-bezogene Aktien, einschließlich Strategie MSTR, haben ihre jüngsten Gewinne vollständig umgekehrt.
* Even speculative assets are struggling—meme coin Fartcoin FARTCOIN/USD lost momentum, and Trump-themed cryptocurrencies have cooled off from their highs.
* Sogar spekulative Vermögenswerte kämpfen-Meme Coin Fartcoin Fartcoin/USD verlorene Dynamik, und Kryptowährungen mit Trump-Thema haben sich von ihren Höhen abgekühlt.
Why It's Important: Elliott views crypto's downturn as an early warning sign of broader liquidity withdrawal.
Warum es wichtig ist: Elliott betrachtet Cryptos Abschwung als Frühwarnzeichen für einen breiteren Liquiditätsentzug.
As explained by Elliott, crypto benefits first from excess liquidity, making it a leading indicator for risk assets.
Wie Elliott erklärt, profitiert Crypto zuerst von überschüssiger Liquidität, was es zu einem führenden Indikator für Risikovermögen macht.
"If anything, I would say that crypto is the first to benefit from excess liquidity and therefore also the first to suffer when liquidity starts to dry up. In essence, it’s a leading indicator for risk assets."
"Wenn überhaupt, würde ich sagen, dass Crypto der erste ist, der von überschüssiger Liquidität profitiert, und daher auch der erste, der bei Trocknen anfängt.
The current crypto weakness suggests that liquidity conditions are tightening ahead of 2025, which could lead to broader financial strain.
Die derzeitige Krypto -Schwäche legt nahe, dass sich die Liquiditätsbedingungen vor 2025 verschärfen, was zu einer breiteren finanziellen Belastung führen könnte.
"If anything, I think we can say that, if anything, the crypto market is the first to benefit from excess liquidity and therefore also the first to suffer when liquidity starts to dry up. In essence, it’s a leading indicator for risk assets. If we’re thinking about a 2025 time frame for the Fed to begin cutting rates and if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything,
"If anything, I think we can say that, if anything, the crypto market is the first to benefit from excess liquidity and therefore also the first to suffer when liquidity starts to dry up. In essence, it's a leading indicator for risk assets. If we're thinking about a 2025 time frame for the Fed to begin cutting rates and if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if anything, if, if anything, if anything, if anything, Wenn überhaupt, wenn überhaupt, wenn überhaupt, wenn überhaupt,,,
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