Telegram, led by CEO Pavel Durov, unveils plans to tokenize Telegram stickers and emojis as NFTs. This move follows the success of tokenized usernames and anonymous numbers on Telegram. The tokenization project will exclusively utilize the TON blockchain, and the native token Toncoin (TON) has witnessed a surge in value due to positive market sentiment surrounding the NFT initiative and the integration of USDT on TON.
Telegram Embarks on Ambitious Tokenization Journey, Including Stickers and Emojis
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Feb. 27, 2023) – Telegram, the renowned secure messaging platform, has unveiled a groundbreaking plan to tokenize its highly sought-after stickers and emojis as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), signaling a pivotal stride in its embrace of blockchain technology.
This announcement, made by Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov at the Token2049 Dubai conference, marks a significant expansion of the company's tokenization efforts, which have already witnessed remarkable success with tokenized usernames and anonymous numbers, generating substantial revenue for users.
Central to Telegram's tokenization strategy is the utilization of The Open Network (TON) blockchain, a platform that has gained prominence since Telegram's implementation of its "Ad Network," enabling users to monetize in-platform advertisements and receive a 50% share of the ad revenue.
"We believe in socially-relevant NFTs, those deeply integrated into human culture, interaction, and communication," Durov elucidated. "NFTs that have the potential to spread virally, reaching billions of viewers. These are the right NFTs. Therefore, our next step is to tokenize Telegram stickers."
The announcement has had a positive impact on the value of Toncoin (TON), the native token of the TON blockchain. TON's price surged to $7.20 earlier today, buoyed by both the NFT news and the recent integration of USDT, the world's leading stablecoin, onto the TON blockchain by Tether, the company behind USDT.
Telegram's entry into the NFT space aligns with the growing recognition of NFTs as a means of representing unique digital assets and fostering community engagement. Telegram's vast user base and reputation for innovation position it well to drive widespread adoption of tokenized stickers and emojis, potentially unlocking new revenue streams and enhancing the user experience.
As Telegram continues its exploration of blockchain technology, the tokenization of stickers and emojis serves as a testament to the company's commitment to innovation and its belief in the transformative potential of the blockchain. The integration of TON, a blockchain specifically designed for decentralized applications, further strengthens Telegram's commitment to building a robust and scalable platform for its users.
Telegram's latest move is a bold testament to the growing convergence of social media, messaging platforms, and blockchain technology. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Telegram's tokenized stickers and emojis will reshape the digital landscape and further embed blockchain into our daily lives.