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Apr / 15- Bitcoin plummets, flash crashes, long at the top and short at the bottom? If Bitcoin's support goes downhill effectively, then 50,000 cannot hold on, and the currency circle bloggers and members will move #btc #eth. Bitco
- Apr 15, 2024 at 02:48 am 币圈🚩会员群搬运
- 币圈各大博主vip策略发布群!(7x24h自动搬运,包含提阿非罗、舒琴vip、Jimmy米哥禁言群、rose、binancekillers等30+博主频道!博主太多了不一一列举了)Telegram联系客服:https://t.me/sqbtc123Telegram免费群组:https://t...
- Bitcoin’s overall crypto market plummeted, what is the economic signal behind it #bitcoin #bitcoin #blockchain #Ethereum #cryptocurrency #virtual currency #currency circle #stock market
- Apr 15, 2024 at 02:42 am 比特币行情分析
- 大家好,这里是比特币行情分析,知币圈热点,解读财经大事。今天跟大家聊聊加密市场整体暴跌,背后的经济信号是什么。在过去的24小时里,全球加密货币市场经历了一次剧烈的价格波动。自4月12日晚至4月13日凌晨,主要的数字货币如比特币、以太坊及其他多种小型代币的市值普遍下跌。这一突如其...