# | Exchange | Pairs | Price | Volume (24h) | Volume (%) | Confidence | Liquidlity Score | Earn |
{{ index+1+((marketpage-1)*marketpagesize) }} |
| {{val.marketPair}} | ${{ decimal(val.price,true) }} | {{val.volume24h}} | {{val.volumePercent}}% | Low Moderate High | {{val.effectiveLiquidity}} | Details |
Showing {{ marketoffsetleft }}-{{ marketoffsetright }} ( in total {{ markettotal }})
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About MimbleWimbleCoin
MWC is an in-progress implementation of the MimbleWimble protocol. Many characteristics are still undefined but the following constitutes the first set of choices: - Clean and minimal implementation, and aiming to stay as such. - Follows the Mimblewimble protocol, which provides hidden amounts and scaling advantages. - Cuckoo Cycle proof of work in two variants named Cuckaroo (ASIC-resistant) and Cuckatoo (ASIC-targeted). - Relatively fast block time: one minute. - Fixed block reward over time with a decreasing dilution. - Transaction fees are based on the number of Outputs created/destroyed and total transaction size. - Smooth curve for difficulty adjustments.
Communtity feeds
- Twitter source
- {{val.author }} {{val.createtime }}